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Everything posted by Phatline

  1. for me it doesnt work out with j10b direct connection to displays http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_lcd_nx2x20_mios32.pdf the documentation uses doutx4 shiftregister at j28 which doesnt exist on core32f4... docu also not saying where to handle pinning software side.
  2. Hi is there a change to get a generic usb-keyboard (abcdefghijklomopqrst...) working in usb-host-mode? i want to display the songtext on the 2x40LCDs, because i cant remember Texts... the most easyiest way would to input the text via Keyboard on the machine, and save it in arrays the other way would be that i have to somehow write it on personal computer, convert it into a readable file and interprete it on mios.... its like karaoke, but sequencer driven... any idea?
  3. some pictures.... and costs if "at it is" costs.ods
  4. i dont have a clue of the sequencer seqV4 features and menue and so on, i used only the hardware for my own program... so i cant say that the seqV4l will do that, you may search for yourself or ask in the forum HERE costs.ods i addet the costs, the parts costs are very exact the price i payed for it. the time is expectet, i dont remember exactly what i need, or can know what i really need exactly. the costs are without keyboard and case material costs (but with exceptet time need and keyboard electronic) also without trackposition display - you have not answered that you need or not... the package to zypern is also expacted for the LCDs there are options... i calculated for standart Backlight LCDs ---green for seq, blue for SID.... for OLED black background ones, it will be far more expensive. some parts i have to source, the seq-v4 panel for example, i dont have this, i must order this from julianf from uk... also the price is on the lower end - i for me take more euro per our in reality - because - my time is more worth then any money ;) of world... i have a plan, and i want to change things in my environment - its horrible here in austria (planes that makeing dust doing changing climate here, toxic substances in water, dessert like fields of wasted earth, EU-orders, stupid people, meat-eaters, nonsense roman empire rules...)
  5. @ sequencer: i also have a seqv4 wilba cs here, without case i dont use anymore (i prototype much, housing in my case make no sense- i prefer woodplates and naket pcb), also i have much other modules here, to complete any whises (except vca vcf they i need on my own...) @moog case, could fit, but dont know the dimensions on this device, dont think that a wilba seqv4 cs have enough place with the wilba SID cs in row... maybe you take a look @ @ my wilba sid is up and running, but not ready built in the case @ the wilba aluinimium frontpanel + paytec case, i could try sale, in some future maybe one need them, the ui-pcb + lcd would be bit harder... but ok i could live with that @ keyboard sold as parts - ok, we talk when your reserche is done - till then, mike.
  6. it doesnt matter who make you this, you have to plan some things on your own, you have to say what you want, you have to answer all of it! there are endless variations: please look for a keyboard for your playing needs, and money... for example: fatar.com www.doepfer.de or you can get a old midikeyboard, for example i was thinking to use my old alesis photon x25 keyboard for such a case many times, but it has to less keys, and the case isnt big enough for a fully stuffed sid then what mod wheel, stick...pitch wheel stick... transpose keys? then should it be prepared for later'/or now expansion -like analog filters and vcas? (you will need that filters and vcas 8times!!!) so the connections to the sid-sound-pcb are not taken from it directly , the connections will be wired to wired plugs on the keyboard case, instead of placing the sid-sound-pcb directly to the back of device... then look@ the dimensions of the SID-PCB - 18x23,5cm, that space it will needs on the keyboard sourface too, and that space it will need inside the case too (@ least 2,5cm), the sid-pcb (the sound pcb), can sit: beside the keyboard (so it is 23,5cm longer) the orginal wilba frontpanel make sense there under the keyboard (so it is 4cm higher) only make sense if you want special ui where the elements are more horizontal spaced behind the keyboard(so its 19cm wider) let you much space for extra midicontrolls, because u use only 18x23 cm for sid panel in case of wilba cs... in that case what functions, buttons and controlls you need additional? or if you want a special UI, displays and special buttons, in that case, every time you want too upload a new firmware, you have to replace some files (cs_menu_leds.inc...) in the firmware and recompile like: manual-frontpanel then what case? directly in a flight case for example? or wooden for your living room, or use the original case - when you choose to reuse a old keyboard. then coloring > in case of wilba cs > the frontpanel i have is black, (from julianf, uk) - for example a wood case, where beside sides on the wood sits a black aluminium panel at it... if you think about all that, and answer any single question, and make a concept drawing, whe can talk about money. - i am located in austria-
  7. "Himmel über ..." in English "Sky above..." should be viral Viral Project, where the people are making time lapse Videos from there Sky above there Place/Hometown. -those who want should take their selfe made music, or cc or free music- ... those who have the camera equipment and time - of course... so the net is full of Sky above Vienna, Munich, Paris... with Time lapse Videos with all that Plains that are making the sky gray... enjoy some videos with home-grown music Himmel über Katsdorf - 2018.03.30 Himmel über Katsdorf - 2018.03.30 Himmel über Katsdorf - 2018.04.07
  8. i have a fully stuffed, mb6582 here, and of course i could build it into a keyboardcase... ... but what keyboard? what case? a gig-case? noble wood case? with deck? with Standard frontplate? or are you thinking of some special frontpanel where the ui-elements are situated more horizontally in row? what are you willing to pay... i mean a keyboard, the case, the mb6582, the sids, and the TIME! this will be expensive. And it would of course take same time to assamble all this... - and then the trust, that you then really will pay all that stuff....
