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Everything posted by Futureman

  1. Haven't you signed up for my 6585 bulk order yet? Oh, thats right, your still stuck selling those 6582's... :) On a side note - Someone else fix my menu button for me... arghhhhhh...
  2. On my MB-6585 it only cycles through 1 then 2 then 3 then 1 etc... no combinations. Cheers Mike edit- Ok.. got it now.. the "OSC" button cycles through 1 to 3, but selecting it in the menu, then turning the master knob lets you choose multiple combinations..
  3. Hey all... I've got a few questions about my SID synth.. maybe someone could clarify. http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php/topic,12413.75.html a. - Is there an easy way to adjust all 3 of the OSC envelopes at the same time? Often I want to adjust the release etc of all amplitude envelopes at the same time.. am I missing something obvious? b. - Velocity & Mod wheel are not recognised? c. - This one is a bit more tricky.. my "Menu" button does nothing... I don't get it.. I tested the button, I tested the diode.. all other buttons work perfectly, (So I assume the matrix is wired correctly) - I'll try re-uploading the MB-6582 software incase something got corrupt.. but this is doing my head in.. Regards Mike
  4. Here, the screen is in position, but not properly mounted (held on with Gaffer tape) & Encoders & knobs mounted except for the volume knob. I've now got to find a nice stereo pot for the volume control for the mix out... I'm guessing a Stereo 10k Audio taper? I've also got some nice LA audio modules that I grabbed before they were thrown in the bin at work, including some line driver amps with some awesome audio transformers in em & a Stereo EQ modules.. these are small PCB's with very high quality components on them. I was toying with the idea of using these to push up the volume of the Mix out + possible some simple EQ (It's a Stereo shelving EQ with a High & Low cut & boost) The next big bridge I have to cross is making my own power supply... I see someone else has a similar thread, so I might mooch off that... but the concept of the C64's power supply is not too tricky.... just hope it fits / doesn't generate too much heat / doesn't generate noise. Sorry for the blurry photo, my camera is not that crash hot. Regards Mike 2 - LCD screen in place.JPG 2 - LCD screen in place.JPG
  5. Back... Been a long break (Very busy over christmas & NY with work) I've finished making up the control section (minus the encoders) My advice to anyone wanting to DIY the 6582 control surface with Proto / Vero board --> It's a frigging lot of work. A F@#KING lot of wires.. It might not look like a lot in that picture, but it is... I made a few mistakes along the way, and the further you get, the harder it is to fault find... but I'm pretty sure it's all 100%.. I might have a few questions for people with working 6582's (I sold my old control surface, so can't verify somethings) but I'll cross that bridge later. The keyboard is properly mounted, at the correct hight etc, but in the picture, it looks a bit out of whack because the metal chasis is elevated by the Commodore 64 powersupply lead... ultimately, there will be an internal powersupply.. I've also wired up the keyboard transpose keys & LED's but these are not shown in the picture.. The Screen is working, but I made the cable too short for it to be stuck in just yet... I would make another up, but i've used all my ribbon cable.. lol. It's quite funny, but the crumby zinc coating colour on the steel has grown on me... but I'm pretty certain it's going retro beige colour, mainly out of it 64 roots etc.. Regards Mike 2 - Crazy birdls nest.JPG 2 - Nearly fitted.JPG 2 - Crazy birdls nest.JPG 2 - Nearly fitted.JPG
  6. I have a bit of a concern, that so many things are going to be implemented in this sequencer, that it's no longer going to be intuitive. It's like the saying that "a camel was a horse designed by a committee." For me, this sequencer is a killer live tool.. if you want a non live sequencer, it should be a computer. I don't mind setting stuff up for the first time.. (Labels etc) because once set up, it is very benificial to work flow.. But for me, ideally, if I want to change a label/name of a track etc, I would like the option of changing it's name with the sequencer. Regards Mike
  7. yea.... I was kinda hoping for more actually... but good effort... Kind Regards Mike
  8. I'm sure Doug will get back as soon as he has any info... if you are really in a hurry, get Schaeffer to do it.. will cost more tho. Regards Mike
  9. I like the first one.. How is each drum hit defined? Is it's midi channel stuck to what track it's in? or can it be defined for every different drum instrument? ie, Note D#2 Midi Channel 2 = Open Hihat. It would good to be able to mix and match drum kits from different modules (Both analogue & Midi).. Looking forward to V4... but I'm really looking forward to fixed up real time recording.. A++++++
