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Everything posted by Phatline

  1. ok, done i replaced the file above. They where set as 3,3V and GND was Current-INPUT - I changed them to Current-OUTPUT, and VBUS was BIDIRICTIONAL - now they are set as Current-INPUT
  2. I converted your Eagle Library to Kicad Library (with eagle-lbr2kicad-1.0.ulp) not tested on any PCB-Fabrication yet... so be careful (i use kicad 5) dipCoreF4_beta_kicad.zip also addet a 3rd Symbol for the 48pin - a smaller one:
  3. OHA - you got pm definitve in for a beta! also the m16 when the time comes (may use the fpga also for other interesting code...i know it may be a small one).
  4. nice! i will give the dip a try for the cc looper. do you plan to sell the boards? where to order?
  5. agree with fans noise. lower with filtering caps but still hearable - no need for fan
  6. at the momemt...i am not sure ... will take some time to finish. decidet to give fpga a try. not sure if it is a arm or fpga task. much time ideas possibilitys and ways... phat.
  7. pump... will go the next days more expensive on ebay (since they want 10%... had a try to avoid it,by post it on diverse alternative sellers,but no luck)
  8. fof me a bit overpriced. for its components. still focosing on topic... thinking of what to do with usb or sd when useing a midi breakout board making then lesss sensd to sepsrate when needing it anyhow on back of device.... in sense of keep houseing minimal)special when use in rack... will check that when some rain fall down here - till then enjoy the waeather ahh.
  9. -just drawing the midi shematics... when the optos are on board a 10pin connector do the job... while your solution with external opto-board need only 6pin.... still have troubles with kicad 5, looses its part cache when saving, ours of work gone and so on... so cant say at the moment with space usage (got that ??)
  10. fpa: paralell calculate lots of trigger and all the live midi. drum sequencer. a arm should do the ui and copying ram patterns... all that is not timing critical and all where i dont know to handle on fpga...doesnt matter has not much to do with the minimal core
  11. my core in there in is not mini: http://wiki.midibox.org/lib/exe/detail.php?id=triggermatrix&media=phatline:tm_blm_gpio_extra08..jpg a fpga with a arm in it for the code for most ui sd and other stuff i am not realy deep into... it will not be a fpga with a external mios remote.... the minimalcore is for all my small projects.
  12. xilinx... but dont know model... learning vhdl basics while trying to port the idea to it...since triggermatrix startedt years ago with max msp . and this was a paralell oriented structure. and im having still to much latency on my mios basrd version (its good in sequencer mode. but not tight enough to use it with drum triggers...) so model will be choosen on the teal demand of code
  13. for example?if it is pinsoftware compatible...but most cases not. spend my soft time more on fpga. for the bigger projects.for the smaller mios is enough. (for exsmple my triggermatrix will go fpga)
  14. . i regocnized that i am more color sensible afterrunning arround with this . and i am still. see the energysave lightpulps in greenish. the sky of a moonnight in blue... canon sx200ir - old enough... so it finally have some use.
  15. we want to create a small STM32F4 based Board (for example 10x5cm in size), with limited Pins/sockets... this topic has not the the claim to be perfect... all the infos are on the WikiPage WikiPage: http://wiki.midibox.org/doku.php?id=mnmlcore#design_concepts we can edit - one piece of information - and have to possibility to to compare different designs more ease PCB: initial shematic/Board Layout (eagle): MinimalCore.zip taken from: (be aware that this files could be not ready for fabricate!!! - i take no response for any use of it!) PCB: the eagle file above - ported 1:1 to Kicad 5 (which is still in 5.0.0 nightly): NewCoreSTM.zip that this file is not ready for PCB fabricate!) DESIGN Concept: discuss about how a small Core can be used on a small UI (small UI- less space) - also about the point that in most cases we need a midiport, and no optos are onboard till now... (except LPC17 and Core8) please look into the wiki where i already pointed out my view of things
  16. i made a new topic: i made a wiki: http://wiki.midibox.org/doku.php?id=mnmlcore#pcb_fabrication_pick_and_place @FantomXR i imported your files into kicad5, the board looks like this: The Airwires which are "ground" going to ground, since you fill everything with ground - i understand ... but what is it about the rest of that airwires ( i see the same in eagle) for example-the bootloader-header - it has a 3,3V airwire, dont think you made a 3,3V Plane there? (no isolation on the ground side) --- only ask - because maybe i have to turn on anything in eagle to show up... or you didnt need them - thx for info.
  17. stop motion while blood moon + some moon-star-cloud formations later in the night.... + some CAM-without-IR-Filter-Recordins... Sound: Phatline - Sonnwend2016 (equipment: triggermatrix"Techstar", jp8080, ableton for Recording)
  18. i am familiar, with it, etched and drilled my single sidet pcbs ano 2008 or so... had expirience with the old eagle, now a bit with the new autodesk ones (import export run scripts to get footprints and shemes them to kicad ;) ), have more skills on the kicad 4... the not released yet offical kicad 5 can import whole eagle projects (so this core for example can be ported)... but i never prepered a file for external fabrication (design rules for specific fabricators... but know soldermask... whatching the eevblog) - i want to do it... or at least try it with kicad 5 (how good this eagle import really works) --- start by comparing core 8 with core32, --- but for me pinout core32 makes more sense, --- hand drawing for small Projects usecases: where are the ports situated, to make it sandwitch-able, what about midiports and so on...core 8 had midi onboard, which makes sense, the midisocket makes no sense of course (since you can built the device in rack or desktop... AND this thru holes optos take to much space for such tiny pcb - and make routing around very hard... > so for me it is in the early concept phase - maybe use smd-sockets for the thruhole optos - or solder smdoptos directly on board, ...the midi pcb itself would be as slim as the socket, and could be situated on the same pcb with break-drills/cuts to break it away (rack desktop, middle of ui, back of the uipcb-situations) ... and so on - i start a new thread soon. for talking more about concept.
  19. made with seq light and jp8080 ...video in austria with view thru austria to the snowed alps... .,. another video "himmel über" angelsachsisch: "sky over" .would be superb if you also make some video and sound above that topic ;)
  20. midiphy: definitivly pushes (up) the idea of userprojects... nieceee. ( the blow into a glowing userproject-nest, to get a wide seen lighting fire )
  21. and "midiphy" stand for?
  22. agreee... so what we call it? miniCore32, 10x4CORE, RFcore(reduced formfactor)....-names based in formsize. or a name based on the limited/reduced ports- fundimentalCore, basisCore, baseCore... or a name as tributs based of the inital designer - XRcore . while x as variable for size . f for formfactor... or something with midi in it. since core is a common widely used name also in other genres... midicore (not the smallest not the tallest the medium.,. and of course midi as protocoll view) new thread with choosen corename then in design concepts again. i have some time left. and have interest and use of it. so what we call it... and start
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