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Everything posted by TK.

  1. No, the LC emulation doesn't require a PIC18F, it is just an option of the common MBMF and MB16E firmware which enables a new handler for the Mackie password sequence; when Logic is started, it requests for the password, gets an answer and voila: a special window pops up which shows a new LC device. The motorfaders have to send PitchBender events, the encoders CC in a special Mackie format, the buttons just note events, the LCD prints messages which are sent by Logic, however - the performance is already great with just two PIC controllers :) So, for a LC-like surface, two cores are required, one for the motorfader, another for the encoders. Each core module support s 64 buttons and 64 LEDs, so the whole system can feature 8 motorfaders, 16 encoders, 16 led-rings, 128 buttons, 128 LEDs... Currently I'm trying to work out an evaluation enviromment for myself (based on the existing MIDIboxes) in order to determine if everything works correctly and to setup the configuration scripts; later I will build a special case for all the stuff just for my private pleasure ;-) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  2. Shit, I planned it as surprise ;-) Since yesterday Logic regognizes the MIDIbox MF and MIDIbox 16E as Logic Control Unit - Motorfaders, encoders and buttons are working well, the display also works but as I don't own a 2*55 LCD, I cannot see the whole screen... :-/ However, the experimental support for LC will be released soon. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  3. I just have managed to get the interaction between the SID and the new editor running - here are all relevant files which are necessary for the update: Firmware: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_sid/midibox_sid_v1.2.zip Editor: http://www.midibox.org/midibox_sid/jsynth_017_with_mbsid_rel2b.zip (1.5MB) Sounds: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_sid/example_patches_v2.zip First you should bring the new firmware into your PIC, otherwise the editor will not be able to communicate with the SID. If java isn't installed on your computer yet, it's time to download it now: http://java.sun.com - click: the J2SE button the J2SE download button J2SE 1.4.1 and click on the appr. version of your operating system - take the JRE (runtime environment) if you only want to use the editor and don't plan to program code After java is ready, unpack the jsynth archive, go into the directory and click on the "run.bat" file or just type "java JSynthLib" within a command shell. Now the editor pops up (hopefully) go into the Config->Preferences menu, MIDI-tab, select the MIDI driver (Windows: WireProvider) and MIDI devices go into the Config->Synths menu and check if the MIDIbox SID driver has been notified. If not, add it manually. Check also if the MIDI In/Out port of your MBSID is set correctly Create a new library (Library->new) Create a new patch (Patch->new) Right-Click on the patch and select "Edit" Have fun! :) --- if your MBSID is connected correctly, all parameters should be directly changed when you move a slider. The editor comes also with a MIDI-Through function which allows you to play notes on a keyboard and to change sound parameters at the same time Finally unpack the example_patches_v2.zip archive and load the all.patchlib file - it contains 15 sounds. The librarian allows you to load, play, modify, save the patches More detailed informations regarding the jsynth editor can be found here: http://www.overwhelmed.org/jsynthlib/ Don't forget to send me your favourite selfmade sounds! :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  4. Yes, the existing modules are compatible - nothing will be changed in the first months except for the PIC and the firmwares Best Regards, Thorsten.
  5. Hi, das haengt wirklich von Deinen individuellen Beduerfnissen ab - was moechtest Du mit den Core-Modulen denn so alles anfangen? Gruss, Thorsten.
