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Everything posted by Smithy

  1. Smithy


    Can i haz a refund too? Great job Smash. I wonder if you could add the Core32 board with IC also? I guess it would be nice to have a script that takes it out if the exchange rate puts its value above 22 euro. Its currently just under 21 euro.
  2. You bet! Alkex built a midibox sid keyboard that is so Korg MS-20 like, it even has patch cables for modulation! To save you trying to find a 4 year old thread, here it is:
  3. I just lol'd so much at this pic: http://midibox.org/forums/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=7893 In future, try soldering the LEDs at a lower temperature.
  4. Ooof! Someone was without their coffee that day it seems! :wink:
  5. It would probably be a good idea to set up another thread where people can propose their favourite/most used assignments. Detune is the only one i can think of for now, as i haven't had much time to play with mb-6582 recently. A dedicated knob for changing the Bank would be nice but might be tricky with a non-detented encoder. Selecting/highlight the Bank number in the root menu via one of the 5 buttons under the LCD may be a better idea, so that you could use the Menu encoder, or Inc/Dec buttons to change the Bank.
  6. I guess PCM playback would be possible if the sid file was played on an SD Card, and a special sid player app was written for the core. But that would be quite an effort.
  7. Thanks a lot for the reply, i really appreciate it! I think a skipped over a lot of posts just to get to the videos, hehe! Edit: Check out this gem of a thread on non-pcm c64 speech synthesis: http://noname.c64.org/csdb/forums/?roomid=14&topicid=17568&showallposts=1
  8. How do you set the flush mode to ASID XP? I'm forced to use version 0.1 of your dll, as the the newer version tries to blow up my processor!
  9. I could contribute to the that list i'm pretty sure! :thumbsup: *cough* subtune 2 *cough* Well done on getting Commando to play properly, asidxp and nils hacked .dll couldn't play it properly. Edit: Asid XP plays it fine actually. Dude what the hell is the name of the sid at the start of video 3 with the speech? Does this mean you were able to support PCM playback for that sid? Or is using some other tricks like Ring Mod to generate the speech.
  10. Needz moar vocoder! THe drums are really cool. Love the modulation on the bass, what are you triggering there?
  11. Wow, thats a beauty! I wonder how it escaped midibox of the week. Maybe he didn't post it on the forum.
  12. I've a slightly different question, regarding Knob Assignments in the Lead Engine. You can change the assignments in the menu by changing Pa1 or Pa2. From my understanding these Parameter Assignments are saved within the Patch itself, and not globally. Is there anyway to save these assignments globally (for all patches) via the mb-6582 itself, or via editing the source code? Maybe there is some default/initiliazed setting in the Source? I'm particular interested in having a dedicated detune knob, and don't want to have to set it manually for every existing patch.
  13. Ah so it was you phile who I was talking to about the 01V in the chat! I was trying to remember/figure that out recently, asking everyone! hehe Man i didnt know the Behringer DDX3216 existed, i must look into that. And it has LED indicators on every channel! NICE! £300 is about the price of the old 01v also.
  14. Yep, 16 channels is what seemed logical to me when i was considering buying a mixer recently. This mixer is cheap and supposively has excellent eq and mic pre's: http://www.dv247.com/mixers/allen-and-heath-zed-14-live-recording-mixer--48358 Its 14 channel though. I was thinking about going down the midi controllable digital mixer route also, Automation of eq, and loading of "scenes" at the start of each track would help do the work of one man in a live situation. The older yamaha 01v mixer seems ideal, but it has no inserts so you'd have to use the internal eq and effects. The newer yamaha 01v96 looks nice, but its too expensive for me.
  15. Unfortunately not, but here are piccies of the hot gurrrl in question: Happy MB-6582ing!
  16. Take the 3 out of the number and you have your answer. :wink:
  17. Same with you man! I havent listened to all 4 SIDS simultaneously yet, but even with 2 it sounds so fat!

    The BLM is starting to make me want to build a SEQ, but I may not have the time at the moment!

    You should definitely build it! :)

  18. Congratulations Hawkeye! I soldered the new cables, and everything is fine except for 3 LEDs not lighting. Im not too worried about them now though, im having too much fun! Your tutorial is excellent, its extremely well written, to the point, and step by step. You cannot ask for better really.
  19. I've only now spotted that an updated version of ASID XP came out in December 2009. Current version is now 1.02. http://www.elektron.se/products/sidstation One sid in paticular that was problematic on the older version was track 3 of Target Renegade.sid. It now plays fine with no issues, but still no perfect last ninja 2 playback. :( It should now have better compatibility with certain sid files at least. :)
  20. Looks like it might be okay, once it hasnt burnt through the track itself (the tracks are the green lines on the pcb). A track basically is a line of copper underneath the green (silkscreen) part of the pcb, that carries the current. Once you havent broken the track it should be fine. Use the continuity function on your multimeter, to test between the solder point near the blob, and the next solder point on the track. If the track is okay, your multimeter should beep if it has the beep function. Touch the two probes together first to see if it has a beeper. If it doesnt have a beeper, then the resistance value should drop to 0 eventually, (it might stay at 1 for a while).
  21. o_O Dude you're not meant to be awake! Go haz some sleepz nao plz! You must be too excited from building all day! I know the feeling.
  22. I haz made Knob Removal tool, in case you fuck up after you have finished mb-6582, e.g. ribbon cable breaks or whatever. Cut a rectangle/square into a piece of plastic card, like a credit card or whatever. Make sure the notch is about 7mm wide to fit around the shaft of the encoder / pot. Slide it under the knob, and lift it off. This way helps prevent marking the panel. Told you i wouldnt have anything worthwile. :wink:
  23. I recommend you use flat washers in between the spring washers and the screws that go into the threaded spacers for the CS. The spring washers on their own tend to eat up the lovely gold plates on the PCB, im wishing i used flat washers now. Just adding that tip here so i dont post in the middle of your guide for the CS Construction. If i can think of any worthwhile tips ill post them here. ;)
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