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SwinSID - a pin compatible alternative to the SID chip


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I made a SwinSID module for use with the MB6582 yesterday evening.

It's based on SMT parts and double-sided, thuis it may not be everyone's favourite, but maybe some people out there may have a use for it.

In addition to the "original" SwinSID is also features Atmel ISP10 programming headers for both controllers.


Eagle 5.0 project files: http://users.sr-iserlohn.de/swinsid-smt-mb6582.zip

File use restricted to non-commercial applications only, as usual.

@TK: You are welcome to host the files on the midibox server if you like and change this post accordingly.

edit: spell errors corrected

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...The auto-router produces ugly results, but at least a working one in this case.

this is all that is really important.

there's nothing wrong with vias in general (unless you are etching your own pcbs)

but i do avoid placing them near pins under an smd, since a solder bridge there will not be visible.

you can use the vRestrict layer to prevent the autorouter from doing this

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Download ZIP: http://users.sr-iserlohn.de/swinsid-dip-mb6582.zip

I did another, more DIY-friendly version using DIP packages for the AVRs (resistors etc. remain SMT).

All hand-routed and with only a handful of vias :)

@bugfight's comment:

That is usually a good idea if you solder them by hand (and even more if you don't have a soldermask on the board).

I usually solder SMTs in a homegrown reflow oven, therefore vias under ICs and close to pins go ok.

Anyway, I bet only quite a few people would actually want it all SMT, which is why I made the second one with DIPs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi ^^ !

First, apologize my english, I'm french ^^"

Second : is there any MPBH_SwinSID module who works fine ? Can we find a "definitive" component list, PCB, and shematic ? I would like to build the MBSID, but SIDs are very expensive (near 40 € O_O !), I'm afraid of the ADSR bug, and FM synthesis excite me :p I've read a lot of threads and the page in the « user manual », but I didn't understand all I need to have / do to build the SwinSID module.

Apologize my english again.

(Is somebody can say me if it is able to sounds like a Nord Lead :p ?)

Thanks :)

EDIT : Is possible multi filter mode will avaible in a next release ?

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Hi !

With a lot of help on the chat (sorry for nILS, stryd, lucem and others x) ), I succeeded to write an order list.

ATmega8515-16PU X2

SN74HC595N X2

Oscillator 24MHz /!\ I have a doubt here !

PCM1754BDQ instead of TDA1543

1Kohm resistors X3

Capacitor 22 pF X2

Capacitor 470 pF X2

Capacitor 100nF

Capacitor 1µF X2

Socket 40 pin X2

Socket 16 pinsX2

Did I make a mistake ?

Thanks you so much again :)

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  • 2 years later...

hi nILS,

i'd like to try the last version. i have the TDA1543, 2x Atmega8515 through hole.

now i'm not sure about the caps in the list the guy posted above:

that's 7 caps while i can just see 5 caps in your latest pcb file.

my 1st guess would be that the 22p caps were for use with a quartz right?

the eagle file also didn't tell me any cap values.

(maybe i lack some fundamental eagle knowledge here).

as i have understood it i don't need a sid module to hook this to a core?

is it ok with you if i have mike make me a board or should i rather try it with perfboard?

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if you'd even be willing to do a rework that's much more than i would have expected.

i've seen the PLCC-44 design on swinkels's website but thought i'd rather stick to your through hole version, and got me some TDA's from VOTI.NL

but i thought the difference were just a matter of the chip package (obviously didn't look closely enough).

also i don't know how great the differences are,i mean it's clearly over my head to redesign this work, as i'd probably be just glad if i get it running at all grin.png

so if you really like to do this i could just offer you some ordinary help, like soldering services or any other kind of logistic stuff.

as i was digging through all threads i could find on this topic, looking for info, i already thought i could also start one in which i'd keep detailed records for noobs like me how to get a swinsid to run. ok but that's not exactly helping with your design...

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The two "missing" caps are indeed for the crystal. This layout is pretty old and since swinkels has reworked the schem etc. it would be a smart move to make a new layout. Maybe I can look into that if you ask nicely :)

It would be very nice if you would like to redesign the PCB and maybe made a bulkorder

i'm in for 4 PCB with Atmel if you will

thank you nILS

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i just found out that clicking on parts in an eagle file often helps telling a component's value whistle.png

i had a look at swinkels's PLCC design. his output decoupling caps are 1uF.

so, from what i could see i just need

3x 100N, wima

2x 1U, i have wima type and bipolar electrolytics

so, unless the latest schematic posted (swinsid_09.zip) is known to be not working i'd still like to give it a try.

i couldn't find any of the 470N caps mentioned above, but as i intend to transfer the schem to perfboard (quick & dirty) there's plenty of room to make some changes if need to.

so, is there something special to be aware of regarding which (old) firmware would or would possibly not work with this version,

or would you just consider it stupid to go ahead and give it a try instead of waiting for the decent one?

of course i'm still interested in the new development, i just feel like soldering, as i seem to have all parts lying here and it's actually just a handful of components.

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By the way do you guys know that Swinkels has released a newer SID emulation called Micro SwinSID? The main differences seem to be using a newer Atmel chip, which enables a higher sample rate, and now the output is direct from the chip - no DAC required (the TDA is getting harder to find unfortunately).

There is an informative review here:


I know that Swinkels was active around here at one point, so maybe we could ask if the Micro SwinSID might be useful to us?

I for one would be interested in a PCB and pre-burned chip bulk order :)


Edited by monokinetic
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That's exactly what I was referring to when I said:

This layout is pretty old and since swinkels has reworked the schem etc. it would be a smart move to make a new layout. Maybe I can look into that if you ask nicely :wink:
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thanks for posting this useful information, monokinetic! very useful indeed, as this makes decision easy for me.

as the TDA and 8515 are not needed for the future i'll definitely give the old one a try for now, because i have all the stuff here already.

i'll post results about the part values in case i get it running, just for the sake of completeness.

apart from all that, i'm of course interested in the sequel, and you can count me in whatever there will be.

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That's exactly what I was referring to when I said:

Aha, ok in that case: <very_nice_voice> nILS I for one would love to have a PCB layout of a stereo MicroSwinSID using through hole Atmel 88</very_nice_voice>


thanks for posting this useful information, monokinetic! very useful indeed, as this makes decision easy for me.

Cool, glad to be of some help! You could always hook up both later on for more fun....

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