  9. thx for this detailed answer the assembler language is the top argument that kills for me the idea :) i will use the standard midi conection version then thx mike
  10. if not responding try the bootloader-switch, and upload a other software version with it... (if it is somehow software, or interconnection related)
  11. i think you need TL1100AF instead of your posted TL1100F look @ the datasheet the F version has some strange zylindric scape...
  12. on both datasheets of your postet switch+caps are 3.3mm rectangle size > should fit. your link is mouser austria: > fallst vesand sparen willst, könn ma uns ja gemeinsam was nach österreich bestellen um über 50€ zu kommen, ich bräucht da eh noch was von mouser ;), innerhalb österreich ist der versand ja billig (ansonsten ich wohn nähe linz)
  13. great, i will upload the hex file to the build-wiki - 4 easy debug... EDIT: done
  14. well then upload this, and check your buttons and Encoders... it dont tests the leds... but dont matter you havent soldered them anyway (it is programmed that the Wilba PCB is first in the J8J9 chain) project.hex
  15. do you leave out R30 on core-modul -like described here: http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_sdcard.html "The resistor array R30 of the MBHP_CORE_STM32 module shouldn't be connected when a SD Card is used, because pads are configured in Push-Pull mode at 3.3V. SD Card transfers could work unstable with these Pull-Up resistors!" -by the way i had not noticed problems by core modules with R30 in it ( i have many of them) but i dont use a SEQV4 firmware on them... but i used this Wilba pcb for other things... maybe a bridge-ing of the J5A and J5B on core can solve problems (it they are softwareside activated) - again dont know how they are used in SEQV4 firmware by the way the Wilba-CS is a BLM - Button-LED-MATRIX, because of the interconnection of button and LEDs - i think you should solder them in first, before investing more time in trouble shooting - this time. wait half an our or so, i upload a test program for the wilba program, i have wrote, while i was developing my "trigger matrix", so you can test button and encoder pin connection... but i am still not shure that this will function without LEDs soldered anyway... just a try... wait half an our, i check the code if its still working ( having a wilba cs lying around... have connect lcds and core to it...)
  16. ok cs0-7 directly from core, the others then from display-driver - i think i will plug Display 0-7 then in J15B. and the display driver with that mirrored cable on J15A then... (may 3.3 5V problems accour? see my last sentence below) hmm what about J9 - for what is that? should that be a output or a input? i dont measure voltage there... do i have to connect to core? anwhere? do you have wired already displays with that pcb? , a photo additional to wiki - would be helpful: http://wiki.midibox.org/doku.php?id=display_driver what i see, i have to paralell wire 8 displays per 2x5 socket, and single wire the cs coming from the 2x5 socket, the ground i can take from the 2x5 socket, the +Potential (in your shematic its 5V) i dont found... maybe that J9? on the 2x5 i dont found that 5vdc+. .... by the way in this document: http://ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_lcd_ssd1306_single_mios32.pdf the display is connected via 3.3V, in your diagram it is on +5V
  17. quest on disp.driver.pcb: Software-Side: is there any speciality by using the driver instead of not useing a driver? (could i just run/adapt the MB-Programmer code for example... or is there more to do?)
