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Everything posted by Screaming_Rabbit

  1. I don't know about the Generic mode of Cubase but does not work in Sequoia (the DAW I use). What you want, is called a "Fat Channel"... and this is not supported by the Mackie protocol. As far as I know it basically could be possible with the generic mode of Cubase but the problem might be (again as far as I know), that you have to address the channels directly. - This means, that fader strip 1 is always controlling track one in Cubase and there is no possibility to move your surface channel wise. You could program a second bank and configure those faders to control the next array of tracks. - So if you have a 32-fader controller, you would control Track 1 to 32 with the first bank setup and fader 33 to 64 would control those appropriate Tracks in Cubase. Greets, Roger
  2. ... No. - You can't just take any PIC... why would they make different types then? You have to use the specified PICs discribed on ucapps.de. They're tested or better said, MIOS was programmed for them. The used PIC has to have enough memory, has to understand the code, has to have the right amount of I/O-Pins, the right clock capability and, and, and... Look at it like this: The PIC is almost like a preconfigured PC, the setup of which you can't change. MIOS is like Windows and doesn't do much if you don't run an application, it's there to handle certain routines and builds the platform on which an application can be ran on. The application like e.g. MidiBox LC is the program like e.g Word for Windows. This is where the logical behaviour is configured like e.g. Button A sends MidimessageXY or incoming MidimessageVW is making LED_B light up. Greets, Roger
  3. ... falls Du ein Datasheet findest, wirst Du darin mehr Informationen finden (... ich habe nicht nachgeschaut). Es gibt Encoder, welche Pulldown widerstände schon eingebaut haben, dann würde zusätzlich ein PIN auf Ground gehen. Schau im Datasheet, ob die Codeausgabe stimmt. Greets, Roger PS: Ich bin zu faul, um für Dich nach dem Datasheet zu googeln ;D... Du kannst aber einen entsprechenden Link posten.
  4. Thanks guys for the quick answers. Actually I was searching (googeling) first for "card lifter" and then I was pretty close, I typed in "card raiser" ::) Thanks and greets Roger
  5. Does anybody know if there is something available to lay down PCI cards horizontally to the Mainboard... some adapter or so? Thanks and Greets Roger
  6. ... watch out with steel! Steel only works, if it's got enough iron. High grade inox steel has lots of Cr and Ni in it, which makes it non-magnetic and as a result, it's also not really shielding magnetism anymore. Best is: Cheap iron sheet metal. - Paint it to prevent corrosion. Greets, Roger
  7. ... this only applies to MidiBox 16E Greets, Roger
  8. ... yes that's what I meant Thanks Wilba Greets, Roger
  9. I'm working on a further development for the MF-Board (stronger drivers, stronger voltage regulator, smaller diods which should make the H-bridge more agile) for better support of high quality faders with coreless motors. For the reason, that I don't want to spend the money to always populate a whole board (8 drivers) for testing, I'd like to try different setups on one board. Does anybody know if I have to do something with the free pins of the shift register? Can I just leave them open? Thanks and greets Roger PS: If I don't have success, I will go "back" to the old more costly setup with the analog circuitry. (It's the way, it's done in large format consoles) http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mf/mf_comp_release2.gif
  10. ... you have to try ... it should be 10k ... 2 pins out -> clockwiese/anticlockwise and 1 pin input from DIN board = 3 Pins If you have a wheel and a shuttle-ring, there should be 2 encoders = 2x3pins you can check pin allocation with an oscilloscope Greets, Roger
  11. ... Forum und UCApps lesen ;) 32 http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_ain.html ... nein ... in Google suchen Greets, Roger
  12. http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_lc/midibox_lc_leddigits.pdf
  13. ... noch zu erwähnen: Das mit dem eigenen MIDI-Port gilt nur für die LC. Die MidiBox64 könntest Du auch durchschlaufen. Das Durchschlaufen der LCs verhindert eigentlich Deine DAW (Grund, wie "Seppoman" schrieb: Grosse Datenmenge und weil es so im Mackie-Protocoll spezifiziert ist) Grüsse, Roger
  14. ... bezüglich MidiBox, siehe Antwort von "DOC" Das grössere Übel beim Mixen mit Midi Fader-Controllern bei nativen DAW Systemen is die Blockverarbeitung (CPU bedingt). Das Poblem hast Du auch beim Mixen mit den GUI-Fadern (... kennst Du bestimmt). - Es kann vom System keine neue z.B. Volume-Einstellung angenommen werden, bis der ganze Block abgearbeitet ist (anders als bei den DSP-Systemen, bei welchen das Audio Sample für Sample abgearbeitet wird). Es ist deshalb wichtig, dass die Einstellung der Blockgrösse in Deiner DAW so klein wie möglich ist (ohne dass der Audio-Output anfängt zu "wackeln", da die Performance abnimmt, je kleiner die Blockgrösse ist). Greets, Roger
  15. ... when I remember right, they were called "Centronics"... I'm not completely shure (LPT is the PCs Port description) Greets, Roger
  16. ... depends on what kind of LCD - Graphical: Yes http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=midibox_uc - Character: No (you don't want short but fat characters... right? - You would get characters 7 Dots wide and 5 Dots high) Greats, Roger
  17. Good work! ... the petty is, if you decide to give up your website, your pix will be gone in this thread. Greets, Roger
  18. ... what unit is "Mo"? - Does it mean: 400 MOxis? ;D :-* ;D
  19. ... don't mix up rfi with magnetism. To shield magnetism, you can't just use any metal plate, it has to be a ferric plate. Just test it: Take an alluminum plate, hold two magnets on both sides about 1/2 Inch away from the plate and you'll see (... or better: feel), that the magnetic field goes almost unhindered through the alluminum. Do the same with an iron sheet metal plate... you'll see. Greets, Roger
  20. http://www.ucapps.de/midimon.html Greets, Roger
  21. ... please post links! I'm watching you bringing very creative thoughts and ideas into this forum... but you always write: "... I found a source on the internet" or "... Information from a source in Japan". Post the links and let everybody have the complete information. - Thanks. Go on being creative! :) Greets, Roger
  22. ... me neither ;D If it works the way I'm guessing. - I just can say: The cheaper and crapier the Pick-Up, the better it will work.
  23. ... the problem could be, to find some motorized rotaries matching the tapers of the pots of your amp. Technically it shouldn't be a problem to realize with a MB64. Greets, Roger
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