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Everything posted by JRock

  1. Maybe take a peek inside and make sure all your connections are still firm and good. The Bankstick should still have all the info on it, It just ain't gettin' read. Make sure none of the pins are shorting against one another or a screw or something.
  2. Read I had problems with the YAC. I am still not sure if it was the chips I got or my Surface mount soldering. Those little bastards are finicky. I was super meticulous with the second set I got and Lo and Behold! I Haz FM! I do know that I had problems with my GM5 and upon closer inspection it looked like it probably could have done with a more thorough soldering job. Unfortunately, when I went to pull him off, a couple of his legs went bye bye. :bye: Poor little guy never had a chance. Luckily the YACs seem a lot sturdier. Check pins 21 and 22 on the YMF with a headphones and a resistor or something like that to see if your getting audio out of it.
  3. How's about a discrete SID out of SMD Parts? :smile:
  4. It Worked!! :) It's ALIIIIIIVVEEEE!!!

  5. I don't know about you, but I have 32 channels all filled up. Between the S900 and the MB6582, that's 16 channels right there. I love having the flexibility to process each one individually, but I don't have room for another mixer for every machine that I build :wink: I housed my MBFM in a breadbox and there's plenty of space inside it and on the panel for this simple mixer I found at MFOS It's a small circuit and it only takes up space on the faceplate of 8 knobs (and you could probably whittle that down to 4 if you just use the volume controls in the MBFM) On the back of my machine I used 6 x 1/4" phono jacks and 4 of them need to be switching. 4 of them are individual outs and two of them are L and R for the stereo out. You can also run everything to a stereo TRS out for headphones as well. I ran the MBFM outs to the tip side of the 4 jacks, then to the mixer inputs via the switch side, so If I want an individual out, all I have to do is plug a cable in and it breaks the connection for that channel (removing it from the stereo outs I have connected to the mixer circuit). Since I didn't opt for a headphone out, I only need a TL082. If you use the headphone out too then you will need a TL084. You could probably use any Dual Supply Opamp in there. I'm sure there are better ones for audio for you audiophiles (although consider that every signal is already run through a TL074 on the MBFM anyway) I can't get this file to upload. :rolleyes: I'll try again later. Here's the Link : MFOS USSPAM
  6. Oh!! Just the case. he he he... Then again... If anybody wants to send me a working Commodore for the price of shipping I'd be happy to take that off your hands as well! :w00t: (Damn nILS, You're fuckin' up my scheme :wink: ) All kidding aside I am building a single SID V2 for each of my brothers (I have 3) for their very late Christmas presents and I need to house them. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!!! Right? Thanks!
  7. Anybody have a spare breadbox? I live near the Philly area, so I could pick them up if you are close. Probably small chance of that though. I will be glad to pay shipping. :sorcerer: C'mon, you know you have it and just can't bear to throw it away. I have a good use for it. It will be going to a loving and caring home. :angel: PM me or post up here and I will PM you. Thanks!
  8. If the replacement button does the ame, and the chip swap didn't change anything then it's a connectivity issue,
  9. 4 channel panning mixer to go inside my MBFM. Etched my first PCB!!!!

    1. Hawkeye


      congrats, dude, have to learn that too, can´t see copper wire no more :-)

  10. That's kinda what i was imagining. If you have the height to work with, I don't see why an MB6582 CS PCB/Panel wouldn't work. you might have to modify the panel slightly, but it's a lot easier than redesigning a control surface. Just scab out the remaining width with empty panels, or something else that's useful. If it comes down to redesigning a CS, it's not that difficult. This whole system is designed brilliantly and elegantly. Even a slacker like me managed to get a handle on it. Lot's of work, time and fiddly shit yes, but difficult, no. :wacko:
  11. I don't know about no aftermarket chips, but that's some good readin'. If you find out where theyz at lemme know (via PM ;)
  12. It's Aliiivveee!!!! AAHAHAHAHA!!! :frantics: You guys Fuckin' Rock!!! Thank You So Much!!! I'll treat you all to a song :flowers: (as soon as I figger' out how to use this thing)
  13. I'm pretty sure that the MB6582 is set up like it has DIN x 6. All the buttons are set up in a matrix, so they only use two shift registers (correct me if I'm wrong). The other four are for encoders. The default assignments are on the wiki. I haven't fiddled with any LEDs yet, but I assume they work under the same principle. I think you would have to use the MB6582 setup hex file. I'm not positive how that would work with a standalone core, but being as that the MB6582 is based on 4 core modules I would guess it should work fine. You'd be doing yourself a favor building your own CS though. I got a bag of 100 cheap tact switches (off ebay) and some cheap encoders (Future electronics or something like that) and made a mock up to understand how it all worked. It took me a couple trys, but I kinda understand how it all goes together now. (At least better than I did :whistle: )
  14. Sure you can resolder'em. If you don't bugger up the board. Measure'em first to make sure that if you go to all that trouble that it will definitely fit. Merry Christmas :santa:
  15. Just to Follow up, I replaced the YAC512s and I am getting some music!!!! I still have to construct the Control Surface, But I'm getting a Musical tone out of Output 1. I'll update again once I confirm that everything is as it should be :thumbsup: I would try it out on the JSynthLib, but I still don't have a reliable USB to midi.
  16. You Live in a warehouse nILS?
  17. It's all OTB. All I have is a netbook and the latency is like a second or two. MC202 BassStation MPC1000 Miniak MB6582 S900 Pro One All into a CR 1604 Recorded onto a Zoom HD8 I added a little reverb and BassBoost on Audacity, but that's just to compensate for the loss when I transfer to my compu-box. @ Hawkeye: Really!!!??? It calmed you down? :laugh: I never thought it would be considered for relaxing :sleep: Thanks Guys Ahhh, the Lovely LyssRock22... One of my countless Adoring Fans :whistle:
  18. Starting on Modular SID, and wondering why Wilba is speaking Pig Latin...

    1. Hawkeye


      have fun building it! the mb6582 can be a good and even cheaper alternative - you need not fully load it, you don´t have multiple modules flying around and you can extend it...

    2. JRock


      Thanks Hawkeye. I already built an MB6582. I still need to house it though. I'm designing my own CS for it. I'm building the modular SID to really fully understand how all this stuff works. It's a lot of work, but at least I'm not gettin' stupider.

  19. That Modulated Arp is awesome dude. Reminds me of falling snowflakes :brr: What'd you mod the filter cutoff with a fast LFO? Whatever it is it sounds very cool :ahappy:
  20. He He He... Oops :blush: I edited the link a bunch of times... Maybe I hit the Double Post Button by mistake :laugh: I was tryin' to embed the player. I did it before. I can't remember how now... Ha! Got it! Just embed the short link with "Insert Media" Button :rolleyes: Well it's that good! Thanks Imp!!
  21. It's one of my Best Songs Ever :frantics: I'm Dyin' for people to listen to this!!! It's Awesome! You will not be disappointed Helmet
  22. It's one of my Best Songs Ever :frantics: I'm Dyin' for people to listen to this!!! It's Awesome! You will not be disappointed http://soundcloud.com/jrock-1/helmet
  23. Thanks for posting this. I'm the type that would have gone crazy trying to crimp connectors with pliers :thumbsup:
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