  18. thx. ahh your right, i have such copper wire @ home, didnet use it that much, so i didnt think about that solution, that would be thin enough to connect it directly to the thruhole connector...
  19. first to the horizontally: it turned out that the left leg (top viewof part) of q33 is somehow grounded.... i removed r45, q33, 1n4148 and RN18, and its still groundet > i found out that RN18 had a short on the pcb between ground and the pin where you draw the connected the yellow airwire (rn18 pin 9 when i count that ics right...), i scratched the chopper away with a knife: -well that block is working now except one LED - the missing led (the led itself is working, i removed it to go shure ), on the common side its all right but on the "T"op side i have 56Ohm to ground, while on all other LEDs have 5Mohm to ground... it is connected to RN19, which is a 56 ohm network, so it has to be groundet somewhere on the other side of the network... the network where i lost some pads in the past, ok desolder it with hot air fan.... ok what i see is not very good: Pin 7 is groundet, and removed from pcb (the chopper pad has moved) ok clean up and connect it directly to ic19 Pin 5, also Pin 9 looking bad because it is loosing pcb contact... so better also remove the pad, and make a airwire..., but in order to solder it on this tiny tiny tiny thruhole connector, i have scrath a new "via" with the ground plan around it... in order to mechanicly connect the wire conclusio:RN19 i messed up by trying to desolder it leg by leg... > always desolder chips with Hot AIR FANs conclusio: RN18 make bigger traces around Ground Plane and Signal Pathes... a single tip with the soldering iron can mechanical withen the copper to make a ground short.... its all working now!
  20. i am finishing my second BLM, and i have a problem: horizontal Xtra row, the last four(most right) led pairs want show up (seeing with running light), also the buttons for it dont react - what part could be the problem i already replaced q33 and r45 -while soldering i replaced rn19, and lost some pads... which pad is for the last 4 leds? i also used a hot-air fanl, so maybe ic19 (next to rn19) could be faulty? on vertical row led pair 5-8 (counted from below, over shift) only give me the left led (each led of the 4th block) - but buttons are working where to start debuging? thx for help.
  21. you got pm, need the T. Stoeckl SSM2164 VCA PCB - 5 Euro (2 pieces available) > to austria.
  22. a question to the elo-boards: what is a: TS16 R-EU_TS 0204TS how does this touchsensor look? ( i am on ordering parts...)
  23. just a few thoughts... not a full programm or even right, anyway it has to morph to a running programm by doin it... i do not - so just a few ideas... no not done... but i am in a bit in note processing... and have programmed my own note processing devices (with built in sequencer based on MIOS stuff) so the note stream is getting delayed? to the next tic? maybe not, so to the next beat? but what is the next beat? the source material can be 3/4, 4/4, 5/4, 7/4, 9/4, 11/4 13/4, so you have to set the counter in your device to the Beat-Structure, of course only when the currently played beat is finished, you could do that with programchange or controll change from your seqencer (ableton?) clips cc function.... but that change will then only happen to the next beat (if it is above... for example a currently played 4/4 @ step 15 has to be finished before a 13/4 can be set.... i would run the seq.c and set the tact counter via control change, for ammount i would simply solder a pot to j5A, trippled mode = tact system 3/4 the sequencer tic output + the number generator/counter i would send to a function in main.c where the "buffer arrays = notestacks" are getting triggered. the buffers itself i would fill in the midi-notify function. and then your brain has to work... if you delay a 32the length note-on-message to the next 4/4 beat, and 32th later you delay the note-off-message to the same next 4/4 beat, your probably hear nothing so you have to counter the tics off the note-on-note-off time, and then my brain stop getting a clue... you will need a "input buffer" and a "waiting buffer"... so the easyest way is maybe to make a trigger-function that handles all 127 notes for a channel(hi priority) l, and have a second function that handles note off calculation (which is not hi priority) and dump out note offs - a frtos xtag which is called every ms for example, the note on off tic time calculation i would do with a flag set in the midi notification function, the flag counter itself is in the trigger function which itself is drivcen from the seq.c? tic sending.... the calculated note off tic time then will be written into the note off buffer - or start the the second function which handles note off calculation (counter every millisecond...) what should be the interface? programchange/cc + that controlls like on maxforlive? well the hardware will be the easy job... michi
  24. i need them 6x i am located in austria thx
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