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Everything posted by mongrol

  1. Hi, I have a core built and attached displays (raystar oleds) and found them not working. On testing pin 1&2 I see I'm getting 4.2v instead of the expected 5v. Changing the J15 jumper to 3.3v only drops the voltage to 4.1V. Setting it back to 5v gives me 4.2. (this is with displays disconnected). Can anyone suggest where to go from here?
  2. #1 - The Core Music: Aphex Twin - Drukqs Time taken: 90 minutes I'm roughly following Hawkeye's tutorial. Which directs me to the instructions are on the core page on the ucapps site. A very straightforward build. The core is a storage unit for tiny plastic boxes. You can keep anything in it but the spikes will get in the way. Small mammals may complain. Actually it's just a breakout for the STFM4 Discovery board. Bootloader Next I installed the bootloader. Reading the instructions isn't totally clear but I figured out I needed something to connect to the STLinkv2 debug program on the board. Being on linux I opted for QStlink2 on Github. This cloned and compiled no problem on my Debian Jessie box once I installed some lib-devs. You have to install some udev rules to run it under a normal user. Once done it detected the Core and I could upload the bootloader. It worked flawlessly and much less hassle than trying to get a Virtualbox up and running with Windows on it. MIOS32 I hit a bug in MIOS32 trying to upload the SEQ project.hex file. This thread had a workaround. SEQv4 application uploaded and appears ok. Hmmm, next up, MIDIIO or displays? DISPLAYS!!! I have to see things ON!
  3. I've also just hit this problem. I get the same error as @jjonas . Typing the path to the hex file directly into the box works. This is on Debian Jessie.
  4. Cheers guys. I have standoffs and was going to do that anyway. Good to be assured that Wilba's CS support this. (Core built tonight already)
  5. Righty. Top soldering on the CS for me then (with appropriate per hole risk assessment). Thanks.
  6. Hiho, In Hawkeye's photo tut there's mention of top soldering the components. Obviously this has some advantages but I can't any info on whether it's actually a good idea or not? Anyone tried it? Had any issues?
  7. It...is...here!

    It's now on like donkey kong!

  8. Argh. Customs has my SmashTV goods. Installing rootkits on my PICS! Making my Seq4 play subliminal messages! Argh!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shuriken


      ghehe, i usually have smash send me stuff in small packages which are ignored by customs. The MCU i order straight from the NSA ;-)


    3. Hawkeye


      Hehehe! To get rid of the PIC rootkits, give 'em a short grill in the microwave oven! (just kidding! :-))

    4. mongrol


      I believe if I try to replicate Drukqs on the SEQ in neutralises any malware on board.

  9. Yep, this is awesome. Timely too since I'm about to start building.
  10. Thanks Latigid On. Since I didn't see much about the Sparkfun and Trellis boards I kinda assumed they weren't a goer. No harm in poking it once more to stop me embarking on a pointless task. I hope Diwib is ok. Perhaps he's in a cave somewhere still doing his LED's. :)
  11. On a side note I'm making a synth from an Axoloti, a Teensy and it includes a Trellis button pad. The Axo is completely controlled over Midi. This makes me think that a BLM could be made using a Teensy that talks to the SEQ over Midi using the BLM protocol. Teensy + Sparkfun pads + RGB leds could effectively be an easier build for a most people (no smd) Would this be possible? I see the BLM uses more pins than the usual 2 pins for Midi and I can't find much about how the BLM is actually implemented in MIOS. Another question. Is a BLM with single LED's not possible or usable? Trellis's are very simple to build with and connect a 16x8 matrix easily over i2c.
  12. Ah they look good. I was looking around earlier for a duoled version of the adafruit trellis and was getting resigned to modding them somehow. At $20 I thought it was quite expensive until I realised the diodes and led's are already onboard.
  13. Waiting waiting waiting....

  14. Ah idiot me. I looked right at them and didn't see the dimensions. I need to stop looking at knobs. They've addled my brain. Thanks Altitude.
  15. Hi, Are there any PDF's or DXF's with dimensions of the Core and MidiIO boards? I can't find any on the ucapps site or wiki and it would be handy for accurate enclosure planning.
  16. Another datawheel found on my travels. No minimum order and they can be found on Ebay apparently. http://www.chiashinknobs.com.tw/products/cs/cs-specifications-photos/CS250-4020B.htm
  17. It's not a "standard" either. The CDM guys just done an audit and noticed more people used one particular pinout than the other (of two possibles). Blog rags don't make reality.
  18. Great stuff. That file saves me so much time on my own enclosure. Thanks. SVG version attached. (removed, something wrong with it. Will post English Ponoko one later) <snip>
  19. Well lookee here. I've found an Australian distributer that appears to be a mouser reseller, except with local postage prices. $15 AUD for under $200. They even frame the mouser part searcher. Wish I found this 3 weeks ago when I done my Mouser BOM. http://www.x-on.com.au/DetailsPage.aspx?MFRN=Alpha%20(Taiwan)&MFR=RV141F-40E3-18BL-B10K&ID=TOiu5csi0eArZZi+B9r6oQ==
  20. SHIPPED!

    Feb 10

    Queensland Australia (SH)

    Bring the thunder!!

  21. Small bear definitely wins on postage to Oz. $16.95 vs Mousers $27 (thats USD too). So stings paying twice the price of parts for postage and in AUD that's $50 for 4 pots. No way can I justify that. I might just use a yellow highlighter instead. :)
  22. Bourns ones are encoders. I've found some clear shaft alpha's at smallbear that take LED's up the bum (hoping Aus postage isn't too much).
  23. Anyone ever seen a source for these or similar anywhere? These would be ideal for my current "waiting on smashtv" Axoloti project. http://www.top-up.com.tw/front/bin/ptlist.phtml?Category=325297
  24. For datawheels which are easily the hardest part to get for a SEQ. Adafruit Scrubber Knob for Rotary Encoder: https://www.adafruit.com/products/2055 and the real ALPS DK38 available in singles. http://www.conrad-electronic.co.uk/ce/en/product/715751/ALPS-863002-Rotary-Knob-With-Finger-Grooves?ref=searchDetail I just love how Conrad want to charge me $80AUD for delivering a $2 part. Luckily my mum lives in the UK.
  25. Certainly will. I'm working on the enclosure just now as best I can while waiting on the pcb's.
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