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Everything posted by phunk

  1. Klar mach ich da mit. War sehr nett gestern und wäre gerne dabei. Ein Synthesizer lässt sich irgendwo auftreiben. :D
  2. Hey guys, i have a BOME Miditranslator license. Since i rarely use it due to Max4Live i thought about selling it here. I´d say i offer it for 25% off. That´s 44€. It´s in mint condition as you can imagine :-) PM please if interested. Best, Alex
  3. Hi Thorsten, great Case! Looks very promising. Will the natural looking alloy be anodized as well, so that the color fits the Schaeffer natural alloy panels? Thanks, ph
  4. Ihr habt vollkommen recht. Die EiUST kommt nat. drauf. Auch Zollgebühren, aber sicherlich nicht im relevanten Bereich...
  5. Servus, ich möchte die nächsten Tage bei Mouser bestellen und komme mit meinen 300 Duo-Color LEDs und Dioden leider nicht über 75Euro. Wird diese Summe erreicht, ist der Versand kostenlos und auch der Zoll wird von Mouser übernommen. Daher die Frage, ob jemand von Euch etwas braucht, dann könnten wir gemeinsam bestellen und ich verschicke sofort weiter. Viele Grüße, Alex
  6. When you read the specification of a din 7991 (i guess you did) you know that it is not possible when constructed "correct". Kmax (the overall length of the head) is 1.7mm. That means you´d need at least 2mm FP to have a proper hole for a DIN 7991 but you could of course do it and have a bigger hole as a result (assuming an 90 degree angle of the head). As long as it does not exceed 6mm diameter on the bottom side of the panel everything is fine.. you can easily calculate that...
  7. Hi, unfortunately you dont write anything about what you´re planning to do with this controller or which software to use. I guess it is going to be a Midibox64e to control Traktor or similar applications. Btw: There is a localized russian section in this forum, you could try it there as well if you want. ? i dont understand you That depends on the software you use your controller with. Certainly not without programming. A VU meter is an analog device, so in a classical way no, since you´re dealing with midi data. You could try to build some kind of VU meter with LEDs but you´d need a software giving out that data and some kind of feedback implementation again. Certainly not without programming. Same for track progress. Further reading: Protodeck Jogwheel is possible but does not work as good as todays dedicated controllers (e.g. the NS7) due to the limited resolution of the midi protocol. They all have some kind of HID implementation and high speed data transfer. So the results you will get wont be comparable...i would not do that for djing. Search? What do you want to search? No Search implemented in MB64e application.. You can change the needed options in the source files of the midibox application and recompile it afterwards to use it. You then upload this changed application to the core via mios studio. sorry..thats not understandable
  8. phunk

    midi in led

    ucapps.de -> core32 there is some info..
  9. What a god damn Beauty that thing is. Beautiful work, great colors, great PCB, great case. Brilliant SEQ!
  10. phunk

    BLM Progress

    From the album: Phunk´s Stuff

  11. phunk

    Wood for BLM Cases

    i bought them of the wood dealer nearby...
  12. well last one was sold for 1800$, shipping not included. VAT not included. would have been 2200 to have it here on my desk.
  13. Hi, per Zufall habe ich auf Smash´s Seite gesehen, dass einer von Euch dort eine Bestellung in meinem Nachbarort ( 82229 Seefeld-Hechendorf ) getätigt hat. Da hier nicht gerade viele Midiboxer zu erwarten sind, würde ich mich natürlich sehr über einen evtl. Austausch freuen oder vielleicht auch mal eine gemeinsame Teile-Bestellung. Ich weiß leider keinen Foren-Nick oder sonst etwas, denn Smash hat da verständlicherweise eine absolut strikte Geheimhaltung, würde mich aber sehr freuen wenn der oder diejenige das hier liest und bei Interesse eine PM an mich schreibt. Projekte stehen viele an, wie man der Gallerie und dem Forum auch entnehmen kann :-) Also dann, Alex
  14. Well i think this i probably more a question of personal preference than of costs. A device featuring 256 + x buttons with a nice case and professionally made FP wont be a bargain in any case. E.g: The livid buttons costs 0,46 US $ per piece (30$ / 8x8). Most of the quality tactiles will exceed this by far if you include decent caps. The MEC buttons we talked about in a previous post cost between 2€ and 4€ each here in Germany at reichelt.de without a cap (included led though). Of course there are those cheap smd tactiles but with caps they almost cost as much as the livid pads. They still have the downside of being clicky and not feeling very good IMO. As TK mentioned before its very likely that there are coming up different people with different designs out of different preferences and i think that´s a good thing.
  15. phunk

    New Server

    fast beast! /me likey
  16. so. i made some more drawings so you can imagine how it should look like. For making the case as low as possible it would be nice mounting the SRIO PCB and the CORE PCB directly under the CS PCB. I used 10mm spacers, assuming a horizontally mounted capacitor and voltage regulator. The CS PCBs are just out of my imagination. Those are 8x8 modules (they perfectly align, therefore there is no gap visible in the rendering), 8x1 strips and a 1x1 piece atm. That´s probably not gonna work but i wanted to come up with a pic. It would be great if one of the PCB gurus thinks about a good design that fits. Can be one big pcb, can be several smaller pcbs. 16x4, 8x8, whatever... Pcbs are mounted onto the frontpanel (assuming 4mm Schaeffer panel with M3 thread / 3,5mm deep). I´ll try that the next days.
  17. well i´d suggest waiting until one of ours got the real part in his hands... i´ll go on constructing and making some drafts...
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