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Everything posted by Imp

  1. The quiet sound is the ADSR-bug. The envelope can't silence the oscs completely, so the last note played quietly goes on until the next is played. That's normal.
  2. Hehe, maybe... Ah common, it ain't that hard! You might already have it. It's a special kind of G.A.S when buying things can't cure the itch no more...
  3. Hey, you know what's even worse than G.A.S? G.B.S :whistle:
  4. Imp

    MIDIbox FM V1.4

    The WT is fast enough for this already, but i had to turn the rate up to 122. A bit slower you hear the steppiness, faster and it seems to drop some steps on the way. @Hawkeye: Sounds interesting, but you kinda distort the scale here :tongue: I can't imagine that these sounds are possible with the opl, e.g. because of it's integer multis. All i could come up with so far were sounds like "Ja" or "Oi". Btw, here's the patch: FormantWT.zip
  5. Imp

    MIDIbox FM V1.4

    I just found out, that it's possible to create phonemes by modulating the multiplicators. I first did it with an external envelope which controls the CC, but then realised that it can be done within the FM via wavetables. Unfortunately this is not as flexible and fun as with the external EG, so may i request CCs as target for the FM's EG and LFOs in a future release, please? I'll attach a demo: FMFormantAT.mp3
  6. Welcome on board! :flowers: MIDIO128 is a complete app, which runs on core8 (with pic18f...) and is quite close to what you want. Unfortunately it has not been ported to core32 yet, which would make customization of the code much easier. But since you said, you had some experience in C, you could get a lpc17 and work through these tutorials.
  7. Imp


    Don't you guys have local fleamarkets? There are lots of those PSUs available round here...
  8. Can you hear the 1khz testtone already? ;) congrats to all 3 of you!
  9. Sorry, i meant on future cases, not yours ;) Those spacers could be glued on the inside of the panel->less screws...
  10. Maybe some jb-weld could help to get rid of those screw holes?
  11. Du kannst natürlich alles mögliche als Kappe auf kurzhubige Taster kleben. Polierte Edelstahlbolzen z.B... Das wird vermutlich optisch ein Kompromiss, aber haptisch die beste Lösung sein.
  12. Ich habe von den Conrad-Tastern welche und kann dir nur davon abraten. Die haben einen relativ langen Weg und benötigen viel Kraft zum betätigen, deswegen sind sie für einen Controller absolut ungeeignet.
  13. Imp doez teh arrival-of-sammich-dance. I iz firin ma iron nao!
  14. You can control the pins of J5 via the EXT-menu of the SID, but not via midi, afaik. With Midibox CV, you can use J5 as Gate-outputs, but i don't know if you can configure it to react to specific notes.
  15. +1 it's impressive, and yeah, trippy...
  16. I think those dpot and pga solutions would not allow to sweep the volume while playing, because the output would be steppy. Building a Midibox CV with an Aout-LC and feeding its voltage to a VCA will allow sweeps and could be way cheaper than €198.
  17. Hehe, Aphex Twin would be proud of you ;)
  18. I understood, that this is a wanted effect. I just don't understand why it's audible in the end. At 1MHz the period is 1 microsecond, so we have a delay of 0.5 mS or less between clocks. If we divide those clocks by N, isn't the delay still 0.5 mS?
  19. Just one thought: If you use several clocks at 1 or 2 Mhz, wouldn't the resulting Phase-offset between them be very small(max one period)? Or did i get that wrong and it's about some frequency inaccuracies?
  20. I agree and hope that the news will spread even further.
  21. Imp


    If you want teh sammich to look even better, i can upload a pic of my 1st attempt at building a FM :wink:
  22. And software by TK, i guess, since they sticked a piece of paper on the lcd. Otherwise there would have been a copyright-message at startup.
  23. Imp


    mkay, this makes things less obscure! I wanna be a lucky fella! (seriously) Can i haz kit 4 special needz? (no pic, no opl, no hairy cows either) Btw: Nice video! And nice sammich of course!
  24. I dunno...i think i'll wait until i can buy it from mode machines :sick:
  25. This looks like a conspiracy to me! :frantics: How did you sell 50 kits without announcing it here? I only saw some pics of prototypes in the gallery, and some vague comments about it. Where else could i have looked?
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