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Everything posted by Phatline

  1. na i think i cant use - i need midi a and b. you have only one midi port when looking at your shematic and board? it has 2 midiports yes!
  2. hei. is the rest of layout the same as the files you released here? (specially the j89 10 11... and the mounting holes?) i ask because i would then project around this- to simple plug your core into my UI... i would then if i get it fit - need some of those cores. if you make a run how many is minimum. and what is priceing. do the place machine pick all smd parts on top? mike.
  3. very cool! post the suiting sd card socket... and all other usefull expirience...
  4. i overworked the whole thing... now the usb ports are free, and all connectors are on back-location OBSOLATE: (the design is finally done with dipCoreF4 as brain
  5. yes... cant really help, but want to see this to get real (want some)
  6. would be great such pre- loopa board(s), i would make a stop motion film for the built -like i did before on other midibox-gear... and it also would make fun to hack into code. greets mike
  7. hey.. would take 2 . any possibility to load the clips including the ones on disk via program change? and feedback that the clip is free and virgin? ... i think on some clip launch matrix from external ... in my case blm and triggermatrix.... so program change for songs. bank change for scenes and feedback(a cc state for example) would be enough. to use it in a grown midisetup for live sets. jam it in and use it in sets. mike
  8. Phatline

    WTB: SEQ v4

    dont know ask in the seq4+ thread... since except the prototypes there are no seq4+ ever built, i dont know the time which is running into building this. but since it is kit there are less time and postage in parts to source, i guess...
  9. Phatline

    WTB: SEQ v4

    so i see only2 options... orginal mongbox...since i dont find the modified or the beast with matching case (ask him he has a few ideas) ... since heidenreich case is group buy...
  10. Phatline

    WTB: SEQ v4

    ans if he ask for what fore then tell him stm32f4 + 2*midi io
  11. Phatline

    WTB: SEQ v4

    yes but the frontpanel is just a graphic file (svg) (i think vector graphic) so there is material colour, (dont know look at the his building tread, he was using formular or ponoko? they have materials which you can choose) i am not into this case, but maybe you can choose the incraveing fill color (or maybe i have to fill it with hand - pain in the ass...), because it is vector, you could placei your logo, or band banner on it, what ever, artwork... could look on font styles (but i think they must get transleted to vector graphics...could be tricky)
  12. Phatline

    WTB: SEQ v4

    if you are sure. you want that acrylic. i will order it... this weekend i am busy. could look tuesday on the files and get me the costs and get me informed about that case. until that you have time to look at the other possibilitys... and what can be done (artwork on the acrylic one) bye mike
  13. Phatline

    WTB: SEQ v4

    yes i would, but doing the case later, is a bit tricky: because of the LEDs, theyshould have to set to the right length,so they are looking nicelyinto the panel... mine are a few millimentersnow above the pcb,maybe to short for some panels. desolder double sided pcbs is pain in the ass, special when you are new on soldering (hot air, or working with flux paste).... but ok, i could give you some new leds for "later" and mount the whole thing on a wood plate (the modules are not stacked see triggermatrix V1 like: http://wiki.midibox.org/doku.php?id=triggermatrix)-which also would take some time in account, without any panels... and you could do the rest on your own... later. the question is make it sense? not really. it maybe ends up that you never got a case... i already had this cas: http://wiki.midibox.org/lib/exe/detail.php?id=triggermatrix&media=phatline:tm-generic-cs.jpg
  14. Phatline

    WTB: SEQ v4

    hard to say, take a look at this: did not see the price,havent the time to search for it http://niroke.blogspot.com/2017/07/an-unofficial-build-guide-for-midibox.html
  15. Phatline

    WTB: SEQ v4

    thats julianf... and the price and panels which i calculted above but: Product Description This is a set of panels for the desktop encloure. The enclosure itself is NOT included. so this is only front an backpanel, but without "enclosure" what means no case - they panels are for the heidenreich case, which is not in my list
  16. Phatline

    WTB: SEQ v4

    yes: with that frontpanels from julianf no: when you choose/get a fully acrylic variant, you have to substract the 145€ and take your acrylic panel+case instead if you decide for a acrylic solution like this you may ask mongrol what he payed,and for the files... other cases... for example.... or or or heidenreich (which was an bulkorder...you may not get the case on this price...) ----hope that helps... have a nice weekend.
  17. Phatline

