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had that too.  interesting experience. you learn to  respect electricity.

Do you have just 110V or the hardcore-version 220V (like me) ?


how did it happen?

*whack* O

nly 220V? althought I havent ever experienced mains runnign through my body I've had a nasty experience with a huge camera flash capacitor... That and the time when the house got struck by lightening when I was washing some dishes in the sink... think that classes as being struck by lightening, just not through i direct route *whack*


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... c'mon guys stop showing-off.

No matter what voltage... if it hits you, you were not good enough  ;)

Greets, Roger

I dunno, it kinda feels tingly and makes you feel good to be alive.

Have I ever told you abou the time I caught a fish this big  ;D

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I'm with the Rabbit on that one. Every time i've been zapped, it's because i've been doing something stupid, plain and simple. Like the time I had a vintage synth arcing to from it's power switch to the case, and was poking around inside! Now I make sure everything is unplugged before I get anything open!

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