Hey guys, I'm not really in the mood for a bulk.
So my advice: autonomously organize a bulk (wikipage/thread). Take the prices and schedules of the previous bulk as an approximate value (it's work, nothing you really want to do for free. Big bulks with no financial incentive are prone to go into the wrong direction, grease the gears, act professional). Once you have a substantial amount of units (~300-500 u) give them a call/mail. The minimum order is 50EUR excl. shipping (a thing you can do once). My connection to ALBS is pretty loose, I did all orders via mail (they understand English). My experience was that they are very reliable, once you make clear you have a substantial order and pay on time.
ilmenator is right, don't bother them with petty orders, organize a bulk and give them a call. They are happy to fulfill your order. I basically give up the "privilege" (or obligation ) to run bulks for knobs.