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MIDIbox SID V2 Release + Feedback


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I have discovered some odd behavior with the arpeggiator.

I am running MbSID V2.0RC27.

To make this error appear:

*Enable a patch that uses the arpeggiator, for example "Arpeggio" from the default patches.

*Play an A-minor chord starting with A3, the A in the middle of a 49-key keyboard. A-C-E.

*Release the E, the arpeggiator is still playing A-C-E as EXP_ARP_BEHAVIOUR in sid_midi.inc set to 1 (default).

*While still holding the A and C, use the finger that used to be on the E to play an F, the arpeggiator is now playing A-C-F.

So far, everything is as it should be.

*Start with the same A-minor chord, then release the A.

*While still holding the C and E, use the finger that used to be on the A to play a G.

*Instead of playing G-C-E, the arpeggiator doesn't drop the A and plays G-A-C-E.

This only happens for some particular combinations of keys, it does for example not happen if you do the same thing one octave above, but it does one octave down.

Anders M.

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  • 2 weeks later...

*Start with the same A-minor chord, then release the A.

*While still holding the C and E, use the finger that used to be on the A to play a G.

*Instead of playing G-C-E, the arpeggiator doesn't drop the A and plays G-A-C-E.

I found and fixed the bug. :)

I also found an issue in drum model handling (default patches sound a bit strange) which is fixed as well.

RC28 will be available soon

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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RC28 is available now


  o fixed arpeggiator note handling bug
  o arpeggiator: the previously hardcoded "experimental arp behaviour" switch is now
    available as software controlable switch called "Easy Chord".
    It has to be enabled in the ARP menu ("Esy" flag)
    Difference compared to normal chord entry: depressed keys will still
    be cylced by the arpeggiator until a new key is pressed.
    This feature is especially useful when slow arpeggios are played, since
    it avoids unintended "long notes" on chord changes.
    It is not useful if you intend to play a voice like a common lead instrument,
    which should turn into a fast arpeggio when more than one key is played
    (in this case, ensure that the "Esy" switch is disabled)
  o fixed drum model handling (listen to the drum patches again - they sound much better now :)
  o preliminary support for parameter access via 7bit CC
    (only available for Lead Engine yet)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Thankyou very much Thorsten!! I uploaded the update this morning using the new MIOSStudio beta 8.3 and everything seems fine :)

The drums really does sound better. rc27 was the first version i ever tried on my newborn babybox so i had no idea that some drumsounds was wrong until now ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

In the editor it couln't be more simple:

1. (Assuming you work with the lead/bassline engine) go to the 'Arpeggiator' tab

2. Click the 'on/off' button for the appropriate arpeggiator.

Simple, right?



hah, sorry i was A BIT unclear with my suggestion.... my god.  :P

what i actually meant was that choosing a destination "arpeggio on/off" for analog inputs is not available in the list. so that you could toggle it without going thru menus, or without software editor. maybe it's not very commonly needed for most users? somehow i'm feeling for that option.


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I will add a CS_MENU_BUTTON_Arp into the next release, which will allow you to enable/disable all 6 arpeggiators of the selected SID (it was planned anyhow)

You will be able to map this function to a free DIN pin in your setup_*.asm file.

I guess that a LED function would be useful as well?

I don't think that it is really required to map this to an analog input (waste of resources), because you only want to switch between On and Off... or did I overlook something?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hey TK, could you please add all oscillators to be able to be selected with the Oscillator select button.. (For the MB-6582 etc)

Currently, it cycles through 1 , 2, then 3..

Could you please make it go  - "1,2,3 then (1 & 2 & 3)" if that makes any sense?

This can be selected with the menu (All 3 selected at once) but it would be super if it could be done with the control surface..

Kind regards


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This was the initial behaviour of the OSC button in early MBSID V1 releases, but I found the current solution much better.

Since nobody complained about this change, I removed the option in MBSID V2 completely...

However, it shouldn't be too much effort to add it again, and make it selectable in the setup_* file:

        ;; if 0: OSC button selects also combined modes (7 states, combined OSCs)
        ;; if 1: OSC button selects only one of three OSCs (faster handling)

[s]So, once the next release is available, you will have to set this value to 0 for your customized firmware (I guess, that sooner or later you will set it back to 1...)[/s]

No compile switch available - the proposed selection logic "1--, -2-, --3, 123" now the one and only default

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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RC29 ChangeLog:

  o fixed CC#07 (now controls volume as intended)
  o for 4x20 LCD: MIDI channels and Engines of selected ensemble are displayed at upper line
  o OSC button now cycles between 1--, -2-, --3 and 123
  o added optional CS_MENU_BUTTON_Arp function, which can be assigned to a button in setup_*.asm

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 2 months later...


I believe I found a "bug" or oversight in SID V2 RC30 involving the saving of ensemble data to the internal EEPROM.

Simply, it is not possible to save changes to ensembles to the internal EEPROM when using the "SAV" function.

When saving, it only gives one address: "E001".  The message, "SAVE ENSEMBLE" appears as if the settings were written.  Upon changing ensembles by hitting the "page up" button, the settings are lost.

Some background:

I have one bankstick, mouser pn# 579-24LC256-I/P.

It is ID# 0 and patch saving works fine.

In order to troubleshoot the problem, I checked over all my connections (they were correct) and uploaded both the latest MIOS firmware and SID applications using MIOS Studio 7 (beta 5), with the suggested settings (smart mode--MIDI IN and OUT connected).  Also, I tried setting "DEFAULT_ENS_BS_CS" to "-1" in the .asm.

None of these things solved the problem. 

On a whim, I decided to fire up the V2 Editor and see if I could write the data that way.

Well, I changed some filter settings, saved, and uploaded the ensemble to memory.  What do you know?  The settings are retained!

To me, this means there is probably something at fault with the mechanism that saves the ensemble to the internal memory, within the SID software.

What do you think?

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  • 2 weeks later...

RC31 is available:

  o fixed storing ensemble in internal EEPROM if no BankStick selected
  o the ensemble stored in internal EEPROM (previously called E001) is now called EInt
  o the patch stored in internal EEPROM (previously called [A-H]001) is now called PInt
  o EInt now automatically selected after startup if no ensemble BankStick connected
  o E002 now automatically selected after startup if EInt was selected before
  o fix for communication with Rutger's SysEx editor: mod matrix direct assignments
    are handled correctly now in stereo edit mode

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I did the update to RC31 and There seems to be a bug in the bassline mode sequencer edit.  The "oct" flag no longer shows it's current status (up1, up2, etc.) and when activating the slide function it causes some very strange characters to be displayed under the "oct" flag.  Soundwise everything seems to be functioning normally.

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I did the update to RC31 and There seems to be a bug in the bassline mode sequencer edit.  The "oct" flag no longer shows it's current status (up1, up2, etc.) and when activating the slide function it causes some very strange characters to be displayed under the "oct" flag.  Soundwise everything seems to be functioning normally.

I see this in rc30 as well.


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Thank you - this bug exists since 224 days!

Shame on the guy, who requested a bugfix for "character artifacts" but hasn't tested all menu pages! ;) (*)

The fix is already in the repository and will be available with the next release.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

(*) just kidding - I knew that such dramatical changes will cause new issues w/o intensive tests

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