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Everything posted by moxi

  1. pour le pvc, essaie de voir sur le site si d'autre l'on fait, mais à priori oui, y'a pas de raison, plus ton support est lisse est mieux c'est. je viens de découvrir qu'ils ont un distributeur en france: http://www.pensee-creative.com/Boutique/Lazertran/LazertranInkjet/tabid/398/Default.aspx manque de bol il ne font que le A4 :( donc shop UK, pas cool au prix de la livre sterling... je vais en commander deux paquet de 4, vous vous en partagerez un comme ça et je garderais l'autre. j'ai fait une simulation sur le shop, ça fait: £ 26.34, soit 34,85E, frais de port compris (2 £) ça ferait donc 8,7125E/ deux feuilles a3 par contre, prevoyez peut-être d'éventuels ratages, ou au moins une 1/2 feuille pour faire des tests. pas besoin d'avance.
  2. re, je commande du lazertran d'ici la fin de la semaine: http://www.lazertran.com/products/lazertran_products_inkjet.htm le resultat sur façade alu: http://soundandbreakfast.org/diy/sequenceur.jpg il suffit ensuite de passer un vernis en bombe, en plusieurs voile trés fin...les accrocs sur ma machine ne sont pas dû à l'usure, mais à la pose qui c'est vrai dmande un peu de dexterité.. ::) je vais commander en format A3 pour moi. si ça vous dit on peut faire une commande groupée..
  3. :) "ceMatinLà " , ça me plait terrible! pour la soirée du 7 mars, j'ai dû boucler la prog (à la demande de la salle), ça sera donc pas une soirée MIDIbox comme j'aurais aimé, par contre, maintenant que on a passé le pied dans la porte, on compte bien enchainer. si vous êtes partant on pourrait voir un truc pour par exemple le mois d'avril. pour faire simple, voilà le principe: Au vu de la taille de l'endroit, on peut miser sur 150E de recette avec une paf 3E, 200 avec une paf à 5E. S&B pourra mettre 100E de plus (ou un peu plus si la première soirée fonctionne et permet de gagner plus que ce qui est prévu comme remunération des artistes). Si avec ça c'est possible de vous faire déplacer jusqu'à Bordeaux, pour moi ça roule (S&B s'occupe du dormir et du manger) Sinon, faut que j'explore d'autre possibiltés, ça prendra plus de temps. (par ex. faire ça dans une autre ville, dans le cadre d'un autre évènements..) mais peut-être le plus simple: PM vos conditions, et je verrais ce qui est possible à partir de ça up. ps: funny name for a song, trés bon aussi :o
  4. salut, que le texte ne change pas c'est normal (regarde dans le fichier main.asm (version asm) ou ldc_qqchose(?).inc (version C) et change le texte toi même en editant le texte ""xxxx---===< Logic Control Emulation ready. >===---xxxx"" moi je me sert de la LC en mode MAckie Control et règle cubase sur "mackie control" aussi...
  5. Hi, maybe you should rather think your design as it have been done on the INNOVASON digital mixing desk or on the 02r96 and so one: with one dedicated surface by kind of effect (one "module" desk for EQ, another one for Comp/gate...etc, think that a lot of param are most often static (you set your eq and rarely need to tweek more than one at a time). maybe try to build first one unit of LC emulation and test the handling with your host app: from my side I find it realy easy and ergonomic enough, you rarely need to press more than one buton to access parameters, only a bigger number of faders are sometime missing me..)
  6. cv distributor is from a schematic from musicfromouterspace.com. the thing allow to multiply 4 time each incoming cv channel. so with one cv output of the aout, I can load all parameter of one cem chip (cut, rez, bal and vcaOut). then param from different mod source are mixed together before the cv input of the cem.
  7. and the labelling of the panel: the panel is hand made, I just did the design in FPD, then print it 1:1, and use the paper sheet to locate the drill point on the panel. the delay is a BBD one , the final mixer is inspired from the oakley filtrex, center position of pot give no sound, clockwise set the signal up and with + phase, anticlockwise do the same but phase reversed, that allow some other filtering result when mixing phase inverted and in phase signal of the dry and philtered signal the preset handler is not done at this time, but I hope i will success doing a one-push=recall function/double-push=save. the lfo give sine, square and saw I think all of this can be done more easily with the SID software, but I like complications :P
  8. ok, I will give more precisions after, this first is for the fun, an to remember how things was at the beginning.. ;) let say that most of the cabling is still missing ;D
  9. re, y'a les noms des pins sur les deux circuits, donc relie les 1/1 : (sc->sc, si->si, vd->vd...)
  10. t'as quelle version du Core? yep, PM moi ton adresse mail et je t'envoie ça...mais va bien falloir que tu puisses le faire toi-même aprés main.asm pour les ledrings, nombres de SR et autre, et mios_table.inc pour tes encoders voili
  11. you're right Wilba not to let this guy pronounce the last words. it's a great feeling on me when I see that toward this dangerous ( ;) ) troller, people from here are in the same meaning, and all arguing for the same thoughs.. I take this episode as a good catharsis. I propose the next strategic: silent mode...goin back to our prefered activity, and let the troller arguing alone in this thread: the wall won't fall cause of a frustrated yuppie writting some insane graffitis on..
  12. salut, c'est car les choses ont changée depuis mon précedent post: http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php/topic,10552.msg80333.html#msg80333 tu as juste besoin d'installer gputils, et d'éditer les fichiers de l'appli avec par ex. le bloc notes de windows, aprés tu lance l'exe "make.bat" et ton fichier hex sera généré. promis je traduis le guide pour gpasm trés vite... pas de souci pour les conseils..
