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Everything posted by Smithy

  1. Excellent track Hawkeye, really love those beautiful arps, haunting.
  2. A cheaper starter project would be to buy a Core Module Kit and Sid Module Kit from Smash TV along with the MB-6582 Kit. Thats how I started, the wiring would take a little figuring out, but read as much as you can beforehand and you'll be fine! With Hawkeye's extra detailed documentation, the MB-6582 is a lot more straightforward. All you need really is experience in making the perfect solder joints, and once you have that, the world is your oyster!
  3. Its strange alright. 1A should surely be more than enough for your MIDIbox, you shouldn't have had to reduce the lcd brightness. Maybe theres a short near the tracks from the midi in / optocoupler? Does it only happen with the midi clock, or does it happen when you send MIDI CC events to it also? Another possibility is interfernece from the clock signal. Im stumped. :unsure:
  4. Is the high pitched sound,the improvised hihat your hear in his tracks Tonka? Have you ever tried using the SID DUMP tool to see what parameters are being used in his tracks? If you haven't seen it before, its in the Wavetable tutorial in the manual. IT should help figure out the exact parameters of each sound. This is something i've wanted to get around too thats been long overdue. And Speaking of Matt Gray & Rob Hubbarb, Gray's remix of Crazy Comets has some cool funky sounds too! http://www.se2a1.net/soasc/dl.php?d=soasc/soasc_mp3%2FMUSICIANS%2FG%2FGray_Matt%2FCrazy_Comets_Special_ReMix_T01.sid_MOS6581R4.mp3
  5. It sounds like you either have a short, or that your power supply is not providing enough current. What PSU are you using? I would double check each joint for shorts if i were you, to be certain.
  6. Briefly messed with Rutgers drum editor for the first time, and i love how the sequences update in real time! I guess its to be expected since all controls update in realtime, but it just feels so great.
  7. Heres the few patches i made with my limited time with the mb-6582, thanks to Hawkeye for the inspiration and motivation that helped me to pull this baby out again, in order to commence re-wiring. Fairly basic and raw, tweak them to your preference. It includes the patch i made for my basic drum demo... I had it saved as 2 patches, they may be identical as i dont have the CS hooked up to find out. Basic Drum Demo.zip Basic Drum Demo2.zip Irish whiskey.zip Warm Bass.zip
  8. A few patches would be better than no bank at all! See this post: That user has since died, and was last active a year ago. Some people stay here, others come and go, so i think the more regular uploads, even if theyre small, the better! :)
  9. Smithy


    Thanks a lot man, that is looking extremely neat indeed!
  10. Smithy

    VFDified MB-6582 :-)

    Ah yes, i need to read your guide more, its a work of art Hawkeye. Those heatsinks you uses are extremely neat also! Hey Alt, do you have any pics of how you have the trimmer and LM317 mounted? Wouldn't seeing pics of the outside also!
  11. Long time Matt Gray fanatic here! Thats some excellent work man, I'll be investigating this thread a lot more in the future, and want to contribute once I finish my MB-6582... Which i have being putting off until now!
  12. Smithy

    VFDified MB-6582 :-)

    You are such a filthy illuminating whore! That is amazing and beautiful work Hawkeye, and makes my *still yet to be rewired* MB-6582 so much more inferior! Haz you red led fan on ze rear panel?
  14. Aus Soviet Deutschland...

    we jump fence mit kuh!

  15. Nils made a standalone patch editor called Patch Turkey which currently supports the Lead Engine only, but while searching keywords to find a link to it, the only place i found it on, was in the Synthedit Yahoo User group of all places!!! WTF? Its attached to the 2nd post in the topic, it really should be publicized more as its such a sweet editor. Mebbé i add a wikkeh page soon.
  16. Smithy

    127 Arps

  17. Mebbé old news for some, mebbé not so old news for other hoomans like me. Video is almost 2 years old nao: Copied from CSDb.org 02/04/2008: "Kevin Horton, the hardware hacker extraordinaire (mostly known from his game console hacking) is working on a SID implementation in FPGA. Yes, it has been done before in eg. C64 DTV (which doesn't even emulate filters), but his aim is to make the filters sound *very* exact to the real thing, by actually implementing them OUTSIDE of the FPGA as a discrete circuit! It is described in greater detail (with samples!) on his blog, at http://blog.kevtris.org/ The filter circuit is based on the actual SID die, as imaged by Tim Boscke (http://www.digital-circuits.org/sid/). Kevin is looking for all kinds of info about different kinds/revisions of SID chips, and also SID musicians with good ears to assist in filter tuning. Actually, all kinds of help and information would be appreciated. Recordings from additional real SID chips of the 'trickier' songs which use the filter would also be much appreciated. Another thing which might be of interest for you other hackers out there in regards to his game console hacking, earlier SID player(s), and other FPGA work: http://www.tripoint.org/kevtris/index.html He can be contacted at kevtris[at]comcast.nospam.net Toni Paavola and Jonathan Gevaryahu on behalf of Kevin Horton" * = + moar In his latest blog entry of June last year, this is whats supported: .NSF (complete with support for NES, VRC6, VRC7, FME7, N106, MMC5, FDS expansion audio) .SID (complete, with quad-SID support, filters, RSID, PSID, and Compute! Gazette MUS format) .GBS (complete, with normal Gameboy and Gameboy Colour support) .SAP (complete, with dual POKEYs) .SGC (complete, with support for SN76489, Colecovision, SMS, Gamegear modes) http://www.kevtris.org
  18. There is also some instructions here, on how use a 6581 in an 8580 socket by using modifications: http://www.lemon64.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=387560&sid=71cfeccb8dbf2620921523a4c1bfa56c And btw, our very own Flemmiwinks started the thread also. :thumbsup: or mebbé a Flem-clone.
  19. Found a thread on it, seems it worked for other people too Rosch, but the filters can sound weird. I wonder if you could use different capacitor values to get it to sound closer: http://noname.c64.org/csdb/forums/index.php?roomid=7&topicid=2096 "But beware: One chip cost's US$25, excluding shipping, you get 3 C64s on the local fleamarket for the same money." AHHHH, the good oul days when sids were as cheap as chips!
  20. hehe, indeed! Have a free :clover: .
  21. No need to be sorry, its good that you double checked, otherwise you could have blown a working sid!
  22. Yep, this is correct. From the sammichSID manual: SID Voltage Jumpers The L-shaped header JP controls the voltage supplied to both SIDs. It will supply both SIDs with power from either the regulated 9V supply on the base PCB (i.e. directly from the 7809 voltage regulator) or from the input power supply which must be regulated 12V DC. So basically you cant use a 6581 and an 8580 together, if you set the voltage to 12V, the 8580 will blow. Has any actually tried supplying 9V to a 6581? I wonder if it would make any sound at all, probably not.
  23. Well if it hasn't blown up your sid yet, then it should be fine! ;) It might be safer to use a 78xx though, just in case the voltage fluctuates.
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