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MIDIbox SEQ V4 Release + Feedback


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Hello everybody!I am finishing a control surface for a Seq V4 right now. I would have some questions concerning the CS. It was impossible today to get 27 Green LEDs. I set so 27 Red Leds. Which resistor should I change to allow them to work fine? In addition, it was difficult for me to notice the polarity of these Leds on the PCB...

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Keep in mind there are two main types of LEDs: older yellow, green and yellowy-green which each have a forward voltage of about 2V and newer diodes (especially green at 525nm, blue, white etc.) with Vf= to 3-4V. Check the data sheet and compare both the forward voltages and brightnesses in mcd. Brightness is somewhat non-linear with respect to the current passing through the junction but it can be tuned somewhat.

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Thanks to both of you. According the notice from Wilba, I changed R5 R6 R7 R7a R8 R8a R5a R6a to 1Kohm.

Now, the little problem I meet is the soldering face of the J1 and J2.

I initially set the connector on the Components side.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to connect the corresponding connector due to place problem between the PCB and the front panel.

I assume the best solution is tho soldered the J1 and J2 connector pins on the opposite face, let's call it the copper face.


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The correct side is the rear, otherwise you will also need to mirror the cable or its connector. You may find the easiest way to remove it is to cut or slide off the plastic part of the header, then remove the pins one by one. (Technically you could also melt the solder and push the pins through, but the result will probably be quite messy.)

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Hi all,

I have finished my control surface for the Seq V4.
I uploaded the midibox_seq_v4_086/MBHP_CORE_STM32/project.hex
It seems the mapping of the control surface doesn't fit to the software.
When I press BPM, the display shows the step view menu...
What's wrong?
Any idea?


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  • 2 weeks later...


I noticed that if a loopback track is controlling another track with the latter in Transpose mode, the controlled track will take its Transpose-controlling note from the last note layer of the controlling track – the last one that has a note value in it, that is. Offhand I think it would be handier to take it from the first note layer, because the first note layer's contents are most of the time easily accessible by pressing a single button, but for the other note layers the you have to enter Layer View (EDIT + GP button).

This came up when I was fiddling around with loopback tracks and and switching between Transpose and Arpeggiator modes. I forgot some chords in a track that was controlling the transpose of another track and was confused why changing the value of the first note layer has no effect on the transpose.

EDIT: I'm on 4.089

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I agree that this can be confusing. I will add a new option which allows to select the key selection strategy soon: first, last, highest note, lowest note (these modes may also be interesting if the transpose value is entered with the BLM or with an external keyboard)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 1 month later...

A new version is available (right before christmas! ;-)

MIDIboxSEQ V4.090

   o Fx->Scale page: the configured scale is now displayed at the right
     half of the page

   o Track duplication now also possible with COPY+PASTE in UTILITY page

   o Track selections (Parameter/Trigger Layer, instrument, step view)
     can now be handled individually for each track.
     This function can be enabled in the UTILITY->Opt menu (item #9/16)

   o added BLM fader configuration to UTILITY->Opt menu (item #14/16)
     Up to 8 faders can be connected to the BLM16x16+X
     They can send a CC value either to a statically assigned Port/Chn, or to
     the Port/Chn defined by the track.

     Optionally value can be sent with inverted polarity (turn encoder beyond CC#127).

     Additional (internal) functions can be added in future.

   o BLM in keyboard mode: transpose only takes place if track not in normal
     (no transpose) mode!

   o if a track plays a sustained note, and doesn't play a step anymore
     (all gates cleared), the sustain will be cancled now

   o improved Auto Start in Jam page

   o Jam recording options are now stored/restored in/from session 
     configuration file

   o SONG button has now the same function like the SELECT button: it shows
     a configuration page. This makes it more consistent to the EDIT button.
     In future, the SELECT button might get a new function in SONG page.

   o Song mode: if Steps per Measure < Steps for Pattern synchronisation, the
     song sequencer will already switch to the next pattern with the next measure.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's too bad that those faders (OPT Menu item 14) are an option only together with the ever so slightly scarce BLM16x16+X. It would be great if one could simply connect a cheapo (... or DIY'ed, of course) MIDI-Controller that would then turn into this "meta-controller", eg controlling the values for each track's saved Mixer Map CCs (that might be assigned to a different CC-number in each map, and a pass-thru mode would make sure there is no value-jumping). Or, even better, they might be assigned to control FX parameters, like the MIDI Delay feedback for eight channels at the same time ... Imagine having a motor-fader controller for that! Sick performance possibilities would ensue!

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Reconsidering my statement above, i assume it should be possible to use the four assignable Cs in the mixer map via a loopback Bus to control sequencer parameters via the CC implementation. That would be great, as it would be a way to work around a design limitation, this being that you are only ever able to modify parameters of one track (or the same parameter of several tracks, if several tracks are selected, but then not individually – another workaround is to stay on the same page, FX Delay in that case, and change the active track via the lefthand buttons).

It's a bit like on the Machinedrum: I can only change the decay of the BD if I'm on the BD channel, not the HH decay. Whereas on the Tr-909, I have a knob for those parameters constantly in front of me, and I can shorten both the decay of the BD and the HH at the same time. The Machinedrum tries to clumsily work around this by giving you the option of sacrificing a percussion channel for a "control machine" (I think that is what they are called, it's been a long time since I got rid of that ...), which is some kind of macro, and you can set six parameters from different channels to be controlled off one page (eg the decay for the BD, the HH and the Snare tune etc).