  13. yep, it's really kidding, but some word are useless, I've invited in a previous thread gene to enter the ring by his way, what else is possible? I stop, before entering another endless loop modus. I think it could be better to stop arguing against or with Gene, then he will get some days to read, in a more quiet feeling, thru the forum, so he will probably find the answer he search. I really hope you, droolGene, will take your screwdriver and take a look inside your box, maybe you will discover that you can do something better than what the seller did... and it's like that, that, many years ago, all things began... sorry, I just reminder this good old days when I opened for a first time a sardine box, just to verify how they do to make the inside of the box bigger than the outside...
  14. no, don't do that, it's a joke ...
  15. I've tested too, really good? Thanks! I understand you, how its hard to remember all things, when you have on the hardware the name related to the seq , the name of the control in the code reffering to the logic control, then a cubase manual that is talking you about name of their add. layout ! :P but that's work fine..I will be obliged to build one LC too (too sad to see my seq back in the source code archive ;) )
  16. ::) yes, maybe this gear is so complicated that even its creator don't how it run... :-X hum, you will found a music section somewhere here, nice to see you finally understnd that this place is for those who are building their MIDIbox.. you won't get help writing this way... I recommend you to bypass all interface (especially those without a good manual) between yourself and the 240V outlet, so you will learn in only five millisecond all what you miss about potential difference.. ;D
  17. réinstalle simplement le MIOS "par dessus", ça effacera aussi l'appli...
  18. Don't know which one use TK, but you can try one near to be the same: the "dew's player": http://www.estvideo.com/dew/index/2005/02/16/370-player-flash-mp3-leger-comme-une-plume here is a link to download the source code, it is really easy to add on web page..
  19. OT: what an appropriate description of what is a seller! ;) ...I'm sure you will soon understand why there is so many emotive reaction here, and why there is a general stand up against this side attack... So I will always prefer people that give me help or usefull things with sometime harsh or "no-compromise" words, rather than buying so-called "pay'n'plug" to "friendly and honest" people. Just for the fun, and to get out some minutes a bit out of the fight, I give you a quote of someone asking me a MIDIbox: this "pretty extreme cash flow" make me dream some micro-second, for sure... ::) then less time than the time a PIC need to be updated, I said no...without a regret.. what can justify my answer, Droolmaster, except that the good vibes I've found here get no price? The same for the gear.. (so try to keep it fresh with us, please) Yes your Seq cost exactly 0$ as it doesn't work, but just spend one of you week-end to understand why and how, I'm sure there is really no problem for you to do that, as I can see, you're able to read : all is written somewhere here... and you will win more than a pretty extrem costly gear, less the time to build it! that sound still positive for you. And then, mod it, redo the front panel and software config that fit exactly your needs and come back to post some pics of your job! that's all folkz :)
  20. you're wrong, and it's why here it's a place called community.. (friendly or not, I let you free to think what you want). I know, really no doubt about that, that there is a lot of work behind the "non-commercial" behaviour (who don't "pay", so..), and none is obliged to enter this funny game, if don't want to deal with this so simple rules... It's not so honest to choose a game, then the rules of another one, no? and let say that since there is a "MIDIbox sale request" in this forum, I see that TK most of the time say "yes"... keep it calm, so.. I'm curious to see the box you bought...and which former (or not) member is behind that..but probably it's a guy that didn't ask anything here, if he intend since beginning to re-sell his gear... sad... If you're so innocent, don't hesitate to follow the TK advise, or find your way to make this desagreement useless to notice...you have to discover that there is some kind of life in your new Seq, and it will give you really fineand unique feedback as soon as you will show some interest for what is inside...something human, no? And one more time, most of us have started to build their first MB with none knowledge...
  21. sound will come soon, as all seems ok, I'm now reconnecting all the analog pots (about 24 ! ) and buttons to the definitive panel.. I've done my test on an old keyboard amplifier, I'm for the while a bit frightened about pluggin the beast in my beloved sound cards, I prefer to try such a dangerous weapon first in the computer of my work's office ;D stopping kidding, it's why I've asked about some hidden electronic phenomen, voltage is ok - only a bit High when normal self oscillating of the rezonance - , but I'm not sure all is about voltage when we talk about damaging the target gear..
  22. hi, does your 7805 reg hold an heatsink? it's look like a thermlal problem (at least before you speak about gates out)
  23. just to say: my MB based cem3378 analog filter projekt sound great... ...even when not feeded by any audio source : the LFO/eg/midi to cv modulation from the analog toolbox app make it sometime sounding like an unknow synth ( :D or :() , I'm sure it's some "self oscillation" (or other name could be ok for me, too) behind that...probably cause at some time you can have about 4 or 5 cv source that modulate the cv inputs of the chip, after being modulated one by the other on software side or by one of the CV mixer I've added...maybe that is related to some hidden "impedance" or other electronic thing I don't know or can't mesure... if someone get the answer...I'm curious.. of course I can make my chip quiet or only acting as they must do... so it's not a problem, just an additional feature that will make it so unique ::)... ...Imho, I'm realy proud to have build my first analog diy synth ;D
  24. hi, look promising.. but before you start a bench of pcb, I've read somewhere that parallel traces for audio is not a good thing, first cause two parallel traces act as a capacitor (so filtering some freq) and it's not good for channel separation.. I don't know if your design with pga is concerned by such considerations, but maybe you should check that before.. on the other hand, doing a pcb with no parallel traces seems to be a difficile work ... ???
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