  6. Hi, all the available controllers for audio objects are documented in the Logic manual, chapter 5 (Basics about the Environment concept) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  7. I found a nice Java library which allows me to write a powerfull MIDIbox SID editor, running on every operating system which supports Java: Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Solaris, etc... http://www.overwhelmed.org/jsynthlib/ It comes not only with some components for the editor panel, but also with a SysEx librarian - nice to manage all the sounds :) Although I never programmed in Java before, I was able to create a complete panel in few hours :) However, the SysEx structure and MIDI interaction has not been programmed yet, but it will follow in the next days or weeks - we'll see :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  8. Alright - this error message can be caused by a lot of reasons. Either your windows version isn't able to stimulate the COM port due to protection reasons (in this case you have to enable the API checkbox in the hardware setup), or something is wrong with the hardware wiring --- here you really have to follow the instructions given on the http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_jdm.html page step by step. As I wrote, the voltages don't have to be reached exactly, it's more important that all wires are connected correctly (check especially the numbers of the RS232 connector pins, if it is a female and not male connector, if the diodes are in the right direction, etc.) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  9. Der Gameport an Soundkarten & Mainboards liefert leider nicht genuegend Strom um die LEDs zu betreiben (i.d.R. maximal 100 mA), aber fuer das Core/DINX4-Modul und die Encoder sollte es reichen. ---- Unfortunately the gameport isn't a good replacement for a power supply, since the maximum current load is about 100 mA - however, for a core/DINX4 module and some encoders this should be ok. ---- Gruss, Thorsten.
  10. TK.


    Perfect! :) Regarding Cubase: some years ago I've worked with cubase on my Atari and used the "studio module" function which enabled me to create a panel with a lot of knobs, buttons and faders in order to control my synth via CC. I just found an interesting article about the progress in the last years: http://www.sospubs.co.uk/sos/feb01/articles/cubasenotes.asp It seems that the module technology is mainly used to exchange SysEx data now, but CC controller (the simplest protocol ;-)) should still be possible. And it should also be possible to create a panel with knobs and faders - if Steinberg hasn't skip this feature! The name writes, that studio modules have to be created with "dmaker" which is located somewhere on the CD. Since I don't own cubase (and don't plan to buy it in the next years...) I cannot help - but it would be great if somebody would be so friendly :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  11. TK.

    Bank LED?

    Sure, I could integrate this into the MB64 firmware, just another option... but I think that it's better to wait for MIDIbox NG where everybody will be able to create and distribute his own "MIDIbox Skin" (display, LED outputs, button functions programmable via PlugIn) :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  12. Hi Mujgy, this explains everything: you have a PIC16F874 with a memory range from 0000h-0FFFh, therefore addresses >= 1000h are not accessible. Just select the correct PIC derivative in IC-prog and the error message will vanish. Which firmware are you trying exactly? Best Regards, Thorsten.
  13. Hallo Simolch, Vom Prinzip her alles richtig - mit den 3 Layern kannst Du mit einer 16-Poti-Reihe Tonhoehe/Accent und Slide steuern. Allerdings gibt es bei der PIC16F877 Version eine kleine Einschraenkung: im dritten Layer gibt es fuer die gesamte Reihe nur einen Wert. Du musst also vorher im Layer-Assign Menue selbst entscheiden, ob entweder die Tonhoehe, die Velocity oder die Gatelength immer gleich sein soll. Bei der 18F452-Version wird es diese Einschraenkung nicht mehr geben (ist mal wieder die leidige Memory-Geschichte). Andererseits: da Du ja nur 16 Potis verwendest, koennte ich eine spezielle Option in die Firmware einbauen, die dem dritten Layer das nicht verwendete RAM zuweist. LEDs: koennte ich ebenfalls als Option einbauen, macht ja Sinn. Die Sequenzer-Position ist trotzdem sichtbar sein, die jeweilige LED wird einfach invertiert. Gruss, Thorsten.
  14. Hi Justin, unfortunately this is a known problem with MIDIbox Plus. The root cause is the 4-bit LCD interface without read signal. Since the MBPlus firmware is not able to ask the LCD if a character has been printed out or not, it has to wait for a certain time before continuing with the main program. If a lot of MIDI events are received continuously, the LCD delay routine will be interrupted very often and therefore takes much longer than expected, as a result the whole display update takes more than 300 uS and this can cause a MIDI buffer overflow on a back-to-back MIDI event stream. This issue has been fixed on all MBHP designs by accessing the LCD over a 8-bit interface and by polling the busy flag of the LCD. For MPlus two workarounds are possible: if you don't use a display, I could give you a special version which doesn't try to access the LCD. If you own a LCD, I've to include some code which is also used by the MB1664 variant. This variant would require a hardware modification (read-line has to be connected with the PIC) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  15. Hi Mujgy, the PIC16F877 has an address range of 0000h-1FFFh, so it seems that the upper half cannot be programmed. Did you really try a 16F877 or a 16F874 (which contains only a 4k word flash) Check also the code protection setting at the right side of the IC-Prog mainwindow. It has to be disabled for both halfes of the memory (Code Protect: CP OFF) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  16. Hi Steve, thanks for the positive feedback! :) The new MB64SEQ doesn't come with all planned features yet, but I think that I can release V1.00 in about 3 weeks (after I've finished all the other open issues). Best Regards, Thorsten.
