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midiphy Eurorack Expander Modules

latigid on

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19 hours ago, latigid on said:

It's a compromise of using pre-fabbed MCU breakouts and avoiding fine-pitch SMT, as it can be difficult sometimes as we've seen!

DipCoreF4 will be assembled too, all tiny components(except pinheader and mini-USB) will be mounted. For less quarter size of the wCore. In fact DipCoreF4 + DipBoardF4(full platform) is smaller than the wCore alone.
The only differences are:

  • No J10A/B.
  • No Parallel J15 only serial(with 2 CS lines).
  • 2 leds instead of 4.
  • Two USB, one DEV, one HOST.

My version of the MIOS32 is already works with it and still works with the wCore, Disco etc...
I really think you should consider it one day cause you could like it ;)
I will send some on next batch, to you and Thorsten as you can evaluate it.

Best regards

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That's the reason why I haven't listed J10A/B in my requirements list - it's just important to have a standard control surface (SCS), otherwise applications won't be re-usable.

The 6 buttons + encoder could also be connected to an on-board DIN SR, connected to J9 as the first SR in the chain.

Would be happy to evaluate it.

Best Regards, Thorsten.


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Thank you for your interest Thorsten,

The thing is that If Andy decides to create his version, I will stop mine, cause there's no space for 2 different core euro modules which have the same purpose. Until yesterday I was sure to do it because nobody told he wanted to, now I don't know.
That's the reason I insist and try to convince him, more than that if Andy decides to play this game with me, quantity will drastically decrease the price, of course.
Anyway I will provide the platform to both of you as soon as I can, for you to decide after that ;)

Best Regards

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I don't have a solution ready for this, so you should try out with Bruno's. Consider also using the Euroceiver and a desktop device where power requirements and space for displays/controls is not an issue.

Such discussion would be better suited to a private channel or at least in a dedicated topic.

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On 3-10-2019 at 8:25 AM, latigid on said:

Hi Niels,

Thanks for the update and details. I'm sorry that you had trouble with the soldering but maybe something was learned along the way. On the upside, the PCB can be easily replaced and because it's modular you don't have to throw away the rest :).


Hi, yesterday i got myself the kester flux that @Hawkeye suggested and reflowed everything from Scratch and unbelievable but it works now!! All channels can be calibrated and working like a charm. It really is helpfull to get the perfect flux i suppose instead of the cheaper 1 i got. Still i am going for a new pcb because i already ordered the pcbs and mouser parts and i want the modules to be perfect. In a coupe of days i will post my final setup. For now many thanks!

P.s. Maybe it is usefull to make a topic for soldering tips and tricks for other People. 

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Nice! If you like it's also no issue to cancel the PCB order. But more DACs might be useful in the future. You can have up to 32 AOUT channels, so maybe a second A1 module set dedicated to CCs/LFOs? (I'm not 100% sure on the configuration.)

So we can conclude from this that the DAC is at least somewhat resilient to reflow/extra heating?

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Hi, I received the new pcbs and soldering of the dacs went smooth as silk. 
I got a small question about calibration : i have put the midibox to max and see a green Light on the active cv. When i switch cv output to another channel all go green except one. Tried to switch dac boards but all the same issue. Calibration to 10v goes well on the cv with the issue. Only max calibration does strange things on 1 channel. Is this explainable?
Cheers niels

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1 hour ago, latigid on said:


Glad it worked out better this time :). 

I personally don't use the min/mid/max calibrations but rather the 0V--10V. If you switch the channel back to off and then try another does the issue remain? Could be a software bug perhaps, but if you can calibrate I think it's fine.


Hi Andy,
Yes calibration is fine but i notice soms strange things with the led Lights. Everything is working fine but i have a strange bad feeling with on off switching of the leds when going to other channels. I think a video will be better for me to post since i cant explain by words ;-) i don't know if this is expected behaviour or software bug etc. Will try to make a video this weekend.

Bye Niels

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We currently use this one from Reichelt:


TK. suggests up to five metres would work.

So I guess that means 16 feet in Freedom Units. Unfortunately I couldn't find a decent one from Mouser but if you need to get all of your parts there,  571-1658613-2 plus 26-way ribbon could do the job (and would be less bulky than a cable). Another famous sequencer does it that way :).

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  • 2 weeks later...


Is it possible to connect the CV/Gate modules directly to a Mios Core?
I have already two LPC_17 Cores inside my modular for midi processing/distribution. It would love to use these new Eurorack modules but i cant afford a complete miosSEQ4 build right now.

thanks Paul


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  • 1 month later...

Hi All,

I am breaking my head to get a lfo out to a cv port. I read the forum and this question has been answered earlier but still i don't understand. I am creatng a new CC track on AOUT channel 1 , i init the track and set FX -> LFO to on . I am wondering what the next step will be because whatever i try nothing happens with the CV on channel 1. Do i have to put the CC value to something on the track? I also read the manual but i am stil stuck.

Many thanks!




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Evening Andy,

Too bad, i thought it was something simple to fix. Yep tried notes, different CC values. It should be possible to implement because when i go to the CV calibration screen and set the calibration to wave then i get some kind of lfo and this works but not suited for my purpose ofcourse :)



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@sis.tm and @latigid on just had a look in the code to see what is really going on in seq_lfo.c - as a short conclusion, if a "note lfo" is used, the lfo value is rounded to an integer value between 1 and 127 to reflect a MIDI note - so even if this was put out via AOUT, that is probably not what you would want in a CV scenario (a more or less "stepless" continuous LFO waveform). Probably it would be best to ask TK. in the main SEQ V4 thread for a CV LFO expansion with non-note-steps, if possible, we'd also vote for that expansion, of course :)!

Best regards and have a nice weekend!

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Just to finalize my question about lfo. Thorsten gave the following tip that works like a charm.

  • assign track to CV
  • in LFO page, set the ExtraCC# to 16..23
    16 will send to CV channel #1, 17 to channel #2, etc - which means: with the CC number you can address the CV channel you would like to use as LFO output

Very happy with this feature since this saves me  on buying a special lfo eurorack board ;-) 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, last week I finished my eurorack modules and they seem to work fine now. At first they (clocks and gates) started normal but after a few seconds they started to add randomness. In the end I found out I hadn't soldered the db25 connector to the board,.. stupid!

The calibration feature works really nice and handy!!! I managed to get a good tracking over at least 7 octaves on my sh101.


When I switch to Hz/Volt, for controlling my korg ms-20 I get a really strange output, I get the complete range of 4 octaves under 1 octave of my keyboard. Am I missing something, does the Hz/V has its own calibration, or isn't Hz/V implemented yet?!


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