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Everything posted by Phatline

  1. J28 for E-Extra-Lines...so this shematic: 6x2x20..... but this is for LPC17, now i have the same problematic with the STM32, what Connector is standart?, do i have to change something Mios side? (or only bootloader?) thx mike
  2. the encoder pcbs...: are they designed to fit under a 2x40LCD? do you have a foto - to see how it fits, thanx.
  3. i need 6x LCDs on a STM core... How to handle that on STM32F4? - there is no J28! where/how to change the E-Line Pinout softwareside, i have connected them to J5A pins (i already changed the number of LCDs in bootloader app...)
  4. got the pcps and parts a few days ago, thx man
  5. ok get feedback from the seller:
  6. he is talking about 5050 LEDs so these for example might fit: aliexpress..
  7. ELO: please more information about the used 2812 LEDs, which color in your Setup... it looks like you used 2x Single Color LEDs? CD? Color? - thx.
  8. i today updatedt to android 7.1.2, lineageos 14.1 > still the same...
  9. 2 songs made with the new TriggerMatrix V3 Sequencer...: more chill influenced of molvaer...: 2nd is made for a contest, its about love...
  10. cool, you got pm i take 2...
  11. the DIN6DOUT4 has pulldown/up resistors on board?
  12. i am offically a artist. i pay social insurance for that. my time is free for midibox making music for contest cd website or gig. have a girlfriend spending lot of time in love. cooking and houshold on my own... and midibox coding planing building consume the rest of it. since i need the devices for a gig end of february i dont have time for tutorials... but when i have some spare time i would make some video doku-to see what to have done BUT not a detailt tutorial for that it is to much information. but i think in german and for a mios based uset project so it would help only a small group anyway. so i have to rethink it i also dont have the best cam equipment nor mony for that.. maybe this and others is a reason that there are no video tuts outthere ,;)
  13. moturola g4 play. android. firefox when making a new pm: onboard display pops up and the sendbutton is hide. there need to be more place under the send button. or. the possibility to "overscroll"
  14. i need 16 for my mb lre8x2cs placed like in programma. if you have that many. i would take 20 + 1xpcb i was asking because on ebay you have to choose between spi ans iic. when choosbing spi theboicture shows a 4 pinner; gnd vcc scl sca do i need spi?
  15. will this work in a multiple configuration? (stm32f4) 128X64-OLED-LCD-Display-SSD1306
  16. where to connect the "bootloader-mode" switch? -btw- like this small one.
  17. got mine today (Core + Midi IO) thx for SD-card -best mike.
  18. Phatline


    you are right. will change that. actually it isnt just display... when press and hold shift and press one of the extra V buttons - then one of this pages displays. by pressing somewhere near load it will load from sd card... or change 4/4 to 7/4 and so on.i removed most of UI of triggermatrix the rest is done "on matrix display" ;)
  19. Phatline


    TM4BLM16x16+X A Trigger-Router-Project, Mostly remote via BLM16x16+x
  20. This code: (app.c download@ http://wiki.midibox.org/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=phatline:tm_v3.zip) void APP_Init(void){ xTaskCreate(TASK_SEQ, (signed portCHAR *)"SEQ", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, PRIORITY_TASK_SEQ, NULL);} // install sequencer task compile with following warnings: that task.h code - Warning by "xTaskCreate...": #if( configSUPPORT_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION == 1 ) BaseType_t xTaskCreate( TaskFunction_t pxTaskCode, const char * const pcName, const uint16_t usStackDepth, void * const pvParameters, UBaseType_t uxPriority, TaskHandle_t * const pxCreatedTask ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION; /*lint !e971 Unqualified char types are allowed for strings and single characters only. */ #endif do i have to fear?
  21. THX! without that i would have been lost! worked at the first moment! i had enough to close and re-open the Mios-Studio every time when uploading new code... specially while programming over weeks daily deep into code...(and that rescan joke? not funny) my cores bootloader is setup ed, to show up as "MIOS32" (when not in bootload mode), so i hardcodet that in mios-studio to be set when press "Rescan mididevices", working under linux mint kernel 4.4.0-98 no more closing MidiStudio, or have to close multiple-open-instances because of codeing and trying and uploading, then everytime the resize of the window, search and open hexfile and so on. Of course that is hardcodet, but in my case it is good this way, now i know how to compile anyway - thx open: svn/mios32/trunk/tools/mios_studio/src/gui/MiosStudio.cpp edit: i deleted all from"case rescanDevices" to "break;" and wrote this instead: (the line is about 955 or so) case rescanDevices: closeMidiPorts(); initialMidiScanCounter = 1; getMidiInput(); getMidiOutput(); setMidiInput("MIOS32"); setMidiOutput("MIOS32"); break; dont really know exact what is going on there, but for me its working, and thats enough. also some colorchanging by searching the gui/....cpp filesvia g.fillAll(Colours::black); but the background of the main-fields are still white... to bad...
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