  10. I'll see your 210 encoders & raise you another 50...
  11. Futureman


    Looks good... what about holes for the 8 trigger gate outs? If you don't have any old analogue synths / analogue drum modules, then this won't apply, but if you did (Say a SH-101 or Juno 60) they are absolute killers for clocking the sequencer or arpeggiator etc... No extra parts (except for jack sockets) are needed for this.. + a tiny bit of code enabling.. Regards Mike
  12. 8 & 12 Bit samplers have lots of character.. Thats what you want in a sampler as far as I'm concerned.. If you want high fidelity, then buy a second hand EMU Ultra6400 or Akai S5000 / S6000.. they are worth f$#k all right now. I'd personally say that a DIY sampler should all be about the grit & dirt that comes with a 8 (or 12) bit sampler.. It shouldn't worry about filtering to get rid of aliasing & other artifacts.. shit like that rocks and adds character, much like the SID has all sorts of filth in it's sound which makes it rather unique. Cheers Mike
  13. Ouch! Pricey postage... must that real expensive postage i've heard of where your package is personally delivered by all the band members of REO speedwagon... or was it Boston... I never could remember exactly. Regards Mike
  14. yea, I haven't quite fingered mine out... (Ok.. thats lame)
  15. Well, there is a nice knobs thread, why not buttons? http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=180317610221&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=008
  16. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=180317610221&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=008
  17. What if you can't keep your finger on the heatsink? lol.
  18. Traditionally, the XLR's outer shield is not connected.. Traditionally, Pin 1 on an XLR (well, the 3 pin version) is ground. Regards Mike
  19. oops.. horses held back.. I mistakenly thought you meant buying it from ebay or some evil place. Regards Mike
  20. I genuinely feel quite attached to this group of DIY'ers and builders & programmers... I feel that the gift that TK has given us is very special... where else can you make a synth that PISSES all over the sid station... absolutely pisses all over it, and then flushes it down the toilet after it's done a crap on it. You say you want to spend your time making music instead of working with a soldering iron... thats a shame.. You have a very supportive community here... many people here "Shock horror" actually make things & then make music with them... I know I do.. I've built 2 MB-Sequencers & Finishing up my super SID synth.. I could use your argument for plenty of things... I don't want to spend my time learning scales.. I want to make music... I don't want to spend time practising my beats, I want to make music... It's ALL making music... even if you are reading about composition... even if you are dreaming about fancy ways that you can use your MB-6582 Synth with 8! Sid chips in it... it's still making music. You will find plenty of people on here that have never picked up a soldering iron before joining here.... so you're already ahead of them. How much is a fair price to pay? I don't think anyone will dignify that with an answer.. I look forward to hearing from you when you tell the seller to go F@#k themselves and start asking about stuff like Mios & Cores. Regards Mike
  21. yes... but who will win his heart over? does he like like me, or just like me?
  22. Really? Guess which one is S1? untitled.JPG untitled.JPG
  23. You sound like you know what you are doing, but for clarification for others that don't... You rectify, then smooth ... not the other way around... feeding electrolytic caps with AC will eventually kill them. Also, watch out with the actual values... 12volts AC, once full wave rectified & smoothed out is going to be much larger than 12volts DC.. more like 18-20volts DC..... Like wise, the 6 volts AC, once rectified & smoothed will be more like 9-10volts DC.. Regards Mike
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