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MIDIbox SEQ V4 Release + Feedback


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Alright! :smile:

But I will consider an enhancement in MIOS Studio anyhow, because I'm sure that with the new SysEx forwarding behaviour this will happen very often in future.


Some words to Alex' request:

Would it be possible to have each individual drum within a drum track mute when using the "utility mute" function? I use it when first powering up, and would like to not have to mute each individual drum within drum tracks. The main reason is that all of my tactile switches are slowly failing... I'm putting off changing them all out because I know it is going to be a royal pain in the butt...


Nice tutorials, BTW!!!





Would it help, if layer/drum mutes are stored in the pattern, and restored whenever it's selected?

Advantage: the initial mute states won't get lost when you are switching to this pattern

Disadvantage: let's say you are playing different patterns during a live session, and then switch back to the first pattern which has some layer mutes set - this might result into unintended mutes.

Therefore I'm unsure if this approach is really desired.


On the other hand it would solve other usecases as well.

E.g. somebody could prepare layers for different CCs - with the mutes he would be able to define, which CCs are actually used, and he could quickly enable them whenever they are needed. There is currently no other way to handle this without a cumbersome configuration procedure.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hi Thorsten!


I've been thinking about this question today, and for me I think the below option would hamper my workflow. I switch between patterns, and rely on the mutes to stay the same when switching between patterns. The easiest solution for me would be if everything was muted on power up by default.


I haven't updated the firmware in awhile, and I'm wondering if being able to control AOUT tracks with the LRE8x2 (MBNG) is possible yet? I have my ssm2044 boards hooked up to the AOUT_NG, and would like to use encoders to control cutoff and resonance through NRPN messages.




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I can confirm that I've a similar issue! :-(

Does anybody know, if there are better switches available, which are compatible to this one: http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/TL1100F160Q/EG1821-ND/59082


+1 - same problem here (sorry for ot, just wanted to confirm a general hardware problem with these switches), they are failing around my most used mute track buttons :-(.


Many greets,


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Hello TK,


I have some issues with V77 regrding the behaviour of the ALL Button:


-The "absolute function" by holding the ALL Button depressed to "copy" the Parameter value of the currently turned encoder to all steps does no longer work

-Relative changes (not holding the button depressed) do randomly apply only to some ore only the current step althogh all GP Leds are on (this is als an issue on V76)


I have set:


BUTTON_BEH_ALL          1



And here a proposal from my side:

I think it would be handy to have a Pitchwheel default page on the Mixer Maps, preferable on page 9?


Just to mention: still having lots n lots of fun with my SEQ! :smile: Thank You very very much!



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I haven't updated the firmware in awhile, and I'm wondering if being able to control AOUT tracks with the LRE8x2 (MBNG) is possible yet? I have my ssm2044 boards hooked up to the AOUT_NG, and would like to use encoders to control cutoff and resonance through NRPN messages.


no, this isn't available yet.

I added your request to the wishlist, which is currently very long since so many people requested so different features

As a temporary solution, you could try to pass CCs to the AOUT port via the MIDI Router




+1 - same problem here (sorry for ot, just wanted to confirm a general hardware problem with these switches), they are failing around my most used mute track buttons :-(.


Meanwhile I got the proposal that this button could be a good replacement: http://de.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Omron-Electronics/B3F-5050/?Omron-Electronics/B3F-5050/&qs=dOLq8QE0Pqqk/O9x2OpTQw==

But I'm not 100% sure, if the footprint is compatible - and actually I would like to test 1..2 before replacing all buttons.

Does anybody have experiences with the Omrom buttons?




-The "absolute function" by holding the ALL Button depressed to "copy" the Parameter value of the currently turned encoder to all steps does no longer work


It works, but due to the changed handling, you've to move the encoder of the selected step (marked with >...<)




I think it would be handy to have a Pitchwheel default page on the Mixer Maps, preferable on page 9?


I can't add additional pages (resp. additional mixer map parameters)

Would it be ok, to handle it like a "CC" in the CC assignment map (selected with CC number >= 128)?


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Oh I see, should have read the changelog.......  :whistle:



Would it be ok, to handle it like a "CC" in the CC assignment map (selected with CC number >= 128)?


Yes, this would be absolute sufficient, I just "requested" this feature as i noticed the
pitchbend missing in the Mixer while exploring it. I have no actual need for it but think it could be useful in some cases,
tuning drums for example.

Finally a qustion i guess i already kow the answer:
I was trying to record the arpeggiator output of one track by using the realtime record on another track via Bus1.
But i could not get it to work. I think to remember that this was discussed already some time ago and that it is not possible due to
some technological limitations.
Is this right?
Or am i just missing something or doing something wrong to get it work?  
(guess it should work by connecting a physical MIDI in and Out port via cable)

Best Regards,
"posting before reading"


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi TK,


a big thanks to you from me! for the new Midibox SEQ V4 upgrade, which I had finished last days! The application looks great and a lot of points look very similar to SEQV3, which makes my life easier ;) Go ahead!


I like also the little gimicks like loader screen etc.


big thx and Greets,


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  • 3 weeks later...

Can someone please point me to an interconnection diagram for SeqV4 to MBHP_Core_LPC17, I've figured out where the LCD's go but can't seem to figure out the rest of it and I can't find one on the site or forum's. Using Wilba frontpanel PCB.



