I don't know about you, but I have 32 channels all filled up. Between the S900 and the MB6582, that's 16 channels right there. I love having the flexibility to process each one individually, but I don't have room for another mixer for every machine that I build :wink:
I housed my MBFM in a breadbox and there's plenty of space inside it and on the panel for this simple mixer I found at MFOS
It's a small circuit and it only takes up space on the faceplate of 8 knobs (and you could probably whittle that down to 4 if you just use the volume controls in the MBFM)
On the back of my machine I used 6 x 1/4" phono jacks and 4 of them need to be switching. 4 of them are individual outs and two of them are L and R for the stereo out. You can also run everything to a stereo TRS out for headphones as well.
I ran the MBFM outs to the tip side of the 4 jacks, then to the mixer inputs via the switch side, so If I want an individual out, all I have to do is plug a cable in and it breaks the connection for that channel (removing it from the stereo outs I have connected to the mixer circuit).
Since I didn't opt for a headphone out, I only need a TL082. If you use the headphone out too then you will need a TL084. You could probably use any Dual Supply Opamp in there. I'm sure there are better ones for audio for you audiophiles (although consider that every signal is already run through a TL074 on the MBFM anyway)
I can't get this file to upload. :rolleyes: I'll try again later. Here's the Link : MFOS USSPAM