It would be really elegant to repurpose the Mixer page to get this feature, but I simply can't get that to work. (My example wouldn't work anyways cause the CC implementation doesn't list Delay Feedback as a controllable parameter. I am not sure if this is because it is really not available or the CC Implementation file hasn't been updated?).

But what should work is to set the Clock Divider (CC044) via a Mixer Enc: In the MIDI menu, select Ext. Ctrl: In: Bus1; Out: ---; Chn: ---, then in the MIXER menu, select Enc 1 to send on Bus1, press the Select key, set Enc1 to CC044. But this doesn't work! What am I doing wrong? Somebody please do enlighten me!

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Thanks for the inspirations, added to the wish list! :)

(My example wouldn't work anyways cause the CC implementation doesn't list Delay Feedback as a controllable parameter. I am not sure if this is because it is really not available or the CC Implementation file hasn't been updated?).

The feedback parameter is called "Echo Repeats", or do you mean "Feedback Velocity Level"?

The mixer currently can't send to the loopback port, but I could add this as well

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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12 hours ago, TK. said:

Thanks for the inspirations, added to the wish list! :)

Well, you are welcome, it's pretty cool to be able to get my wishlist features integrated into this awesome machine!

I reckon as a workaround, I could just send from the Mixer Map out of a physical MIDI out and then via a cable send that back into an input that I designate as the control input. I think I read somewhere on the forum that somebody did something similar by directly wiring one out to one in on the LPC17-core (but I think it was for a different purpose, can't recall).

12 hours ago, TK. said:

The feedback parameter is called "Echo Repeats", or do you mean "Feedback Velocity Level"?

Yes, of course, that is what I meant. It would be great to be able to control those FX parameters via MIDI, and also the parameters for the LFO.

I realized the linked CC implementation file has last been updated October 2009. Is there an updated and expanded version or has CC implementation halted?

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I realized the linked CC implementation file has last been updated October 2009. Is there an updated and expanded version or has CC implementation halted?

Where did you find the expired link?

The latest version can be found under: http://svnmios.midibox.org/filedetails.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fapps%2Fsequencers%2Fmidibox_seq_v4%2Fdoc%2Fmbseqv4_cc_implementation.txt

it can also be found in the doc directory of the release package.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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11 hours ago, TK. said:

Where did you find the expired link?

Hey TK. This is the page that is being linked to as the "CC Implementation" from ucapps.de->MBSEQV4->User Manual->Menu Pages (the huge one), Chapter "Bus 1..4: the Loopback Ports".

I guess you must have forgotten to update that link.

11 hours ago, TK. said:

Well, this is a different pair of dancing shoes! Looks as if we're running out of unused CCs soon if you keep adding dem features :-)

This is gonna lead to the next suggestion: make the value ranges of the mixer map CCs adjustable so they can be reduced to only cover the accepted ranges.

Best, Gabriel

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  • 2 weeks later...

Idea: track length LIMIT parameter. Accessible on the length page either before or after LOOP.

When programming in longer non-4/4 sequences I quickly get lost within the multiples of 16. What if the active 16 step view was limited to a selectable value (optional of course)? E.g. in "6/8" time with a length of 24, limited to 12 steps. Step view 1 gives 1-12, Step view 2 gives 13-24. To keep within the SEQ hierarchy, this would necessarily reduce the available number of steps of a track.

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Currently the step view always prints 16 steps, your request is to display less than 16 steps, and this configuration should be done independently for each track and stored in the pattern.

Is this correctly captured?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hi Everyone,

I'm just about to order my PCB's and kits and start building my first Seq. I have a question about controllers. I noticed from the forum that you can use USB Host on the core. Is it possible to plug a Launchpad in and control the SEQ that way? Bitwig has an excellent controller API that allows the community to develop controller scripts for supporting the myriad of devices around. Is this possible with Midibox? Is there an exposed API or any plan for one?

P.S. I know about Launchpad via JUCE but my intention is to leave the computer off.

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In comparison to Bitwig we've a different situation: while Bitwig is developed by a professional company with focus to satisfy as many users as possible (to earn as much money as possible ;-), MBSEQ is only a sparetime project, mainly developed by myself.

Of course, MBSEQ is open source, and there is something like a API which could be enhanced or customized by users, but it requires some selfeducation about MIOS32 and the firmware architecture + C programming skills. E.g. somebody could adapt the "BLM_SCALAR_MASTER" driver, which transfers LED states and converts button actions, to another controller: http://svnmios.midibox.org/listing.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fmodules%2Fblm_scalar_master%2F

Or somebody could customize the next upper layer called "SEQ_BLM" which allows the external controller to access sequencer functions: http://svnmios.midibox.org/filedetails.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fapps%2Fsequencers%2Fmidibox_seq_v4%2Fcore%2Fseq_blm.c

Concerning direct USB connection to the launchpad: unfortunately there are three reasons why this doesn't work with the launchpad: 


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Thanks for the reply TK. I can see now after reading the Launchpad posts how difficult it would be supporting direct connection from various devices (you'd basically need a MIOS driver for each one, where on a computer it's provided). I can do C ok so I'll have a delve into MIOS at some point later after my build anyway. Thanks again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Request for a dedicated FX MENU button + led:

Hi TK,

it would be nice to have a dedicated FX MENU button + led in some future release if it colud be done fast and easily.

Then i could make my V3 panel engravings to match the V4 display content again,

by using the the new option to configure the Menu page in the config file.

Thanks and best regards,


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