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MIDIbox SEQ V4Lite


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  • 1 month later...

The new version V4L.082 provides a new CLEAR button and sequence recording handling based on this discussion with Florian:


MIDIboxSEQ V4L.082

   o CLEAR button now allows to clear individual tracks with the GP buttons:
     - CLEAR+SEQ1: clear entire Seq1 + configuration (*)
     - CLEAR+SEQ2: clear entire Seq2 + configuration (*)
     - CLEAR+GP1: clear note triggers (values are kept but not played)
     - CLEAR+GP2: reset velocity values to 64
     - CLEAR+GP3: reset note length values to half step
     - CLEAR+GP4: clear Track 4 (Pitchbend + last CC lines)
     - CLEAR+GP5: clear CCs of Track 5
     - CLEAR+GP6: clear CCs of Track 6
     - CLEAR+GP7: clear CCs of Track 7
     - CLEAR+GP8: clear CCs of Track 8
     Same for GP9..16 for Seq2

     (*) track configuration won't be changed if 'PasteClrAll' set to 0 in MBSEQ_GC.V4 file

   o changed the track and layer assignment algorithm for CCs in recording mode:
     Previously new CC lines were recorded into Track 4, Layer B upwards.

     Now they are assigned the following way:
     - 1st CC line is recorded into Track 5, Layer A
     - 2nd CC line is recorded into Track 6, Layer A
     - 3rd CC line is recorded into Track 7, Layer A
     - 4th CC line is recorded into Track 8, Layer A
     - 5th CC line is recorded into Track 8, Layer B
     - 6th CC line is recorded into Track 8, Layer C
     - 7th CC line is recorded into Track 8, Layer D
     - 8th CC line is recorded into Track 7, Layer B
     - 9th CC line is recorded into Track 7, Layer C
     - 10th CC line is recorded into Track 7, Layer D
     - 11th CC line is recorded into Track 6, Layer B
     - 12th CC line is recorded into Track 6, Layer C
     - 13th CC line is recorded into Track 6, Layer D
     - 14th CC line is recorded into Track 5, Layer B
     - 15th CC line is recorded into Track 5, Layer C
     - 16th CC line is recorded into Track 5, Layer D
     - 17th CC line is recorded into Track 4, Layer B
     - 18th CC line is recorded into Track 4, Layer C
     - 19th CC line is recorded into Track 4, Layer D
     Same for Track 12..16 for Seq2

     Advantage: if only a few CC lines are recorded, we've dedicated tracks
     for PitchBend and CCs (Track 4-8, Layer A) which can be individually muted
     and cleared.
     Additional CCs populate the remaining layers from Track 8 backwards, so that
     PitchBend remains an individual track if not more than 17 CC lines are recorded.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I got this after upgrading from V4L.075:


[45666.754] Init DHCP
[45666.854] [network_device_init] PHY initialized
[45667.756] [MIOS32_MIDI_Receive_Handler] Timeout on port 0x22
[45669.953] Loading session DEF_V4L
[45670.070] Hard Fault PC = 0000fba2


without SD it boots OK, but plugging the card gives the same fault. Should I change something in the session files? Downgrading to 075 works again with the SD card.


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Sorry for the trouble! :-(


This was due to a corrupted build which can only happen with the special Makefile setup of MBSEQV4L (it uses some source files of the midibox_seq directory).


I fixed the release script, the binary is working now.

Version: V4L 082a


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi everyone,


I think it has been 2 years now since I have invested my hard earned money

in this project. I have gathered as much information as I could and proceeded

to build this sequencer. I bought all the parts, followed the instructions and in

a week I have finished it. Powered it up and voila...All LEDs lit up in a certain

sequence and the...stopped. Pressed few buttons, combinations, etc. Nothing

has worked. Switched it off and on again...the same thing... Checked the software

with the utility provided, all shows fine, checkksum, etc. The sequencer did not



I have asked for help on this forum few times and so far no one helped me to

make it work. The sequencer has been sitting in a box since more than a year


I wonder if anyone of you is willing to help me. I can either send the whole thing

to you, for you to check and make it work (I will pay for it) or if anyone is interested

I will sell it (if allowed by whoever needs asking). I also have a second clear panel

with all the holes drilled, etc. made by Ponoko. no inscriptions on it though!


Thanks everyone...it's a pitty I could not enjoy using it this so far... :sad:

Edited by DanLeuca
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I have asked for help on this forum few times and so far no one helped me to make it work.


That is a little strange, as your post count is showing 1, meaning that the above is actually your first post on this forum...


Anyways, can you give a few more details about exactly what you have tested so far? Which core module you are using, what software you have uploaded, what the messages in MIOS Studio are? Also, it is a good idea to upload a few high-res pictures of your build here, maybe there is just a bad solder joint somewhere.

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Hi, I'm new here ;-)


For more than a year I own the components and boards for the V4L. Last Saturday, I finally started the project. The first step was to burn the bootloader. I had a lot of problems with the current version of the IDE. After a search in the forum, the solution was found: an older version of the IDE. Now, I will continue with the soldering. Also, I just am thinking about a suitable case. Because I don't like acryl glas cases, I plan to buy a desktop housing (ABS with aluminium front panel). Then I will replace the alu panel with a customized Schaeffer front panel. Question: Are there already files available which I can import into the Schaeffer Front Panel Designer as base for my own creation?


Thanks in advance,


Edited by Thomas A.
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Hi Tom,


thanks for the hint!

I've updated the MBHP_CORE_LPC17 page, it now suggests the download of version 5.2.6

Is this the version that you tried (successfully?)


I'm not aware of a schaeffer version of the frontpanel.

If you create one, please share it here and I will publish it at the MBSEQ V4L page.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Yes, using version 5.2.6 (for Mac OS X) was successful.