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Hi, well I'm just not finding the LPC_17 connections. If I go to MIDIbox SEQ V4 -->User Manual -->Hardware Options I only see connections for a Core STM32 at the top of the page and the tutorials are how to use it once you build it.

Maybe you can give me  a link to the pdf.



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Necessary PDF documents


from the LPC17 based core page:



from the MIDIbox SEQ V4 -->User Manual -->Hardware Options Page:





from the SD Card Page:



Greetings, rio.

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Hi there, been absent for a while, now back to jamming with the MBSeq on latest firmware - sweeter than ever !


One thing I was wondering about: the groove can be set individually per track.

Would it be useful to have a kind of global groove parameter ?

I.e.: scale groove itensity (pre-configured for each track) from 0% to 100 % ?

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Hello all,

I´m bloody new to this forum, as posting, but was reading it for months.


My main question is: are there still front panel PCB´s availbale, because at smashTV it is saying for long time: "Production run in process".

I also know about the wiki and the new order-list, but I can´t login there and add myself to the list with my midibox-forum credentials, is it a different login?

If anyone could point me in the right direction... Thank you!

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  • 4 weeks later...

@Stuartm: the big question is, in which page such a global parameter should be made accessible.


Since your request really makes sense (because unequal intensity settings in the tracks result into unwanted delay differences), I could also change it that way, that the intensity parameter is always changed to the same value for all tracks. And if somebody doesn't like this handling, it could be optionally disabled in the (new) Options page (available with V4.078), which allows to add more customization flags without much effort at my side in future.


@MusicCircus: I guess that your questions have been answered in meanwhile.


Ok, back to topic: I think it makes sense to release the changes that I did ca. 1..2 months ago - have fun! :smile:


MIDIboxSEQ V4.078

   o removed MSD (mass storage device) mode to save some memory.
     With the MIOS Filebrowser (integrated into MIOS Studio) this mode has a good
     replacement meanwhile. For direct access to the SD Card another application (like
     MIDIO128) could be temporary uploaded... or the SD Card can be plugged into
     a common SD Card reader.

   o Options page has been overworked, so that more options can be added in future

   o experimental: if Live mode or a MIDI Router based "Track" or "Sel.Trk" is active,
     and Note, CC, PitchBender, Program Change is received on the selected IN Port,
     the corresponding track layer (or LFO CC) will be muted completely, or temporary for
     a given number of steps.
     This allows to temporary overrule events generated by the sequencer from
     an external MIDI keyboard or controller.
     This feature has to be configured in the UTILITY->Options page, it's disabled by default!

   o activate the ALL function (press ALL button) in the mute page to get a new 
     menu page which allows to mute/unmute all tracks, layers of current track or 
     mute&layers of all tracks.
     Sidenote: this obsoletes the UTILITY->MUTE and UNMUTE function, which might
     be replaced by something else in future.

   o the 6 new mute/unmute functions are now also accessible from dedicated buttons
     (and LEDs). They have to be assigned in the MBSEQ_HW.V4 file.

   o it's now possible to control the track mutes via CCs.
     The first CC (for the first track) has to be configured in the MENU->MIDI->Ext.Ctrl
     page. The remaining tracks are controlled from the 15 consecutive CCs.
     E.g. if the CC number is set to 16, the mutes of track 1-16 are controlled with
     CC#16 .. CC#31

   o it's now possible to dump a mixer map via CC. The CC has to be configured in the 
     MENU->MIDI->Ext.Ctrl page.

   o a CC assigned to a sequencer layer won't be sent if it's also assigned to
     the LFO "Extra CC"

   o if a track is initialized, CC layers will be assigned to "off" by default
     (no CC will be sent). The desired CC number has to be set explicitly before a
     CC layer will send an event.

   o in record mode, incoming CC events will be automatically assigned to free CC 
     layers so that no pre-configuration is required (like known from MBSEQ V4L).
     A CC layer is "free" (unassigned) as long as the CC number is turned "off". This
     is the default setting for all CC layers after initialisation, and can be changed
     in the MENU->EVENT page if desired.

   o Trigger/Layer/303 edit view working again



Best Regards, Thorsten.

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@Stuartm: the big question is, in which page such a global parameter should be made accessible.


Since your request really makes sense (because unequal intensity settings in the tracks result into unwanted delay differences), I could also change it that way, that the intensity parameter is always changed to the same value for all tracks. And if somebody doesn't like this handling, it could be optionally disabled in the (new) Options page (available with V4.078), which allows to add more customization flags without much effort at my side in future.


Dunno, there's some space left in the Groove page, above No. 7/8 (right after Intensity).

But your approach with the Options page sounds sensible, might prevent compatibility issues.

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You are right, it would also be possible to provide the global intensity control at the groove page.

It's unlikely that another parameter will be added to this page, therefore position 7/8 are free for this purpose.


Note that this won't be an additional parameter, but just a shortcut to change the intensity parameter of all tracks at once.

Is this acceptable?


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi TK,


I've just finish my SeqV4 and really like playing with it. One thing that I couldn't manage sending Sysex files to my XG sound module. As I checked it with a midi monitor, it sends only the first or some other sysex message from the file, but the most commands are missing.


After playing some track, it sends midi messages (note on-off) also with the one or few sysex-s. It seams like a buffer garbage from the last played track.


I use the newest SEQ V4.078 FW and didn't try with earlier.

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