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Everything posted by Screaming_Rabbit

  1. ... make shure to keep the electronics of the POS keyboard! I use it to map different keyboard shortcuts of functions not available by the host's midi-implementation as "one-button"-commands (instead of always pressing: ctr+C, ctrl+V etc.) Greets, Roger
  2. Why are you so pissed? ;D ;D ;D :-* Greets, Roger
  3. ... what if you want to Mute a channel of a Solo-Group? I would go for what Illogic suggested: Greets, Roger
  4. ... do they have to be accurate? Since recording with 24bits, your target is to know approximately where you are and that you don't clip. While mixing with 32bits floating you probably never run out of "headroom" and when it comes to the Mixdown, you'll check your host's master meters so you don't peak the DA converters. The crap with clipping within the digital domain of your system you only suffer with the poorest DAW system on the market... ProTools :P - 32bits FIX. Greets, Roger
  5. ... for LC: 16 per channel (16 x 8 = 128) but then you don't have any left over for the buttons Greets, Roger
  6. ... exactly. And when you move the pots on the controller a bit, the value in Cubase jumps to the value of the pot. That's why everybody (also the mixer manufacturers) uses endless encoders with LED-Rings for automated mixer control... except of Fairlight: They're using motorized pots in their Dream-Series Mixers. Greets, Roger
  7. ... use MIDIOX to check about your host is sending the appropriate information Greets, Roger
  8. ... yepp, 1 port for 8 faders ... see above! - each core connects over it's own port to the host ... yes :P Greets, Roger
  9. ...I dn't know Cubase but many DAWs only support 8 Channels per MIDI port. ...No, it's just a MIDI Interface over your computer's COM port ...Yes - Debugging http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_lc/midibox_lc_leddigits.pdf ... same for us ;) ... good luck Greets, Roger
  10. ... trial and error is how the "big boys" are doing it too at the end. Like DOC wrote, there are designing rules but that's not the whole real life. Sometimes there has just a transformer to be turned by 90° to get rid of a problems on a PCB. That's why everybody is prototyping ;) Greets, Roger
  11. ... to tell you, that you're at the right place (at least for the controlling part of the console): Yes you can. I think nobody has done it yet. Search the forum, there are some postings around, discussing your interrest. Try searching with "mf", "log" and "fader". Greets, Roger
  12. ... are you shure? You just posted twice in this thread for nothing. ;) Common guys! Reading this whole thread took me more time than reading or better overlook the nonsense responses. Greets, Roger ... and I'm not pissed off :-*
  13. ... most Laptops use LVDS connection and those panels you get cheap from surplus resources. Greets, Roger
  14. ... somebody might be interested...? http://cgi.ebay.com/Grass-Valley-Group-Audio-Mixer-Control-Panel-GVG_W0QQitemZ7402964982QQcategoryZ23785QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Greets, Roger
  15. http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=384.0 Greets, Roger
  16. ... I once read in a "moebius-posting", that for the Bourns-Encoder you have to select Encoder mode: "DETENTED2". I'm not shure, about this is the solution, but it might help you to find out. Greets, Roger
  17. ... that's allright like this. Just remember, that parts have different hights, so you propably can't put all the controls on to the same breadboard. Greets, Roger
  18. ... schon gut, musste mich ja auch rechtfertigen. :-* Greets, Roger
  19. ... dies war kein blöder Kommentar, sondern absolut ernst gemeint... aber nicht böse ;) Sozusagen die Kurzfassung, wovon MTE schreibt: ... und dass ich durch die Anzahl Posts "MidiBox-Guru" genannt werde, heisst noch überhaupt nichts :P Wünsche Dir aber trotzdem viel Erfolg beim MidiBoxen Greets, Roger
  20. ... dann waren die paar Stunden nicht lange genug ;) Wenn Du Dir Deiner Konfiguration nicht sicher bist, darfst Du sie gerne hier posten und Du wirst bestimmt Hilfe finden. - Dass man aber von Beginn an Deine Box "designen" bzw. die Hardware zusammenstellen wird...? Ich denke eher nicht ::) Greets, Roger
  21. Cool!!! Even I just bought ProTools LE only for staying in "expert-user-shape" since I'm not working professional on the TDM anymore at this time (most jobs require PT experience these days :( )... now I can use a MidiBox for keeping up the fun :) Thank you for the effort! Greets, Roger
  22. ... yes: "Bank" left or right ... I think it's over the "V-Pots" (see Mackie implementation) ... I think it's as well over the "V-Pots" (see Mackie implementation) Greets, Roger
  23. ;D... :-[ ... forgot the link: http://www.meci.com/product_info.php/cPath/129_145/products_id/5000093 and here another one (no so cheap but could be a nice one for a LC): http://www.meci.com/product_info.php/cPath/465_165/products_id/5000167 Greets, Roger
  24. This might be a perfect PSU-deal (... see the price), 8V, 1.3A Greets, Roger
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