Yesterday, I created a first front panel draft with all holes and text labels using the Schaeffler software. But: After viewing the cost calculation window I canceled my plan  :sad:: Nearly 90 Euro for one panel. Even when we start a bulk buy, the expected prices are way to much. Hmm, what to do? Does anybody know how much are acryl glas cases like from Ponoko? Is it possible to create non-translucent Ponoko cases? How stable they are?


Hi Tom,


thanks for the hint!

I've updated the MBHP_CORE_LPC17 page, it now suggests the download of version 5.2.6

Is this the version that you tried (successfully?)


I'm not aware of a schaeffer version of the frontpanel.

If you create one, please share it here and I will publish it at the MBSEQ V4L page.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Have you taken a look at the Ponoko / Formulor website? There, all the materials are listed, and you will find that they have non-translucent acrylic as well. As for the cost: I would suspect this to be costing anything between 20-30 Euros, depending on how fancy you'd get with your labels and other artwork.

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Have you taken a look at the Ponoko / Formulor website? There, all the materials are listed, and you will find that they have non-translucent acrylic as well. As for the cost: I would suspect this to be costing anything between 20-30 Euros, depending on how fancy you'd get with your labels and other artwork.


Thanks for your hint. A matte Formulor case could be a alternative for me. But I didn't found any template files with holes for the LEDs. All the templates I found in the forum were created for translucent material. 

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Thanks all the hints. What a helpful community  :rolleyes: 


Just a few remaining questions about Ponoko/Formulor cases:


How thick should be the material for the case? (I use the Reichelt components from the standard order list)

Are the engraved text labels automatically white? If so, it's ok for me.

Are screws included in the order?


Thanks in advance.

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Panel thickness depends on components, even Reichelt has different ones. I usually go for 3mm acrylic.


Engravings are not colored, but can be filled with paint afterwards.


Screws are obviously not included in the Formulor/Ponoko order - how should they know what exactly you want to do with the lasercut parts??

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The first step is done: The Core_LPC17 board is ready and seems to work fine  :thumbsup:


you're also going to need standoffs.  I use M3x0.5 threaded, 10mm long screws for the corner supports.  I'll try to document the case in the wiki in the next couple of weeks but time is at a premium these days unfortunately 


Thanks. One remaining question about your case design: Is it necessary to cut the LXpresso module?

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  • 2 months later...

just finished building a V4L today :)

first I got really erratic behaviour with hanging notes and corrupted midi messages on the midi input.

It turned out the sequencer did not like one of my usb PSUs from my mobile phone. :-p

with another one (or powered by my laptop) it is working better.


I still got problems tough.

sometimes, especially when recording chords, I got pitch bend messages recorded but I did not touch the pitch wheel.

this happens with 2 different midi keyboards and I can't hear the pitch bend while I play the note, it only appears when the sequencer arrives at the recorded notes again. Just like the seq is adding them by itself :unsure:


then I got the feeling the clock divider (using the tempo button) does only affect the note track. pitch bend messages seem to be unaffected by it. For example:


-divider set to 4th (GP5)

- I record 4 notes to steps 1,5,9,13

- I record a small pitch bend movement after step 1

- the same pitch bend movement is repeated after all steps


user error on my side or a bug?


besides that I like it so far :)

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sometimes, especially when recording chords, I got pitch bend messages recorded but I did not touch the pitch wheel.

this happens with 2 different midi keyboards and I can't hear the pitch bend while I play the note, it only appears when the sequencer arrives at the recorded notes again. Just like the seq is adding them by itself  :unsure:


This is strange indeed!

I will check this tomorrow - if I haven't success, I will add a debug mode which will give you some logs for further debugging.



then I got the feeling the clock divider (using the tempo button) does only affect the note track. pitch bend messages seem to be unaffected by it.


yes, very likely.

This isn't intended, I will change this.



by the way. The BOM on the v4l site states you need 64 diodes, but I think 48 are enough ;)


You can never have enough diodes for the next projects!

However, fixed ;)


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Ok, please try this version: http://www.ucapps.de/mios32/midibox_seq_v4l_085_pre1.zip


The clock divider should be taken over for all tracks now (not only the note tracks)


I wasn't able to reproduce the PitchBend issue, but this might be related to a handling error.

E.g. the CLEAR function will only clear the note tracks if you push GP button #1 resp. #9


In order to clear the PitchBend track, push CLEAR+GP button #4 resp. #12

The LED above these buttons should flicker if PitchBend events are sent


Does this help?


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I have to wait a little bit to try it out since I managed to somehow fry the LPC board while trying to use a normal power supply instead of USB. :(


Don't know what happened yet, but I measure a short between GND and 3.3V since I attached my 9V wallwart plug to J1.

Now I regrett soldering the LPC directly to the board without female connectors :(

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  • 3 weeks later...

V4L.086 is now available for download


From the ChangeLog of V4L.085 (didn't got a public release) and V4L.086:


MIDIboxSEQ V4L.086
   o Step Recording: note length measurements now also working correctly when
     the sequencer is clocked in slave mode.
MIDIboxSEQ V4L.085
   o new parameter LiveKeepChannel in MBSEQ_C.V4 file to change the MIDI forwarding function
     so that the MIDI channel won't be changed according to the selected sequence, but will
     be kept.
   o clock divider (configured while pressing the Tempo button) handled correctly for PitchBend and CC tracks


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for all your hard work producing this great device!


I'm currently trying to get started building one. I've ordered MBHP_CORE_LPC17 boards from SmashTV, but the Seq V4L panels are not currently available. Would it be possible to get the source files so that I can have the panel printed myself?


Would anyone else be interetested in getting together to order these?

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