    WTB: SEQ v4

    here are some costs that i have already calculated for a other human, that lost his interest after sawing the costs.... THERE IS NO CASE IN THE LIST!!! search for your prefered casing and the price and how to get and shipping costs and then you have your price: (heidenreich case is the one you saw, but there are a few other case-variants out there, search for it...) the time is rated with 15€ the our, what for me is way to less, and all the parts are the costs you have to pay anyway, also shipping costs for parts,because they come not from one supplier... so this is the absulut minimum you have to invest... i guess most of people will charge you more for it... and so do i. SEQV4 Wilba CS 1 € 0 00:00 € 0 seq4 cs pcb € 35 1 € 35 03:00 03:00 03:00 € 35 seq4 lcds 2x40 € 10 2 € 20 00:00 € 20 I have - green standard lcd 10 € with black text, other colors backgrounds ar going up to 50 each! But possible jog wheel knob € 4 1 € 4 00:00 € 4 seq rotary knobs € 2 16 € 24 00:00 € 24 seq frontpanel € 145 1 € 145 02:00 02:00 02:00 € 145 i have to order this from http://thebeast.co.uk/?product_cat=midibox because i dont have one seq encoder € 2 16 € 24 00:00 € 24 case € 0 Wires + Connectors € 25 1 € 25 00:30 00:30 00:30 € 25 dont know this exactly, well depend on what design we end up – this is without soldering time! screws, holder, clue small material € 25 1 € 25 01:00 01:00 € 25 dont know this exactly, well depend on what design we end up € 0 Core STM32F407G-DISC1 € 17 1 € 17 00:00 € 17 core pcb € 10 1 € 10 00:30 00:30 00:30 € 10 core parts € 13 1 € 13 00:00 € 13 midi io pcb € 7 2 € 14 00:20 00:40 00:40 € 14 midi io parts € 7 2 € 14 00:00 € 14 01:00 € 0 sourcing parts 07:40 € 115 time that has already invested € 485 summ for SEQ only
  18. Phatline

