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The HAARP, a Hardware Advanced Arpeggiator.


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Hi all.

Bruno - great work! I was wondering a couple of things:

1 - is a DIY kit for a desktop version already available?
2- is there any way to have patterns which are not playing constantly (I don't know how to describe it)? Like a pattern in which you have the first two 16th notes being played, then 1 paused, then again 3 played, and so on...
3 - how much patterns can be saved in total on the SD card?

I think this is it for now... ;-)

Thanks and regards,

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Hi and thanks Flavio,

8 hours ago, FlavioB said:

1 - is a DIY kit for a desktop version already available?

In January, for a handful of beta testers, because I need some feedback before releasing first version firmware.
PCB are the same for both version(Euro/Desktop).
Euro Front panels will be ready first, before the desktop enclosure which is more complicated.

8 hours ago, FlavioB said:

2- is there any way to have patterns which are not playing constantly (I don't know how to describe it)? Like a pattern in which you have the first two 16th notes being played, then 1 paused, then again 3 played, and so on...

I think you will be able to do something like that, there's the possibility to mute the notes in the Notestack editor. But result depends on the MOTIF used, means for example, if the MOTIF is UP&DOWN and one note is muted, this note will be muted 2 times, in the ascending part and in the descending too.
But it's not a sequencer It's an arpeggiator ;)

9 hours ago, FlavioB said:

3 - how much patterns can be saved in total on the SD card?

There's no limitation for saved Sessions on the SD-card. A Session is 8 Banks of 8 Presets of 8 Voices.

I hope I answered to your questions :)

Best regards

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Hi Bruno... I tried in vain to quote as you did :-( Sorry!

So here we go, therefore...

1 - will there be any list on which one will have to sign up to get the whole package?

2 - I was thinking about the "rest" feature which is present in the ARPIE Arpeggiator --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJFHf_Ribx4 (at 1:09 you see it).

3 - great!


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19 hours ago, FlavioB said:

I tried in vain to quote as you did :-( Sorry!

Right click and wait you will get the "quote it"

19 hours ago, FlavioB said:

1 - will there be any list on which one will have to sign up to get the whole package?

Not for the moment, but you already follow this topic, that's fine ;)

19 hours ago, FlavioB said:

2 - I was thinking about the "rest" feature which is present in the ARPIE Arpeggiator --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJFHf_Ribx4 (at 1:09 you see it).

I don't understand how it works exactly, even with the video. With the HAARP, the resulting sequence have a variable length, depending on MOTIF/RESYNC/LOOPS and the notestack length(10 notes Max), this resulting sequence(the full loop) can easily exceed 16 steps(HARPIE), so it's difficult to do the same feature.
But don't worry the velocity can be animated too, with the TARGET feature, and more precisely than a ON/OFF or an accent system, in my opinion, a little more musical yet.

Best regards

Edited by Antichambre
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OK, maybe you put this feature on the "wishlist", it's not mandatory but it's for sure nice once you start playing around with it. Honestly I've sort of "abandoned" the ARPIE because it has no memory! You power it off and all your settings are gone :-( This is why I'm looking out for a similar unit, but with patch memory (like yours).

I'll be waiting...


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On 26/11/2019 at 6:05 PM, FlavioB said:

OK, maybe you put this feature on the "wishlist", it's not mandatory but it's for sure nice once you start playing around with it.

I had a look, have to test it. It's easy to implement it on the harpie cause there's no preset, the thing you dislike on it. On the HAARP a full session is loaded in RAM, to permit the user to work on the whole session in a non-destructive fashion. If I add this feature I have to add a 32bit word to each voice(8x8x8) in the structure as we can save it or it has no sense to add it, it's 2K to find in ram just for this. More than that it obliges me rethink a part of the processing.

So if I do it, I've got to do it now, to choose now, this is not something I will be able to add later, and it needs to change the structure of the session, means old presets you made without will be not compatible anymore if I add it later(Except if I implement a versioning and translating process :( huge)

I will try and spend some time for that, even if it delays the first release.

Under construction note stack editor ;)
Best regards

Edited by Antichambre
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Just now, FlavioB said:

Let me know if I might be of any kind of help (even if it's just showing you how the ARPIE does its thing...).

I think I understood how it works, in my case it's worst than I thought this needs more than 32 muting bits. A u32 word is not enough.
If notestack(10notes) is fully filled and the motif is a PINKY UP&DOWN or THUMB UP&DOWN the sequence achieves 36 steps for example...
I added 2 u32 words for each voice, it's a 27Kbytes session now instead of 23, and it's fine even with the bitmaps of the TFT which are rather greedy ;)
I think I will not add it as a list like the notestack EDIT but directly in the HOME page(piano-roll) it will avoid me to modify the process, no need of pre-calculation of the whole sequence.

