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MIDIbox SEQ V4 Release + Feedback

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Posted (edited)

Hey TK,

Thank you very much for your efforts on the MBSEQ firmware ... when did it all start? It is already a life's work ... Awesome: D

Greetings, Rio

Edited by Rio
Posted (edited)

Hehe - 17 years! Enormously to see the evolution. For me the most useful features are:

- mixer
- router
- track options, especially the transpose option
- massive support of ports

... these controller options right on the board saved additional equipment (and the associated complex handling) - everything can be automated in all. very well thought out.

Greetings, rio

Edited by Rio
On 26/12/2018 at 0:16 AM, TK. said:

MIDIbox SEQ started anno 2001 as an extension of MIDIbox64: http://ucapps.de/midibox64seq.html

The interesting point: many basic concepts suchs as the layers and the unusual (but powerful) arpeggiator still exist today and make this device unique :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

TK I can't remember what you said when I asked you before so I'll ask again! Did the limitations of the Yamaha RM1X sequencer inspire you to improve and create a better sequencer?


I remember that I never created new sequences on the RM1x and only used the preset patterns or sequenced the synth part with Cakewalk (a "DAW" running under Windows). And then I noticed that with a simple MB64 based sequencer I was able to work out interesting sequences much faster - this motivated me to add more and more features to the firmware, with the result that I created a dedicated sequencer with optimized UI - MBSEQ V2 was born: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_seq_v2.html

Best Regards, Thorsten.


hi all,

just exploring my new seqv4+.

tried to change several notes in a two bar track with the use of the "all function".

but seems i can't change only one bar without effecting the other.

is it intended like that? would love to make changes in different bars with the help of that nifty feature.

thanks a lot



this section explains the ALL modes nicely:


In short, it depends on where your cursor is. I tested on a 32-step (2 measures/bars) pattern and placed the cursor on a note, then in ALL mode turned the encoder where the cursor is -> this then successfully changed the notes in all two bars. Hopefully this is helpful and what you were looking for?

There are also more modes like editing with a "falloff", where only neighboring notes are affected, and there is even a selection menu where you can modify which steps are modified, e.g. for rhythmic note change, all optimized for live play! I did not know that function yet, after all this years, something new to learn every day, the software is amazing! :)

Many greets,

Posted (edited)

thanks for your answer. but i'm looking for a possibility to only change the selected notes within a single bar. (steps 17-32 for example)

doesn't work with having the cursor at the beginning.

i have note data in the second bar i'd like to shift.


Edited by rbv2

@rbv2 Understood! If you can convince TK. that this is a new feature, that would be used by a few people, he might implement it - an implementation possibility would be as a new option "ALL affects: All Steps/Only current measure" or to change only current-measure notes in ALL mode while pressing additionally another hotkey (to indicate that only the current measure notes should be changed).

@k2z3k0 from the Handbook:

  • Undo: an undo function for the last Paste/Clear/Move/Scroll/Random operation.

So, this is intentional behaviour, UNDO is just a buffer to revert the last note edit operations.

Many greets and have a greet weekend!

2 hours ago, Hawkeye said:

@rbv2 Understood! If you can convince TK. that this is a new feature, that would be used by a few people, he might implement it - an implementation possibility would be as a new option "ALL affects: All Steps/Only current measure" or to change only current-measure notes in ALL mode while pressing additionally another hotkey (to indicate that only the current measure notes should be changed).



Thanks for your answer.

i can definitely say that at least i would love this feature :)
(but I have no idea about the programming effort or the logic behind it)

the best way for me to do it would be this:

if you are in step mode and press the all button, you can switch between the meassures with the keys of the lower row anyway and select the steps to be changed by the all-function with the keys of the upper row.

if now when switching to the second bar the upper row also retains this function it would be perfect. this way the original application would simply extend to several bars. so you could simply deselect the second measure or single notes.

but a "current measure only function" would solve it for me as well.

best regards



I added a new option (13/32) which changes the ALL button behaviour.

In addition I changed the behaviour of the selection buttons - this works much better for me :)

   o Improved selection handling for midiphy frontpanel:
       - if you press&hold the Bookm/Step/Track/Param/Trigger/Instr/Mute or Phrase button, and then
         make a selection with SEL or GP buttons, the selection button will jump back to the previous
       - if you press&release these buttons without a selection, the function stays active.

     Example: let's say the track selection is active.
     Press&Hold Param button, change to a new parameter layer, then release the Param button
     -> the selection buttons will jump back to track selection.

     If it's desired to permanently control the parameter layer with the selection buttons, just
     press&release the Param button.

   o New option 13/32 allows to change the steps of the current selected view only

-> http://www.ucapps.de/mios32/midibox_seq_v4_096_pre1.zip

Best Regards, Thorsten.

Posted (edited)

hi @TK.

happy new year :)

I've noticed that the new option is causing a problem.
when enabled it freezes the bars after the first one so you can't edit any more note values.



Edited by rbv2

Im trying out BLM (both lemur version and 2x launchpads). Is there any way to select parameter layer from the BLM itself? using some alt-combo or such?

Also, is there any way to change the track length, start / stop positions somehow? like holding the start position and pressing the end or so.


I can add this to the wish list, it isn't so difficult to implement - but I know you guys, more people will request more assignable parameters, therefore I fear that sooner or later we reach the limits of assignable parameters and then a new concept will be required which is leading to much more implementation effort at my side. :-/

Best Regards, Thorsten.

Posted (edited)

also, is there a way to make midibox unmute all mutes when changing pattern (or atleast have this as a setting)? would make jamming using the BML alot nicer, esp since BLM doesnt respect mute/unmute to measure (pattern change on measure does however, so thats nice).


I just think the BLM deserve to be expanded alot, since its an amazing feature of this sequencer. really make things more fun and more hands on, so im hoping it gets the attention it deserves! huge thanks for this, TK.

Edited by modus0perandi

Utility->GP15/GP16 Mutes/Unmutes all tracks at once (BLM works best in combination with the MBSEQ UI - better than inventing BLM shortcuts that we usually forget after 1 month...)

The best way to get better control over mutes while changing patterns is the Phrase feature, especially if you use it from the beginning (e.g. store your pattern + mute + mixer map sets in Phrase slots via Song->Save&Take over patterns)

Take care: this feature overwrites 1..4:A1..B7 depending on slot A..P)

I should consider measure-synchronized Mute/Unmute for BLM as well (TODO)

Best Regards, Thorsten.



Posted (edited)

yea, i agree. overload of BLM shortcuts are not ideal, but i was more thinking of an option in the seq itself that would make it possible to set it to unmute all mutes when a pattern change (global or just for the group), i remember that the cirklon had that (when changing scene) and it was pretty handy.

Edited by modus0perandi

hi all,

is there a possibility to see the name of the choosen preset in a track when in edit mode? for example on the dot matrix or the oled?

i have different devices in each track which sometime confuses me when using different setups.

thank you


Yes, this is already possible: MENU->Event, press GP8 ("Track Instrument")

At the right side you can edit the track name (and category)

Once you gave the track a name, it will be displayed on the edit screen instead of MIDI channel and port

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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