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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. Tizzle? OMG you really have been collecting too long. Anyway can they be had in small runs?
  2. I'd keep the electronics stationary and just move the encoder wheel.
  3. Several of us have sets of 6x 3396 chips for making a synth one day... They're a bit easier to get hold of (for now) Don't start asking when it's due, because it's nothing but vapor right now, but the chips are bought, the money is spent, so one day... ;)
  4. I like the idea of the panelised panel... You guys are too new to know that my panel designs are all based on the F16 control panels (block 25/30/32 if you're curious) and they're done like that. I think it's groovy but it won't be everyone's cup of tea (especially if it's like the knobs in that thing!) As for the wilbasid though... well it might take some trickery. there's not a lot of space internally and you cant build it out externally because you wont have the right clearance for the components. That'd be the first hurdle I think. FYI, changed the two tags: 'MB-6582' and 'panels' to 'mb6582' and 'panel' ... that's a typo (with caps) and a plural. Now they link to stuff :)
  5. Jump on the chat if you have any problems, and let me know... I should be able to help you, and I can make any necessary changes to the documentation that become apparent. Thx and good luck!
  6. Yeh but if it's midibox based you just don't encode it in the first place ;)
  7. Looks like you winged int on mystery LCDs and got lucky, they look good... Could I see more pics? Like, with text and from angles and such?
  8. I'll just drop that hint again: Look at Audiocommander's code. TK's code in zeq is good but ASM based. You should have an easier time getting the same feature from AC's C based applications.
  9. Well, that's not "more tags", that's one big long tag! Also, you've mixed naming conventions (veroboard and stripboard are capitalised and have the 'board' suffix, proto is all lower case and has no suffix) and pcb is in caps, where we've generally been using lowercase. Tagging should work in conjunction with the search engine, not in place of it. The idea is, you search for something you want, and you may find many hits, and only some of them will be useful. When you get to your first useful thread, because someone else thinks it's useful, they've tagged it, so you click the tag, and are taken to other useful threads about the same topic. In your search, you might find other, as-yet untagged threads, so you can add the same tag, and the next guy will find all the sweet stuff you dug up for them :) Yes, it adds too many tags to the cloud, and creates 'noise'. If we just tag the sweet stuff, and keep the tagging minimal, that's more useful, because following a tag just brings you the sweet stuff. If everything's tagged to death, then following a tag will yield less useful results. Bingo :) Well no, you want them to be the same as the other tags so the threads link up nicely. also it's best to keep it as minimal as possible, so that when a tag search is introduced, it will yeild better hits. That's the trick really, is to think about how the tag will be used after you make it. Don't sweat it dude, the tagging system has been approarched with a very strict "we'll make it up as we go along" policy... I'm just enforcing the most popular conventions which have arisen from it's free-for-all usage. It's like a dynamic tagging democracy ;) I liked his specifically because they're green :)
  10. ...which is linked down the bottom of that page ;) hahaha
  11. The lack of pricing is a bad sign ;) That's basically the same method as my messy paintbrush drawing for making your own, BTW ...
  12. Heh, that would be expensive (lots of jumpers) and defeat the purpose (might as well buy MBHP pcbs from smash) and wouldn't fit the case and... nah it just won't work :(
  13. Heh, I saw that too, but then I realised - the cursor has been set correctly, so I wasn't so sure... Edit: Maybe the RS line is shorted to those two pins?
  14. Well a midibox interface to an RTC chip is done, so the hard work is over...
  15. I can see you discarded your 'cookie cutter' long ago, good on you!
  16. It is :) velocity sensitivity is tricky though.... I won't restart the theoreticising here, have a search and you'll find some good theories of how to do it... I don't think anyone's done it yet, though! BTW there was a dozen or more empty lines in your post, just thought I should let you know I removed them, in case you were wondering why I edited you :)
  17. Your searches will also show you that Jim here, is an organ midification god, and you would do well to heed his advice :)
  18. Bingo. Watch out for feedback loops though, you'll crash the interface if you loop something realtime like clocks. Well there's a not-USB AV too!
  19. You're correct. I'm not sure about it's effect...
  20. Welcome aboard man! Don't fear your bandwidth quota, the stuff you need is all in text, on ucapps.de and the wiki (linked above) and these forums. Use the search, and you'll find out all about it! A handy search keyword for you: midification Good luck!
  21. Welcome aboard dude... Touch sensitive or velocity sensitive?
  22. Well I didn't want to be coercive, but...everyone else was doing it! Panels panels panels!!!
  23. There was never a USB MTPII, only later MTPXT and MTPAV (and maybe DTP?), where the alternative is parallel. You've probably already noticed it's serial so limited in bandwidth (you can't push 16 midi streams through 115kbps) and you need a mac serial to PC serial cable for it, and are there XP drivers? Regardless, it's very useful not only as a midi interface, but as a standalone router (and SMPTE genny if you use that) .. You just have to watch out, because you'll quickly find yourself enjoying working without the PC, and develop an expensive hardware desire ;)
  24. Welcome aboard man. Look, the only thing you're missing out on by being all virtual, is a certain sound (it's not a big difference) and stability/reliablity (which won't make much difference if you're still PC based)...so, I don't think that hardware synthesis is quite what you might think it is ;) Regardless, check out midibox CV, midibox analog toolkit, MB Sequencer and MB SID. Ad read around the forums and wiki and ucapps, as tilted suggested.... You'll find what you need :)
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