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Everything posted by Futureman

  1. Don't VFD displays need a much higher voltage to run? Whats next? Nixie Tubes!!! I'm up for 2 as they can be easily implemented, they look pimpin. (I'm in Australia)
  2. Futureman

    seq v2.4d

    whoooaaaa!! thats what I call "Ghetto!" It's the sequencer Mad Max would have used.... :)
  3. Hey there. In short, you won't be able to replace the key contacts (inside your controller) with Pots.. well, you could, but it won't be turnt into some magical controller.. Each key on your keyboard has two switches inside.. when you press a key, one switch, then quickly after that, the other switch make contact... the timing between them is converted into the velocity of the note.. (Makes sense? shorter timing = you smacked the key hard) You would be able to hack apart the controller and make a box with 25 buttons on it.. and it would easily be configurable with something like ableton to launch audio clips etc.. but then again, if you went to all that trouble, you might as well build a proper controller for ableton etc with rotary encoders and flashing leds etc.. For ideas what to do with a MIDI controller... look at what I did with my 4 octave controller.. I turned it into a synth (Still work in progress) http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php/topic,12413.90.html Kind Regards Mike
  4. uh oh.... "It begins...." Legalities aside... for me it's about respect.. TK has given me (and you) a great and special gift... all he is asking in return is that you abide by his few rules.. I wouldn't question them.. just respect them. Regards Mike
  5. I always wanted to do a song about the twin towers in 9/11 time.. :P
  6. Well, should someone PM them to announce we have an answer for their questions?
  7. Or Italian... so we've got the language the word is in.. that narrows it down heaps. ;]
  8. hehe.. I never knew the Gun's & Roses ex Guitarist was making PCBs??? Is there anything he can't do? Lame jokes by me aside, welcome aboard.. If you wan't to make a big SID synth with 8 Sids, then you best get the PCB's from "Smash" or here http://www.avishowtech.com/mbhp/buy.html Check out the 6582 Base board + CS board + base parts kit.. Please note, that this parts DO NOT include the SID's or the enclosure or the front face... (Search for Wilba's group buy for SID's) and no control surface parts... I got my tact switches + LED's + LCD + diodes all off ebay... but after that I made a whole new control surface... Seriously tho... read read read read the 6582 Wiki page.. it's all in there. Regards Mike
  9. This might help http://www.prolightware.com/gel%20color%20conversion.htm Regards Mike
  10. Yes, I was surprised by the 22-0-22.. I'd be pretty sure it would run on something less than that.. even 15-0-15's measure a fair bit higher with no load.. and to be honest, I'd probably try one of those first... you generally can't hurt something by under powering it.. and the CS-5 sure does not seem like it pulls a lot of current. ( ie - it runs very cool) Why it was without it's power supply in the first place however is the big question? Maybe it blew up? Maybe something is wrong with the synth? If you get a proper transformer, disconnect the synth from the power PBC (The one in the pic), and check the output from the power PCB (after the regulators etc) before you plug it all together..... those trimmers are probably for the +-15Vdc adjust. Regards Mike
  11. This was measured with the transformer disconnected.. ie.. no load. Regards Mike CS5.JPG CS5.JPG
  12. sheeesh... I don't really like taking apart perfectly working mint gear for no reason... but for you I will.. just send me some Black Truffles or Some good french red wine as payment.. ;] -> Goes off to dissassemble Yamaha CS-5.......
  13. Don't forget Yellow LED's and orange LED's are not hard on the eyes.. (Orange are a little harder to get) I used the exact same LCD screen for my SID, and played with some lighting gels to change it's colour etc, and the red looked very good.. I still think that some red perspex / plastic would be the best, as it would also offer some protection as well as change the LCD's colour.. Regards Mike.
  14. Yea, Yamaha are very good for user manuals.. Search for the CS-10's service manual / schematics.. they are very similar. And if you are too lazy for that.. http://www.emusic-diy.org/YamahaManuals#head-02ff64e6bb572d98e47c2c680831c76ab8de3f67 At a glance... +-15Vdc & +10Vdc is used.. Regards Mike
  15. Yep.. If you want something to stay in perfect condition, don't modify it. XOX's are a good alternative to a 303... the sequencer is not the same, but in some ways more powerful. With the SOKKOS operating software installed, you can do some pretty cool things while slaved to midi clock. = very handy. You still will not be able to control most parameters via MIDI with a stock standard XOX.. but who cares.. they are much cheaper than a 303. Regards Mike
  16. Very cool! I've got some old drum machines (MiniPops & Hammonds etc) that I'd love to give this similar treatment, but the programming has sort of scared me away.. listening to that has inspired me to give it a go. Regards Mike
  17. Do you mean the power transformer inside it is missing? Do you have the schematics / Service manual? As there is no digital inside the CS-5, I'm pretty sure the power transformer would be a simple 15-0-15 Transformer (Just a guess for now) but see if you can get the schems before I take my CS-5 apart to check for you ;] Regards Mike
  18. I've got a CS5.. Not a bad synth, cool filter. it's an analogue synth, so a midi-cv converter is all you need to control it via MIDI.. (just one that does Hertz/Volt & S-Trig) Obviously the parameters would not be controlled via MIDI. To do this would be would cost a fortune. Regards Mike
  19. Yes, I felt so too with regards to the price... And that included postage! I just ordered a sequencer case (Similar shape to a TR-707, but wider) for a mate I'm helping.. I'll post that up seperately when I get it in my hands. Contact details are -> Cheers Rick Tait , Ph 02 6778 3388 www.lcne.com.au It would be good if anyone who contacts him regarding quotes mentions my name / this Synth DIY community etc, maybe we could get a good discount / relationship going here. Regards Mike
  20. I used to do a bit of mods etc on synths & drum machines to earn a few bucks a while ago... http://www.myspace.com/mikesmodifications The 707 & 727 can sound pretty cool with the detune mods & circuit bending matrix... I'm not a fan of patch bays, as you mentioned, not really a performance tool.. a switch matrix is way more speedy. Regards Mike
  21. Or purple... unless you want to see 50 purple halo rings in your retina's.
  22. Yep, It's hard to try and read the text on something when 50 blue lasers are aimed straight at your eyes... Regards Mike
  23. Oven cleaner is pretty dangerous stuff... My ex got the most nasty chemical burns on her arm from that stuff. For cleaning keys , or mixer knobs, I throw them in a bucket of hot water with few splashes of 'Spray and wipe' and wait for half an hour. Regards Mike
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