  17. Just a question to Ian and Christoffer: are you using an 1 MHz oszillator for the SID, or is the SID clock input supplied by the PIC? Because this could be the only difference between my own SIDs and yours, and my SIDs are running hours without any failure, and I neither use headsinks, nor a metal case... Best Regards, Thorsten.
  18. You mean this kind of buttons? Yes, they are great! :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  19. Hi Oozi, yes - you can either use the MIDI learn function to assign a different MIDI event with a different channel to the row, or you can configure the appr. settings via MIDI dump. Yes, each row/track has three layers (functions): Note Value, Velocity, Gatetime. With the gatetime you are able to vary the note length; overlapping notes are not supported, but on overlaps first the new note will be played, thereafter the note off event of the last note will be sent. This is perfect for HiHat rhythms (and for TB303-like slides :)) What does the accent function exactly? Does it vary the velocity? The BankStick is not required, but still usefull if you want to save your sequences without sysex dump via PC. However, it can be left out... Suggested modules: Core, JDM, two AINX4, one DINX4, one DOUTX4 (two if you want to have a LED under each pot), maybe a LTC module for the MIDI In/Out LEDs. For 64 pots with knobs, 32 buttons, 32 LEDs, 1 LCD: about 50-100 EUR (the knobs and the case are the most expensive parts) Experienced people need about one week, the others maybe longer - it depends on your ambition :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  20. Hi Nasty, yes, you can leave them out without further modifcations - just take care for the 4*10k pull-up resistors, they must be connected, otherwise the MBPlus will send out random button values. See also: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox/midibox_plus_test_16.pdf Best Regards, Thorsten.
  21. Hi Kristoffer, yes, you need 2 DINX4 modules. Regarding the DOUT: you can use one DOUTX4 and cut the SC, SO and RI track between the first three and the last shift register. On this way you've two chains which can be connected to J7 and J8 seperately. See also http://www.midibox.org/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=concepts;action=display;num=1037272152 Best Regards, Thorsten.
  22. I would cut all tracks from the optical encoders and the buttons, so that the pins/connectors are free and can be directly controlled by the MIDIbox. The internal electronic of your mouse cannot be re-used, however the suggested solution is really uncomplicated. :) Note that optical encoders contain a LED which has to be powered - just take a 470 Ohm resistor in serial to the LED and connect it with Vss/Vdd (+5V) of the Core or DIN module. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  23. This time from ThomasT - see his homepage for further details http://www.krachwerk.de/projekte.html total control! :)
  24. You mean that one of the chip gets hot and has no functional cut-off effect? It seems that this chip is either damaged (after 20 years this could happen...) or a different chip-revision which requires another capacitor pair (C1/C2). You could try two 1 nF or 2.2 nF if available. Btw.: Since I built the MIDIbox SID I've tested 4 different SIDs and noticed that every chip has it's own sound ;-) --- especially the filters varying a lot. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  25. I already answered via EMail, here a copy for the records: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- just a quick but (hopefully :) helpful answer: it seems that you didn't solder a 1k pull-up on pin RA4 of the PIC. This resistor is absolutely required, otherwise the firmware cannot determine if a bankstick is connected or not. You will find the pull-up resistor as R2 here http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_core.pdf - the schematic will help you to locate the correct pin. Another important hint: the serial input pin of the last 74HC165 requires a 10k pull-up resistor. In http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_dinx4.pdf you will find this resistor as R36. Without this pull-up, the box will send random button events. Best Regards, Thorsten.
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