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MIDIbox of the Week (MIDIbox SEQ V4 of sineSurfer)


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Hi there, finally I managed to finish my mbSEQ with custom diy wood case included smile.gif

Update: added the back panel layout as pdf by lukas412 request, feel free to use it!
mbSEQV4 back panel.pdf


Update: added my MBSEQ Illustrator drawing file

Inside the case:





Not quite done with it though as there's this strange thing the lcds do after a couple of minutes:

Both lcds go dim (characters and backlight) in like 1 second intervals, 1 second regular brightness, 1 second dim

I'm using a brick psu labeled as 9v, 800mA, maybe not enough power?

Edited by sineSurfer
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I like the way that SD cards appear to have supplanted the bankstick. Your case looks so good that I'm conflicted about whether or not to go with the aluminum chassis group buy. I have access to all the tools to do something like this.

Edited by Davo
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Wilba, nILS: bench/throne closeup:


Had to do it like that because the sd card pcb (from sparkfun) comes without mounting holes


If you have the tools and the time go for it, lots of fun!


Just changed the psu to a more reliable one, 9v 1A, everything working fine now it seems!

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