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6581R4AR who wants some ? CLOSED


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Hello I'm Max .

I did get a connection to a chinese chipseller.

They offered me

MOS 6581R4AR-Chips

I'll get 24 of theese within the next few weeks for testing.

If the quality is good and if you are interested (and of course there are enough people who want some of them) i will manage to get them over to Europe.

The price depends with the count of orders and will be around $10-$15 USD plus shipping costs.

Update: With shipping costs I mean shipping from Germany to you. The above metioned price includes import from China to Germany

any questions or orders to mad-max(at)myself.com

greets and happy Midiboxing

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According to true 6581 afficionados, the 6581R4AR's are the best sounding 6581's out there. They're "4th" generation (hence the R4), and used in most of the c64c (the beige new-case styled c64's, as opposed to the oldschool brown breadboxes).

Some C64 musicians (most notably Jeff/VRZ/CML) adore the sound of the 6581, and think the filters and waves this particular SID produces are way better than the 8580's. The 8580's are preferred by the more techno oriented musicians (like PVCF/Reflex...), because of the sick filters and some extra waveforms (hey, that's why most people here seem to prefer the 8580/6582, because of its ability to get dirty like a 303........ which the 6581 can't do because of some well, hmm, it misses some of the extra waveforms in the 8580, and the filters aren't that good).

Hope to have helped you a bit :D I prefer the 6581 as well, just because of its cleaner sound, and its ability to do digis using $d418 register on the c64  ;D

(Hmm, you can't tell I'm an avid c64 user can you?  8) )

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According to true 6581 afficionados, the 6581R4AR's are the best sounding 6581's out there. They're "4th" generation (hence the R4), and used in most of the c64c (the beige new-case styled c64's, as opposed to the oldschool brown breadboxes).

Some C64 musicians (most notably Jeff/VRZ/CML) adore the sound of the 6581, and think the filters and waves this particular SID produces are way better than the 8580's. The 8580's are preferred by the more techno oriented musicians (like PVCF/Reflex...), because of the sick filters and some extra waveforms (hey, that's why most people here seem to prefer the 8580/6582, because of its ability to get dirty like a 303........ which the 6581 can't do because of some well, hmm, it misses some of the extra waveforms in the 8580, and the filters aren't that good).

Hope to have helped you a bit :D I prefer the 6581 as well, just because of its cleaner sound, and its ability to do digis using $d418 register on the c64 ;D

(Hmm, you can't tell I'm an avid c64 user can you? 8) )

the chips basically sound the same filter-wise. The main difference is that the 8580 is more bugfixed than the 6581. This results in a cleaner overall sound (less artifacts) for the 8580, but there is also a disadvantage: a certain bug in the 6581 VCA made it possible to feed it DC, which could be modulated to play samples. This "feature" is missed in the 8580. I think this functionality is useless to midiboxers, we do not play samples over SID. Unless you are building your SID solely for playing old SID tunes via ASID or similar, 8580/6582 is the chip to get for cleanest performance. If you're into a lo-fi sound with the forementioned artifacts 6581 can be a lot of fun too. But the frequently told story that 8580 is better for lead sounds and 6581 is better for fat basses is not true -at least in TK's schematic for the SID- because 8580 is just as good with basses.

in one sentence: 6581 is for lo-fi applications and C64 tune players, 8580/6582 is for hi-fi music making.

Cheers, Alex.

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Oktober 13, 2007  23:22  Hong Kong - Hong Kong  Sendung wurde abgeholt

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Oktober 15, 2007 13:39 Cologne - Germany Ankunft in der DHL-Station in Cologne - Germany

tomorrow or the day after i'll start testing them EXCITED

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i will prepare a special sid-file.

it will do the following for all waveform on three channels separately

sweep from 20-4000hz

filter sweep over a 800 hz tone for lp,bp (mid range),and hp

playing commando Remix or original from Rob Hubbard

and record everything as wave.

then i will look onto the waveforms.

for any suggestions about testing i'll be gratefull.

by the way can anyone give me informations if there's a good method for playin sid over XE-Cable e.g with 64hdd its long time ago that i used tha (1.5 Years :))

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Hello people,

got my chips and i'm in testing phase.

Last two days i reconstructed my old c64 !! Was a c64C so had to modify it for using with 6581 !! But works now.8)

Test conditions:



ExtIn is connected with ground over 330K

the output is pulled down with 1k (R8)

For the first look all chips are great !!

played several sid files via sidplay for c64 and they sound amazing.  reminds me to my childhood .

tested bombo from daglish (one of my favourites) and tobeontop and some more.

btw if i want to burn a prg onto an eeprom do i have to convert it before ?

i want to "boot" into sidplay directly for faster testing

theese are the good news.

bad news :

I didnt compose the test-tune until yet.  want to do it with goattracker (help with that would be great)

I will start with that in a few days (hopefully weekend) but one hour ago i had a car accident. and next two or three days i have to manage this first. Everything is crashed : front, side and rear! fucking leaves :)

so i think you all will get good quality brand new 6581R4ARs

stay tuned

regards Max


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