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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. Short answer: Firewire midi really needs timestamping to be accurate. Even then, you can avoid jitter but it'll come at the cost of latency. There's plenty of bandwidth but the timing sucks.
  2. Props for doing this. I posted a link or two some time ago with schems for discrete balanced IO if you're interested in doing one that doesn't need obsolete chips.
  3. Huh, whatnow? Am I meant to do something here? Cavey: Blow me. <smileys intentionally left out to make it look more serious>
  4. knowgood: If you'd asked nicely I woulda happily split those offtopic posts out for you. Your attitude leaves me lacking motivation to help.
  5. I know all that, I'm not *that* new... I just thought C would be smart enough to do it without manipulation. Not "I don't want to use a bitshift" but "Isn't there a way to do it without one?"
  6. Welcome aboard. Try the search mate this has been done before ;)
  7. Still live, but like the rest of my life it's on hold until the end of this month... I'm really busy with work. I'm sure cimo and nils will have been playing with it in the meantime too :) Yeh it's good to see there are parallel projects too. The thing that really makes this different from ubuntu (studio) with a few extras installed, is that it'll have updated versions of the software. Those packages can and will be shared with the internet, so having similar projects means that more people will benefit from our work, and hopefully we'll have team members from these communities helping to keep our repo nice and fresh.
  8. Compiles fine here... Must've been something you modified. If you paste the error and your code I'll show you just what causes it.
  9. If there's a separate CS PCB (mentioned above) then people way want to use different hardware., so having the core hardware and software designed with an optional hi-res encoder is still useful. There's not a lot to it really, just little things like which pins are used/kept free etc...
  10. Welcome aboard. I would write a custom app in C to do this, rather than use the MB64(e). MB64 has lots of features you don't need, and will be harder to customise. If you get the software to a point where inputs will send valid sysex, I'll give you a hand to group them up. It's not too hard at all, but my motives are entirely selfish; I want to build a controller for a similar synth ;)
  11. Thanks Twinny Yeh, I gather that SMF's integration stuff is kinda flakey :(
  12. Would be cool if you could show the various ways of doing it... Functions, variables, inline, included, via modules, etc
  13. Seems they interviewed only the artists but not the guy who made it... I guess it was lost in the details :(
  14. Fuck you all. If you're going to apply whatever meaning you see fit, regardless of what I actually say, there's no point typing.
  15. Tilt did a re-re-re-design to further reduce noise and crosstalk, and it was finished off the other day :) Still moving... slowly, but surely :)
  16. Yeh where are they?[me=stryd_one]calls out to TK[/me] http://svnmios.midibox.org/listing.php?repname=svn.mios&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fapps%2Ftemplates%2Fsdcc_skeleton%2F That'll get you sorted until there's a zip file.
  17. Don't worry about crashing, worry about permanently frying the pins on the PIC due to short circuits. Follow the schem :)
  18. Really? What thickness? Dude! cream! Go do it, no question!
  19. There's no info in that thread.... There's a short snippet of some error messages, but not a lot, and that predates TK pointing out that you need to change to the new structure. In your post it seemed that you were using half old half new.. Try complete logs of the compile process for both a C and an ASM app, and also the output of the --version switch of each of your tools (make, sed, gpasm, sdcc, etc) You'll lose the menus if you drop the MB64, you'll want to customise the C app to have your own... We need more info about your controller's function.
  20. Maybe you aren't. I don't give up quite so easily ;D I think you're confusing definition of music with definition of emotional effect of music ;) Ooof the need for a pattern is way restrictive. I'm gonna have to read that page tomorrow. I should be in bed right now heheh Tooootally. God I could just listen for hours. Actually, I do... Depends on the bird. Some sing the exact song over and over. Some sing the same song but change one part each time. Some sing different songs every time. Some sing patterns, some avoid them.... They're all different. In some cases, no more so for them than for us. They use it just to express emotion, or to invoke an emotion in another bird or even another animal. Good, I use magpie song a lot :) I can communicate by mouth with magpies and crows, although they do have local dialects, so I have to hang with them for a while (10 minutes or so) to figure it out... and they do sometimes just sing to express their feelings, and they behave rather strangely if you reply. Imagine if you were on stage and did a gig, then someone from the crowd instead of cheering got on stage and played a song...... Yeh it's still got melody then, and probably rhythm and harmony too :) Hey birds can make music too, make no mistake. Well the first step to finding the definition is to ignore all the philosophy and personal feelings and opinions and deal with the facts in front of us. Chalk one up to the G man! ;D LOL What? I just bloody posted not one but two explanations of why that is twisting my words. What? Buh? Dude freakin everyone I know is a uni student LOL. I'd bet that TK's a uni student and you don't have to be cluey to see how it's benefited not just him but the entire freakin planet! Could go on all day saying good stuff about universities and students. I've got no beef with university students. I Just don't think that being a university student actually means anything except where you went to school. It's what you do there, what you take away, that counts. Exactly. And I didn't do anything of the sort. Even remotely. Where are you getting this stuff? Amen! Can I get a witness!? :D THIS is why I had a problem with mentioning university. Well, what defines *good* music is philosophical. What defines "music" is analytic.... Doesn't mean they understood it, unfortunately. I imagine that the likes of BF would have, and I want to hear his understanding, not his creds. I already know them anyway. Which is why playing education superiority games is not cool, intentionally or otherwise. Don't sweat it though, there's no love lost. BF and tilt and myself and many other dudes talk like this in the chat all the time. We don't get hurt feelings because we all know each other pretty well and we know that's not what we're about. At least, that's the way I feel about these guys, I assume it's the same in reverse :) OK, you're getting the ones who DID understand it. They aren't all like that unfortunately. We have a few of each ;) There's one guy, he's a freakin genius, and it wouldn't have happened without his degree... There's another... well.... They've left us now and I often wonder if they're still able to mask their lack of understanding and hold down the new job. That's what I did too. Trouble is, some dudes *have* to go to uni to get anywhere in their career, or they lose out on advancing their career if they don't graduate....and it's entirely because of the myth that I have such a problem with. Heh, I feel ilke I'm gonna have to split out the university posts from the thread I split out of the prague thread ;D
  21. You might be right... I was looking at the front piece, but the sides are way paler....
  22. Honestly... I would chalk that up to experience, and design new PCBs to use a matrix. There are numerous ways around it but ahh... I don't recommend jury rigging things. 7 Workaround != fix
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