    WTB: SEQ v4

    what are you willing to pay? what case do You prefer? you said live so metall? rack or desktop?
  19. thx... i guess - i read that, understood maybe half - - have to impliment it into my code, the project was sleeping anyway, time to wake it up
  20. hey, i have a very time sensitive case, where i have to scan a GPIO (DIN) Pin (J5) for ON/OFF states (audio>schmitt-trigger>J5) >>> Clock 2 Audio 2 Clock: i switched off, what i found, and deleted as many tasks i know... > see code attachment (mios config and app.c) what task is best for scaning such GPIO? or can i change priority with switch somehwere --- i have put it into "void APP_MIDI_Tick" up to now... when a new pulse comes in a midi-clock-send signal goes out also... the Signal-Pulses on GPIO are 2ms -on-pulses -like shown in this picture the first and 3rd track are recordet @once where 1st track is audio track,and 3rd track is midi-clock-click, the 2nd track is the overdubbed audio-track driven by the clock of 3rd track --- i have 6ms delay... of course there is also some delay in sound generation and other ways.but there is also quite a bit delay in the c-code... #include <mios32.h> u8 clock_trigger = 0; u8 clock_counter = 0; u8 audio_pulse_durate = 0; u8 Start_Flag = 1; u8 Mode = 0; //0: Sense Midi Clock, 1: Sense Audio Pulses u8 blink = 0; u8 count = 0; u32 count_off = 0; u8 loose_clock = 0; u8 count_flag = 0; u8 Start_sense = 0; void APP_Init(void){ // set GPIO // Set GPIO // J5A0 >> DIN - Pull-DOWN - Audio Input > Sense Pulses from Schmitt Trigger MIOS32_BOARD_J5_PinInit(0, MIOS32_BOARD_PIN_MODE_INPUT_PD); // Push Down //connect to 5V // J5A1 >> DOUT - Push-Pull - Audio Out > Generate Pulses for Record MIOS32_BOARD_J5_PinInit(1, MIOS32_BOARD_PIN_MODE_OUTPUT_PP); MIOS32_BOARD_J5_PinSet (1, 0); // Turn off PIN > init // J5A2 >> DIN > Pull-UP - Record Button MIOS32_BOARD_J5_PinInit(2, MIOS32_BOARD_PIN_MODE_INPUT_PU); // Pull-UP //connect to ground // J5A3 >> DOUT > Push-Pull - LED MIOS32_BOARD_J5_PinInit(3, MIOS32_BOARD_PIN_MODE_OUTPUT_PP); MIOS32_BOARD_J5_PinSet (3, 1); // Turn ON PIN > init } void APP_Background(void){ // Switch + LED + MODE (play rec) set + Auto-Stop // /* //Scan Mode-Switch //deep88 - Switch Version u8 temp = Mode; Mode = MIOS32_BOARD_J5_PinGet(2); if (temp != Mode) { Start_Flag = 1; audio_pulse_durate = 0;} //Mode-LED-States (to indicate Mode-Push-Button if (count <= 0 ) { blink = 0; } if (count > 12) { blink = 1; } if (count > 24) { blink = 0; count =0 ;} if (Mode == 1) { MIOS32_BOARD_J5_PinSet(3, 1);} //Turn OFF PIN - sensing audio pulses dumpout midiclock else if (Mode == 0 && loose_clock == 1) { MIOS32_BOARD_J5_PinSet(3, 0); } //Turn ON PIN - ready for sensing midiclock - ready for dumpout audio else if (Mode == 0 && loose_clock == 0) { MIOS32_BOARD_J5_PinSet(3, blink); } //Blink PIN - sensing midiclock dumpout audio if(Mode == 1) { // sensing pulse mode (send out Clock-Mode) // MidiClock Auto-Stop if (count_flag == 1) { count_off++; if(count_off > 200000) { count_flag = 0; loose_clock = 1; count_off = 0; //turn off blink light after loosing Midi-Connection audio_pulse_durate = 0; // Pulse stop duration Start_Flag = 1; MIOS32_MIDI_SendStop(32); //send Stop-Sig - Port-A //MIOS32_MIDI_SendDebugMessage("auto-stop"); // DEBUG }}} } void APP_Tick(void){ // Timer for Pulse-Output Duration if( clock_trigger == 1 && clock_counter <= 1) {clock_counter++;} else{clock_trigger = 0; MIOS32_BOARD_J5_PinSet(1, 0); }} void APP_MIDI_Tick(void){ // sensing Audio-Pulses & Dumpout Midiclockdata if(Mode == 1) { // Scan Mode-Switch // First time we get a Pulse, we send out a CLOCK-START-Signal if((MIOS32_BOARD_J5_PinGet(0) == 0) && (audio_pulse_durate == 0) && (Start_Flag == 1) ) { // Pulse = HI, Pulse start duration MIOS32_MIDI_SendStart(32); //send Start-Sig - Port-A Start_Flag = 0; //MIOS32_MIDI_SendDebugMessage("start"); // DEBUG } // All other Pulses, are just Clocks, without Startsignals if((MIOS32_BOARD_J5_PinGet(0) == 0) && (audio_pulse_durate == 0) && (Start_Flag == 0) ) {//Pulse = HI, Pulse start duration MIOS32_MIDI_SendClock(32); //send MidiClock - Port-A audio_pulse_durate = 1; // Pulse starte duration //MIOS32_MIDI_SendDebugMessage("clock-durate-pulse"); // DEBUG } // Ensure to kill the PULSE DURATION FLAG, after the Pulse is gone.... if((MIOS32_BOARD_J5_PinGet(0) == 1) && (audio_pulse_durate == 1) ) { //Pulse = LO, Pulse still in duration audio_pulse_durate = 0; // Pulse stop duration count_off = 0; // reset Midi-Stop-Signal counter >>> for Autostop count_flag = 1; // begin to count for Autostop //MIOS32_MIDI_SendDebugMessage("pulse-off"); // DEBUG } } } void APP_MIDI_NotifyPackage(mios32_midi_port_t port, mios32_midi_package_t midi_package){ //sense Midi Messages if(Mode == 0 && port==32) { // SEQ Stop Signal if(midi_package.evnt0 == 252) { Start_Flag = 1; loose_clock = 1; Start_sense = 0; } // when sequencer is stopped: generate midi clock & transport // SEQ Start Signal if(midi_package.evnt0 == 250 || midi_package.evnt0 == 251) { Start_sense = 1; }// start to react on midiclock // SEQ Clock if(midi_package.evnt0 == 248 && Start_sense == 1) {//248CLK,250Strt,251Cont,252Stp clock_trigger = 1; clock_counter = 0; //initate Clock HI-State Timer MIOS32_BOARD_J5_PinSet(1, 1); //activate GPIO-Pin J5A Pin 2 Start_Flag = 1; //reset flag in order to send out a start signal when next AUDIO-PULSE COMES IN loose_clock = 0; count++; } } } thx for perfomance help project.zip
  21. mine are used... so they dont look new and you have to be carefull by plucking them in.... 20 eur i would say... what i s arremex in a few words? and what i have to do to calculate shipping costs for them... i dont have a clue
  22. i think i have 4 of them... where you are from? i am from austria...
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