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Everything posted by Imp

  1. Das wurde auf jeden Fall schonmal gemacht. Such mal nach "Traktorizer". ist z.B. was. Du brauchst eh 2 digitale Eingänge, weil es ja 2 Lichtschranken sind. Was die Auflösung angeht: ich glaube 14bit hilft dir nicht, denn so ein scratchwheel sendet doch inkrementelle Daten, oder? Es ist da glaube ich eher die Abtastrate bzw. die Übertragungsrate auf die es ankommt.
  2. If it isn't the filter caps, I'd check the supply voltage on both sockets, with and without sids. Maybe the sid needs more power when the filters are switched on. Did you disable "Ext" (filter menu) on both channels? You can also pull the external input to ground with J4R/L. Also check the row of caps below the audio sockets for bad joints. Those transistors could cause the distortion, but as the sound passes them regardless of the filter, i don't think they do. Caps can only store a limited amount of energy. If they get too much, they explode or short out. While explosion is obvious, you have to check for short circuits with a multimeter.
  3. Hi and welcome! I'd check, if the regulators' legs make contact with the heatsink first. You can also measure the resistance between the 5v and 12v lanes, e.g. at the outer pins of the backlightjumper (JBL). If it is too low, you connected them by accident.
  4. Yay, we got mentioned in a Video, we're all famous now! :w00t: As you supply the core with 15V aswell, its 5V-regulator might get hot, because it has to burn 10V. It's ok for testing, but later you need a psu that also delivers about 7V aswell ( or 5v regulated).
  5. That's the reason i asked for a pic ;) I saw those solderless pads of j1 and thought: maybe he uses some clamps to supply power while testing. When you connect 15v/gnd to j1, you don't need to take care of polarity btw, because it is rectified afterwards.
  6. The Testtoneapp doesn't use the filter, afaik. So the caps are not likely to cause your trouble. Can we have a pic of your setup while testing?
  7. Are you sure you uploaded the testtoneapp? In your picture you run the interconnection test, which doesn't make any sound iirc.
  8. You can upload the Testtone-app with mios studio, just like the SID software. You can get it in the mios8 download section on ucapps.de. No need to buy another core, i think. Btw, i always felt like i learned the most while troubleshooting. :thumbsup:
  9. "PCB" means printed circuit board, it's a general name for that flat board with coppertraces on it. I think you meant a core8. You also need AINs for faders and pots or the touchstrip. The number of AINs and DINX4s depends on the number of controls. Each AINx4 provides 32 analog inputs, while each DINx4 provides 32 digital inputs. Rotary-encoders use 2 inputs. I'd buy a cheap LCD too, it makes configuration and troubleshooting a lot easier, if you see what the box is doing. You don't need to keep it in the final controller. And you will need an enclosure, of course. Edit: This might help:
  10. A resistive touchstrip would count as a fader, i think. If you want to have usb, try to get a gm5. It's a small diy usb-to-midi-interface. As long as you don't use a backlit LCD, the total powerconsumption should be low enough to be bus powered.
  11. AFAIK, the midi fighter is just a bunch of buttons, which send midi-data when pushed. The MB64(e) can do that too. You can check the specs here.
  12. 1) should be easy 2)/3) if you put that adapter inside the enclosure, you have only one cable to connect. Or use one gamepad with usb and enough buttons or two and a hub. 4) google "rejoice midi" 5) maybe as a replacemant for the analog sticks 6) build a mb64 or mb64e instead. It's just one core8, one dinx4, some buttons and a psu.
  13. Hi! If it's not what antix said, check for shorts between pins of the ic-socket with a multimeter. With this shematic you can trace, which other parts each pin should be connected to.
  14. +1 for CMOY. I'd put it in the modular, so you could also use it for other sources. You could also replace r24/r25 on the ssm2044-pcb with pots, but i think this would also change the tone a bit. Another Problem would be, that this amplification is not used, when the filter is bypassed.
  15. As bilderbuchi said, they are quite similar to pots. There are different types, like -single or dual: dual is like 2xsingle, but only one handle -linear or logarithmic: determines the curve of the resistance -length -resistance The one in your picture is a 10kOhm log dual, AFAIK. But this doesn't mean that those inside the mpd have these values too. Check if you find anything printed on them, if not, you have to measure their resistance. How do you plan to fit longer faders in there anyway? They won't fit into the holes of the pcb. Also, you'd have to build a new enclosure for the whole thing.
  16. I start with a playable note and use "OP Gen" only. That way sounds stay playable, but get weird enough nonetheless. Is the EVS-1 worth trying? Everytime i see one on ebay, they get sold for almost nothing...
  17. There are absolute encoders available, but they are expensive and It wouldn't be possible to interface those to the MPD You could build a mb64 and use real pots though.
  18. -Power on -push any button of the lower ones -sroll right with encoder -push button under "RND" -make some noise -realise where and who you are several hours later
  19. You don't need it. You can generate random patches on the FM. But don't start if you have other things to do :rofl:
  20. It's neither about understanding the economic potential of MIDIbox, nor about the ability to use it. It's a valid choice to keep it DIY.
  21. Da gibts leider das Problem, dass manche Wellenformen angezeigt werden, indem 2 oder 3 LEDs leuchten. Das geht mit den Polwendern nicht. Das gilt leider für fast alle anderen Anzeigen auch. Nur die LEDs die anzeigen, was du gerade mit den Encoder-Reihen steuerst (Env 1/2/assign bzw. Env/misc/knobs) könntest du so von 6 auf 2 reduzieren. Aber ehrlich gesagt glaube ich kaum, dass sich der Aufwand lohnt. Außer du sprichst fließend assembler und schüttelst dir die Modifikation mal eben aus dem Ärmel :rolleyes:
  22. Sag mal lieber erstmal, was du damit genau anzeigen willst! Dann ist es nämlich wesentlich einfacher zu klären, ob es Sinn macht. Polwendung ist irgendwie unnötig kompliziert. Hardwaremäßig fällt mir grad nur ne Lösung mit Transistoren ein.
  23. The workaround is located in the "CFG" submenu of the Lead-Engine. It'S called "ABW". You can read about it under "Configuration" of the manual
  24. Nice! Btw, there is a workaround for this bug in the firmware. You just need to activate it.
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