In fact thank you, it will be a great feature... And there will be a "Resting Steps feature requested by FlavioB" somewhere in the code ;)

Best regards


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Hey Bruno! That's very good news!

And thanks for crediting me for the input :-) That's really sweet!

I definitely want the desktop version of HAARP as soon as you release it. DIY or already assembled (preferred, but not mandatory, as I have a good friend who's doing DIY for me and himself).


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2 hours ago, FlavioB said:



// Voice Structure
typedef union {
  struct {
    u8 ALL[1+(sizeof(notestack_item_t)*ARP_NOTESTACK_SIZE)+8+1+7+6+3];  
  struct {
    u8                    notestack_len;
    notestack_item_t      notestack_items[ARP_NOTESTACK_SIZE];
    u32                   resting_steps[2];  // Resting Step Feature(RSF) requested by FlavioB ;)
    arp_par_func_t        func;
    arp_par_timing_t      arp;
    arp_par_trans_t       trans;
    arp_par_vel_t         vel;
} arp_voice_t;

Then this is how it works:
The selected step for Resting Step Feature(RSF) is the one with grey background, you can move this selection with the encoder.
(Initially the encoder was used for TEMPO, but tempo is the altered function of the encoder now(with ALT button), and RSF is the main function of the encoder)

Pushing the encoder(switch) is toggling the RSF for the selected step. then a white bar appears at the bottom of the velocity and the semitone becomes grey.
HOME button + Encoder Switch is clearing all the Resting Steps.

Note: If an HID keyboard is connected:
Left/Right Arrow for selection.
Up/Down Arrow or Enter for Toggling
Del/BackSpace to Clear All
... And this is not a legend, it already works ;)


PS: Shooting a picture of a TFT with an iPhone is a bad thing ;) Colors are really better in real :)

Best regards

Edited by Antichambre
HID Keyboard Addon
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16 hours ago, FlavioB said:

No hurry! Take care down there!


Always about the RSF, there was already an OFFSET Pot which shift the notes over the timeline, it moves all the notes in the range of +/- the arpeggio length minus 1. It changes the starting Note.
So I added an option for the RSF which is "RSF follows OFFSET". When enabled the RSF becomes relative to the OFFSET, it moves with the notes on OFFSET changes and each note value keeps its resting state , disabled the RSF is static and resting steps always the same independently from the OFFSET and it's not always the same notes which are off.

Maybe not clear but video will explain all that better ;)

Best regards

Edited by Antichambre
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  • 1 month later...
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  • 1 month later...

Hi Bruno,

that Desktop case looks awesome!

Question: why did you plan 2 MIDI IN? Wouldn't 1 MIDI IN just be enough, or do you have some features which can benefit from the 2 MIDI INs? Like assigning MIDI IN 1 to the (external) transpose function and MIDI IN 2 for MIDI Clock?

Also, is there any chance to have analog sync - at least DinSync (IN is the most important im my eyes, but eventually also OUT)?

I understand that most probably there will be no time/space for some design changes like the above, just curious! :-)


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Hi Flavio,

Just now, FlavioB said:

Question: why did you plan 2 MIDI IN? Wouldn't 1 MIDI IN just be enough, or do you have some features which can benefit from the 2 MIDI INs? Like assigning MIDI IN 1 to the (external) transpose function and MIDI IN 2 for MIDI Clock?


For MIDI in, in the App, there's two kind of MIDI input:
- The SYNTH, the NOTE On and Off which come from its selected input will fill the notestack of the Voices, others messages can be forwarded to the synth(CC pitchbend etc).
- The CONTROL, CC will control the HAARP parameters, the Note On and Off will be use as realtime transpose of the whole arppegio Or to fill a dedicated notestack which is use for REPEAT function, for sequenced transpose. Those messages can be forwarded too as you can record them.
About the Outputs, for the same reason and/or because there's 8 voices then you will be able to connect directly 2 synth, of course more if you use their MIDI THRU.


Just now, FlavioB said:

Also, is there any chance to have analog sync - at least DinSync (IN is the most important im my eyes, but eventually also OUT)?

There's no DIN Sync or other 48ppqn sync like Korg, sorry.

Just now, FlavioB said:

I understand that most probably there will be no time/space for some design changes like the above, just curious! :-)

Yep I just received the PCB, too late to change and no space to add others DIN connectors, but you can add it externally with any MIDI<>Sync interface. Or you maybe have a Drum machine which can do this job.
This interface can be done with a MB platform too ;)

Best regards


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