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MBHP_CORE_LPC17 PCB bulk order


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I responded to the bulk order post this morning, but I suspect that I was too late. Is that the case?

Do you plan to do another batch?

There are no unsold PCBs anymore.

I talked with SmashTV - he will handle the next batch soon, resp. the MBHP_CORE_LPC17 PCB will be permanently available in his MIDIbox Shop:

-> http://midibox-shop.com/

We will inform you in this thread once the next batch is available.

To europeans: as long as you only order a PCB and MagJack, the shipping costs will be ca. 4 EUR! :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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There are no unsold PCBs anymore.

I talked with SmashTV - he will handle the next batch soon, resp. the MBHP_CORE_LPC17 PCB will be permanently available in his MIDIbox Shop:

-> http://midibox-shop.com/

We will inform you in this thread once the next batch is available.

To europeans: as long as you only order a PCB and MagJack, the shipping costs will be ca. 4 EUR! :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

Hello anybody.

BIG thanks to develop such a wonderfull platform.

I've one question to You TK. When will be the PCB Layout Data available? I know that the Layout is done with Protel. Can you send me the files? Do you convert it to Eagle version, meybe someone could help - that it will go faster? Or is it another problem that blocks the publishing of the PCB files?

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  • 3 weeks later...
There are no unsold PCBs anymore.

I talked with SmashTV - he will handle the next batch soon, resp. the MBHP_CORE_LPC17 PCB will be permanently available in his MIDIbox Shop:

-> http://midibox-shop.com/

We will inform you in this thread once the next batch is available.

To europeans: as long as you only order a PCB and MagJack, the shipping costs will be ca. 4 EUR! :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

LPC17 boards and MagJacks are shipping now: AVI Showtech board shop - Low Value Orders

A full kit for LPC17 will be available from the main shop page very soon.

Best regards


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I need one core board for me, but in the MidiBox Shop they are crazy, they ask for 31,97 for the shipping plus 3.54 for handling. Is sheeper to by in Taiwan that in Portugal. If any one has the core pcb file please tell.

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Don't blame Tim. These are just the going rates for sending stuff across to Europe from the States by UPS.

By the looks of it, Portugal is not on the list yet. But maybe you can ask Tim, as the Netherlands wasn't on the list either :thumbsup:

Edited by Shuriken
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Don't blame Tim. These are just the going rates for sending stuff across to Europe from the States by UPS.

By the looks of it, Portugal is not on the list yet. But maybe you can ask Tim, as the Netherlands wasn't on the list either :thumbsup:

I´ve send a mail to the Store, I don´t know to who, but I hoppe it will be cheaper.

Best Regards

And for ROSCH, I think you better look again....the store...

Edited by inotec
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I need one core board for me, but in the MidiBox Shop they are crazy, they ask for 31,97 for the shipping plus 3.54 for handling.
I do not automatically offer airmail to Portugal due to the import rules of -your- country (consular invoice requirement for small airmail parcels).

It would be "crazy" for me to ship there without understanding the import/export rules.

I use two shipping methods: Express/EMS ($31.97) which has tracking, and Airmail (much cheaper) that has no tracking. Both are insured against loss or damage. Each country gets one or both methods depending on their own import rules, the reliability of their postal system, Insurance availability, and fraud risk.

Shipping is at my cost, and includes discounts I get on some mail classes for having a commercial account.

Handling is actually the transaction and currency conversion fees I pay, the credit card companies and PayPal do not let merchants call transaction fees what they really are..... so I call it handling.

Is sheeper to by in Taiwan that in Portugal. If any one has the core pcb file please tell.

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It is cheaper, but that is a problem between you and whoever runs your postal system, not you and this forum. ;)

The page you sent the email from has a link explaining most of what I typed above, and that a country missing from my list is not due to some nationalistic concept. No need to assume such nonsense.

Now I'm off to reply privately to your email with an airmail solution, reminding myself that it is OK give a nice reply to an email that was not so nice.


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Disclaimer: The views contained in this post are not representative of the greater MIDIbox community *

Well....as this is will be my last and final post on MIDIbox, I would like to dedicate it to the amazingly kind and hardworking man that is Tim.

SmashTV, this is in tribute of you my friend.

There is only ONE man who is kind enough to reply to such a rude members e-mail on CHRISTMAS DAY!!!!

(seriously wtf?, who else would be kind enough to work voluntarily on Christmas Day when they deserve to spend every second with their family)

There is only ONE man who is, and has always been polite and gracious enough to offer an INSTANT solution to such people .

(Even though he has every right to reject their demands because of their offensive attitude. This is not solely aimed at you inotec, there has been many, many others......unfortunately)

There is only ONE man who is selfless enough, to sell extremely high quality boards and components for such a miniscule price to the community, the lowest price possible believe me,

even though that tiny amount of money must feed his family. (this part is what breaks my heart every damn time I think about it.)

