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MBSEQV4L Frontpanel PCB Bulk Order


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also, i´d like to complain about people not updating the total counts correctly - or adding more boards to their previous request. like this i can never get #76 or #75 :-(((

*just joking* keep it up, we´re close to 100 nao!!! :clover:

Edited by Hawkeye
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Hello Folks,

i am new here in the Forum.

I find Your Forum through Sequencer.de and i want to build one V4 Lite, if i can get one of those PCB's.

How can i get on the list for the Frontpanel Bulk order???

I want one of the PCB's

Best Regards!


Sign up on the wiki: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=tk_mbseqv4l_pcb_bulk_order

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You need to create a user in the Wiki since it's on a separate web-server. Then you can edit the page.

After that is done you better make sure that you have PayPal or can get bank details if any are stated in the first post of this thread.

Then you'll need an LCP17 core PCB from SmashTV and also the LPC Xpresso board that costs 20€.

If you search the forum the latter might be available to hobbyists at Watterott in Germany.

Edit: Someone hurry so that we'll hit 100 before Advent!

Edited by jojjelito
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sorry when my first post is a order . I wan´t 2 PCB´s please.

sorry i can´t log in for order the pcb´s- can please help me someone .

Im so new here that im like a baby...sorry for this :whistle:

Thanks, cit

Edited by cit
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please one for me.

(Patrick Joericke -Wolfsburg -Germany)

Welcome to MIDIbox! This is in the spirit of DIY so you'll need to add yourself to the list on the Wiki.

Edit: Saw that you did just that. Cheers!

In case anyone else need to know:

Please take a look at page 2 of this thread plus read the first post. In fact, quickly read most of the thread. It will tell you that you need to:

  • Create a user login on the Wiki page (it's hosted on another server) mentioned in the first post of this thread. Keep your name there the same as your name here.
  • After you've done this you can login to said Wiki and add yourself to the list using your identical handle both there and here so that TK knows that it's you.
  • Add up the total amount on the last row (more for ritual reasons I think)
  • Be aware that you also need to get a CORE_LPC board from SmashTV in the US
  • Get an LPCxpresso board (LPC1769) from Embedded Artists or Watterott

Good luck!

Edited by jojjelito
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Again some good news:

Due to the high demand I decided to hand over the bulk order to Tim aka. SmashTV!

This has some advantages:

  • I give it into the hands of a professional (he already improved the Gerber Files! :) )
  • you can order the MBHP_CORE_LPC17 and MBSEQV4L FrontPanel PCB from a single source
  • you will be able to order the PCBs from the Low Value Order Page
    Shipping costs to Europe (e.g. Germany): ca. 5 EUR
  • PCBs will be available by end of november
  • Long-Term availability of both PCBs!

All people who have already added their name to the bulk order list will be informed via PM once the PCBs are available. Therefore it still makes sense to enter your name if you are interested.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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