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Everything posted by JRock

  1. Ok, so I have an MBSID V2 with Stereo SIDs connected on the 1st core and an AOUT NG (no SIDs) connected to the second core. That all works as it should... So I built a Quad VCA... Two channels are hooked to the V2A of the 2nd core (with the AOUT NG). That works as it should. I built a AOUT LC for the 1st core... I would like to run the SID audio through the other 2 channels of the VCA, to avoid the Dreaded ADSR Bug. I would like to only use 1 AOUT LC. I think 8bits should be enough for a VCA. I don't know if this is possible. I defined the AOUT interface of the setup_6581.asm to 2 I defined all the *2A defaults to 0 -- Except V2A which I set to 1 (L) and 2 ® I left the AOUT LC resolution at 0 on all M* I recompiled and uploaded to the 1st core. I set the 8bit/8bit jumpers in place on the AOUT LC module. I connected J1 (AOUT LC) to J6 (Core) as specified for the MBSID V2 configuration. (SI,SC,and RC NOT 1:1) I turned it ond the light in the AOUT NG flashed for a second then stopped. Nothing came on. No MIOS 1.9. :shocked: I disconnected the AOUT LG and everything worked fine. I changed the jumpers on the AOUT LC to the 12/4 bit configuration... Same thing happened when I turned it on - Nothing :sad: Is it possible to use different AOUTs on different cores? Can I use 8/8 bit config to control the L + R VCAs via the V2A using only 1 AOUT LC? Did I set the defaults properly for what I'm trying to do? I could use a doublecheck on my setup. Is the problem mechanical or soft in nature is what I'm trying to figure out. I've been over the board, but I miss simple stuff all the time. Kinda seems like a power problem... If I had to guess I would say 12v or 5v is shorting to ground somewhere, or backwards... Nothing smoking or sparking though. Thanks :flowers:
  2. So I had it wired correctly, and the board was good. I disconnected the banksticks, switched out to a new PIC and reloaded setup-6581 again. It might have worked just by using the old PIC and disconnecting the banksticks, cuz' I still had problems with them (the banksticks) afterwards. I resoldered all the joints around my banksticks and Voila!! :sorcerer: Now I have to troubleshoot the gate/trigger - comparator buffer board... I put diodes on all the outs so I couldn't send any vicious voltages back in to the 40106's while I'm testing circuits (something that I've done before) but I might have put them all in backwards... The cathodes (the line) should be facing out right? As in gates and triggers exit to the out jack through the cathode end? Thanks again :flowers:
  3. Thanks guys. Tim, I appreciate it. Flem, that was exactly what I was looking for. So I have it wired correctly. The 2nd SID board is wired the same too except SO - J14... It must be the board then (or more like my assembly of the board.) Guess I'll knock another one together and see how that works out.
  4. I checked the schematics of the core and the SID board... I think I'm doing it right For Stereo SID - from Core to SID 1 VD - VC VS - VS CLk - CLK SC - * MU - MU RC - RC SO - SO Now SID1 - SID2 VC - VC VS - VS CLK - CLK MU - MU RC - RC *(on SID 2) SO - J14 of the Core Now here's where I have trouble. Nothing plays unless I hook MD - SC (Core - SID1 and SID2) Then only SID2 plays. I've changed shift registers on SID1... I've resoldered all the joints... I've read everything I can think of... What am I missing? I tried the interconnections app and when the CS# is supposed to be 0v it's 5v. The other pins seem to be 5v when they're supposed to. I don't really understand how to use it correctly. I have a second core slaved to run an analog modular synth and everything seems to run perfecto on that. I'm beatin' my brains out for 3 days on this. Please help :flowers:
  5. Just wondering if anybody has run their SID through their modular synth. I imagine the low levels equal crappy results... Have any of you rigged up a little opamp amplifier? I guess I should check out the SSM2044 filter a litter more. Should be easy enough to figger out... I just don't want to reinvent the wheel if I don't have to. Love to hear some suggestions :thumbsup: Thanks
  6. Here's my latest. Got it all bagged up tonight! :thumbsup:
  7. Damn! I'm trying to recompile the setup_6581 for AOUT... I typed in the path like it says... It keeps coming up "make: *** No rule to make target 'setup_6581_for_AOUT_for_BGB.hex'. Stop." :wacko: It seems like it should work, then it doesn't... What am I doing wrong?
  8. Not gettin' stupider

    1. Flemming


      ..you tried listening to some Rhianna, then?? :D

    2. jojjelito


      Boys go to jupiter to get more stupider

      Girls go to mars, become rock stars

      as Kim sang it :)

    3. JRock


      He he he ;)

  9. I would use lithium grease. It's the stuff you grease Bushings on Power tools and lube the collet for an electric chipping gun with. It's white and like a paste. It wouldn't spread around as much as light machine oil, and it should (I haven't tried it though) clean right up with a little isopropyl. You could probably pick it up at any hardware store. I might try it myself :thumbsup: A little dab'll do ya'
  10. Could be tantalums? They look like ceramic blobs... and they are probably not great to use. They are mostly 1 uF and higher, so you won't find many ceramic caps of those values, although, I got some for 2.2 uF... Use electrolytic instead.
  11. Thanks guys. Yeah. I figgered the best way would be to dive in to it. That's why I was thinking C... cause I can learn the different easier stuff once I have a basis for it. I guess today is the day. I haven't been able to concentrate cause the weather is so nice. Today it's cloudy so I have no excuses. :rolleyes: I have a some schematics to layout, then Coding it is :thumbsup:
  12. He he he :blush: No. That certainly wasn't hard. But of course I already googled. :angel: There is so much infos out there. Guess I'll check out Beginning C Programming :laugh: Thanks Did you write that little program? Very Cute. In C? Is that the way to go? C? This is all alien to me.
  13. Is C the most practical? where do I start? I have no idea. figgered this is the best place to ask :sorcerer: I want to be able to write code for PIC and Arduino... Please give me a little guidance, or point me in the right direction :flowers: Thanks :thumbsup:
  14. Where's the Songs and Sounds? :poke: Nevermind... You know you can embed the player in your post?
  15. That's pretty badass sounding :thumbsup: YOU Make that faceplate yourself?
  16. Yeah. I haven't had any problems with the Output routings. I rout the instruments out of 1,2, the kick out of 3 and the other drums out of 4. Not sure where the short would be... been a little while since I looked at the schematic and board... Late now. I'll take a peek tomorrow.
  17. Once Again... Awesome Hawk! This is what you do with your time when you're not building 10 machines at a time :sorcerer:
  18. Yeah. What interface are you using? Have you checked the blacklist? Seems like there are a lot more that won't than will....
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