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Everything posted by flip

  1. flip

    Test fit (with flash)

    Cool! I'd like to see this in action :)
  2. We built two Shruthi-1s too. Cute little synth. Can do lots of cool sounds. And its extremely easy to build, it even has all the part values on the PCB.
  3. flip

    [B] SID

    According to wikipedia: "The consumer version of the 8580 was rebadged the 6582, even though the die on the chip is identical to a stock 8580 chip, including the '8580R5' mark. Creative Micro Designs used it in their SID Symphony expansion cartridge, and it was used in a few other places as well, including one PC sound-card." You can also get 8580 SIDs, they are exactly the same as the 6582 SIDs. The 6582A SIDs were interesting because there were lots of never used new old stock chips available. But it seems there are not many around anymore, or at least nobody has found them yet.
  4. I know it exists, but have never used it so far. I think I will in the future, it really looks nice. The main reason I posted this though, is because I want to know if it works without a computer.
  5. Yes. Have you done this? Did it work for you?
  6. Hey *! I'm trying to dump patches from my MB-6582 to my girlfriends sammichSID. I connected both via MIDI and selected "Dmp" in the Shift-Menu of the MB-6582. It says "-- Patch Dump sent --", but the sammichSID does not seem to receive anything. Am I doing this right? Is this even possible? It would be a really cool feature if this was easily possible for one or more patches without having to use a computer! Cheers! flip
  7. Yo rosch! Thanks for the hint with the Shruti-1 synth! Just bought two ;)
  8. flip

    kaffeSEQ Prototype Evo III

    Cool! :) Can't wait to hold one in my hands ;)
  9. flip

    kaffeSEQ Prototype Evo III

    YESSSSS! :) I am soo looking forward to this! What are the dimensions of the case nILS? It looks much smaller than sammichSID/sammichFM.
  10. MB-6582 was my first project too, didn't find it too hard. The sammichSID seems even easier though. MB-6582: pro: Hands-on controls 8 SIDs Well documented con: You have to source the parts yourself Expensive sammichSID: pro: Easy step by step documentation Complete kit available Not too expensive con: No knobs for live tweaking Just 2 SIDs
  11. Hmm, shouldn't CS and BLM be the other way around? Or I don't understand it at all ;)
  12. Thats what I meant with sealed. I'd love to have one and NEVER open it :)
  13. 200$? Are you serious? Maybe if it was in the original packaging and still sealed...
  14. It's the kaffeSEQ prototype ;) http://midibox.org/forums/index.php?app=gallery&module=images&section=viewimage&img=501
  15. flip


    YEAH YEAH :)
  16. Welcome back Sasha! :) Nice to hear! Really looking forward to this!!
  17. There used to be a thread, but it wasn't really active. Now there is this one: Although its meant for Arps, I think you can post your patches there? Or maybe better just make a new thread, maybe some people will share their patches this time ;) As for C64 sounds, remember that a C64 only had one SID, so be a little more minimalistic with the voices. You can also get the typical "fake chords" Arpeggio if you play around with the arpeggiator a bit. You can also use the "wavetable" synthesis method, which was used in C64 tunes. There are explanations for all that in the Manual, in the Lead Engine section: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_sid_manual_l.html
  18. Ich muss auch gestehen, das ich MIOS Studio 2 unter Linux noch nicht benutzt habe. Ich habe es nur erfolgreich kompiliert und gestartet, als es dann auf anhieb nicht 100% funktioniert hat habe ich die alte Java Version benutzt um die neue Firmware auf meinen MB6582 zu spielen... Hätte allerdings gedacht das das nur einKonfigurationsproblem war.
  19. Minimum order price outside of Germany has been lowered to 10 EUR at Reichelt ;)
  20. Alles klar, freut mich das es jetzt klappt. :) Meine Angaben bezogen sich auf Juce 1.50. Habe die Version verwendet, weil sie auf der Mios Studio 2 Seite angegeben war.
  21. Hiho, hab mal meine i386 binary angehängt, hoffentlich läuft sie :) Ansonsten stimmte das schon ungefähr was ich geschrieben hab, es musste in juce/build/linux/platform_specific_code/juce_linux_Audio.cpp und juce/juce_amalgamated.cpp eine Zeile auskommentiert werden, input existierte da nicht: AudioIODevice* createDevice (const String& outputDeviceName, const String& inputDeviceName) { jassert (hasScanned); // need to call scanForDevices() before doing this const int inputIndex = inputNames.indexOf (inputDeviceName); const int outputIndex = outputNames.indexOf (outputDeviceName); String deviceName (outputDeviceName); if (deviceName.isEmpty()) deviceName = inputDeviceName; // if (input >= 0) return new ALSAAudioIODevice (deviceName, inputIds [inputIndex], outputIds [outputIndex]); return 0; } Ansonsten waren es nur fehlende Sachen im Makefile und Pfade zu den includes. Probiert mal die binary aus, falls ihr amd64 benutzt könnte ich dafür auch noch eine bauen. Cheers! flip edit: meh die Datei ist zu groß... wenn jemand ne Idee hat wo ich die hochladen kann sagt mal was, ansonsten kann ich die auch per mail verschicken.
  22. Hi, ich habe es gestern kompiliert bekommen, dazu mussten in den Makefiles einige Dateien hinzugefügt werden, und in einer Datei in dem Linux spezifischen Verzeichnis von Juce, sowie Mios Studio habe ich eine Zeile kommentiert, war sowas wie: //if (input <= devicenumber) return .... Dann waren da noch includes mit relativen Pfaden à la: ../../../../../juce/juce_amalgamated.cpp die entsprechend angepasst werden mussten, je nachdem wo die Juce libs liegen. Wenn ich später zu Hause bin schau ich nochmal genau nach was es alles war und poste es hier.
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