There is only ONE man who can stay polite and helpful when dealing with an and pushy member,

EVEN THOUGH the member is linked to, supported and defended the actions of a company owner which intended to completely break the non profit license, by stealing an open source MIDIbox project and illegally sell it for a ridiculously greedy price of €1500 per unit. Link 1 Link 2 Link3

(The most ironic thing I have seen in my life. I would have completely refused to mail boards to anyone who is linked to such a company. I really hope I don't see the SEQ on their website soon)

There is only ONE man, who when asked by an agent on behalf of a global Superstar DJ, to answer many queries over the space of months, in aid of building a tool for this DJ.....was kind enough to agree on the promise that MIDIbox would be given a humble mention when people asked about the device.

(Of course, the DJ took full credit for creating the device in all interviews, and MIDIbox was NEVER mentioned. The Elite never fail to shit on the kind, hard working people)

There is only ONE man, who has the good will and patience, to put up with this bullshit on a regular basis, and lots of other crap that I may not even be aware of.

Tim you are truly a one of a kind, stellar individual, and an incredible asset to the community, and the people that recognize it will be forever thankful.

I often feel that you give far far more than we deserve and can't help but feel guilty. Thank you for all that you given us.

But of course I am wrong, there IS another man who has always been just as patient and professional in dealing with some of the biggest threats to his community, and creations....

And that is you TK. I have always been taken back by your level of professionalism, and your passion for sharing your wonderful creations with the world for free, when you could easily have sold those creations for extremely large sums of money.

Thank you for giving me the pleasure of building and playing with such wonderful hardware that brings me a LOT of joy.

To finish up, I would ask that whether you're a viewer, poster or even of a moderator of the MIDIbox community, to be more emphatic in your actions and communication with fellow members, and to refrain from letting any negativity or frustrations in your personal life pour into the community. (I'm knowingly writing this in vain as you'll always get some assholes unfortunately)

I honestly wish this community every success in the future.

Some of you may find it hard to believe, but I am blood sober while writing this post, I'm just speaking directly from the heart.

All the best,


* If you are offended by any of what I have said, remember that I am an ex-member of the community, and please do not judge entire community by the views expressed in this post.

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I need one core board for me, but in the MidiBox Shop they are crazy, they ask for 31,97 for the shipping plus 3.54 for handling. Is sheeper to by in Taiwan that in Portugal. If any one has the core pcb file please tell.

Best Reagrds

The 31,97 is for express service, check the prices at CTT for international shipping, with the same features (insurance, tracking, etc) and it shouldn't much different.

Don't blame SmashTV for the prices charged by USPS.

I just ordered 2xLPC17 PCBs from MidiBox Shop to Portugal, low value parcel.

Portugal is not listed in the countries menu so you will have to contact him, you should have done that before posting this.

Edited by afx
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Yes ... probably about 30 USD for shipping may seems crazy... but it not depends from SmashTV.

here in Italy there is not a " reliable " postal service ( and it not depends from SmashTV ) so I cant have access to a small parcel service ( cheaper ).

Here ( Italy ) the shipping cost for a parcel ( trackable ) is about 10 euro ( so about 20 euro from USA probably is reasonable )

If the shipping cost seems to high my suggestion is to plan the midibox building activity and buy more than one PCB ( depending of what you want to build ) and I normally do this .

Anyway this is only my opinion .

Best regards



I am waiting for a postal " bullet " from OKLAHOMA :smile:

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Hey Adrian,

I think it's sad to see you go, I don't know anything about it, other than random rumors in forum / chat - but whatever the reason for you're leaving us is, it is probably a good reason, and I respect your decision. But no matter what, its hard to see one of the good ones leave. Hope you rejoin sometime :).

Good luck, and the best wishes for you.

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And for ROSCH, I think you better look again....the store...

the reason i thought you're funny is because you're asking for the pcb files to have them made cheaper in china or something.

btw an email often helps. smashTV has always been willing to ship minor orders (like a pcb or a PIC) with the cheapest option if you asked him via email and made it clear that you'd do it at your own risk (ie not nagging him about it in case it wouldn't arrive, which never happened to me btw)

There is only ONE man who can stay polite and helpful when dealing with an and pushy member,

EVEN THOUGH the member is linked to, supported and defended the actions of a company owner which intended to completely break the non profit license, by stealing an open source MIDIbox project and illegally sell it for a ridiculously greedy price of €1500 per unit. Link 1 Link 2 Link3

(The most ironic thing I have seen in my life. I would have completely refused to mail boards to anyone who is linked to such a company. I really hope I don't see the SEQ on their website soon)

thanks for the links. very interesting. eye opener.

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Thanks for the nice pms and replies guys, I felt I better come back to clear things up.

I think I may have overestimated user cit's involvement with Mode Machines.

At first I thought he was defending them so much that he was involved with them internally.

But now I realize he was mislead by the completely false story they gave in their defense. link

Somebody can allawys redirect him to the thread in the SID forum if he doesn't know the full story.

As for me leaving the board.

I just feel like taking a new direction the moment, and also feel that I have been spending too much idle time online posting on forums, and could do with a break.

I feel this will help me concentrate on being more productive offline and using my time more efficiently.

So for now I'm going to go back to just viewing the board, but I might come back in the future to share MBSID patches, demos suggestions etc...

Think of it more as: "See ya later, oscillators!" :tongue:

I wish the community a happy new year and a bright and promising future.

Take care!

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