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Everything posted by JRock

  1. JRock

    Some MidiBox stuff

    From the album: JRock

  2. hehehe :blush: Well... Never been accused of bein' the sharpest hammer in the bucket :wink:
  3. You are the Man! Thanks! That's fine. That's what multi's are for :thumbsup:
  4. Simple enough :thumbsup: Thanks! :flowers: How do they work? can I assign them to any midi channel? I guess I'll read the docs on MBSEQ3. Now I get what it's saying in the coding part about J5 enabled :rolleyes:
  5. I have the channel set to the midi channel I'm using. I have the function set to velocity. I have it set to mono. I have it set to V/Oct. It's sending CV instead of gate or a trigger. I think. How do I make a gate channel? I can't find directions on how to calibrate for gates and triggers :sad: The CV for the notes is working. What am I missing. I've read the midibox CV and the AOUT NG Manual a bunch of times and it sounds like I can use one (or all) of the 8 channels to send a gate... but how?
  6. Awesome!!! Got it!!!! I had installed MSYS incorrectly AND kept calling it MYSYS!!! I feel totally empowered!! Now I understand what TK was talking about with the encoder assignments on the MB6582!!!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :frantics: :frantics:
  7. thanks for the response. I just can't get the changed ASM file back into a Hex file. all I'm trying to do is set the default from AOUT to AOUT NG. I followed the directions but I don't have a hex file showing up after I use the make command in the command shell. I've read the directions about a billion times. I feel like I'm real close. I just can't get the ASM file to convert to a HEX file
  8. Hi. I downladed the toolchain. I changed the code to: #define DEFAULT_AOUT_Interface 3 I changed the application directory in the command shell and SET PATH... I changed the MakeFile and Saved As another one. I still can't get a .HEX file for the changes?? What Am I missing? This stuff is a strange new world for me.
  9. And you can get -/+12V from -/+15V with a 7812 and a 7912 Voltage regulator. Then you can draw your 5V from the +12 and gnd. But once again, if you're using an LCD you'll be drawing a fair amount of current and it will really heat up your -/+ 15V regs. You could add some big heatsinks but do not connect them together as the tab on the 78xx and the 79xx are not the same (78xx is gnd and 79xx is -X in or out I can't remember.) and will cause you big problems if you connect them. I'm building a Midi-CV today and I got a .5 Amp -/+12v supply just for the AOUT NG and the Core (and maybe my sequencer, but that's probably too much Draw). Good Luck :thumbsup:
  10. I like the sound of it :thumbsup: I've been too lazy to build one myself!
  11. The only problem I see is that the copper will tarnish when you scrub it in the toilet. :hmm: I think maybe you want to check the AlchemyBox website... :sorcerer: Maybe if you coat it in silicone. I guess that's what you would use to connect the components too. It would bounce as well! :whistle: Go for it! let us know how it turns out :thumbsup:
  12. What's wrong with the midi? what's it doing? That gives me the heebie jeebies :wacko: I'd be happy to hook it all up for you. You have a faceplate for it? all the nuts and bolts and standoffs and fiddly shit? I live in PA, outside of Philly. I screwed up my first build so I had to build it again. That one I'm still working on the CS :whistle: (he he he) I built another one with the standard CS without a hitch. PM me if you want.
  13. Did you try holding the menu button down while you boot up?
  14. On closer inspection it looks like some of the pins on the socket were pushed in some :rolleyes: . I carefully cut it out with a dremel, desoldered the remains and replaced it with a good socket. 11.86V! :flowers: Thanks for your help guys. I love the dummy idea. I'll keep that trick with me! That solves this problem!
  15. Thanks for the replies guys :thumbsup: I don't know if I can get a hi res photo, I'll work on gettin' something though... That dummy idea is brilliant!! I'll check it all out and get up soon
  16. Lemme give this a try... No sample now, maybe soon :thumbsup: Huge LFO Saws.zip Juno Lead.zip Lemme know if I did this wrong
  17. Hi. I built a MB6582 baseboard. I think it's Rev. 1. It's red, but it doesn't say what rev. it is, which leads me to believe it's 1. The soldering looks good, but there's a lot of joints on here... :wink: Boots up fine and connects with the SID V2 Editor. I tried another PSU that I know works with another M6582 and get the same results. I tried lowering the backlight on the LCD and that didn't change anything... The voltage when the socket is empty reads 11.88V. When I install a SID it drops to 9.3V. And it sounds distorty. The 2nd SID slot behaves normally and sounds fine. I've tried different SIDs and it's the same.
  18. You could probably stack'em up with some male - female standoffs. The height after it's all assembled can't be more than 1/2" or 5/8"...
  19. Ohhhh... I thought maybe he was related to Stephen Hawking or something He's smart enough. :thumbsup: I'm glad i didn't go ahead and expostulate on the differences of a BassLine (Like Base) and a Bass Line (like the fish)!!! :whistle: Anyway.... I'm sure TK's a much better Dancer than Stephen Hawking!! P.S. It wasn't my intention to hijack this thread. I guess I oughta get some Patches up here soon to redeem myself :flowers:
  20. don't know about the Sammich kit but if you are feeding regulated 12v DC to a 12v regulator, you're gonna end up with more like 10.xxxv
  21. Thanks TK. That sounds awesome! Makes my stupid little patches sound stupid :sad: I guess I'll have to get my lazy ass around to finally learning how to upload patches so I can contribute. SOOOoooo.... are you having a Dance Party over there? Sure sounds like it :afro: That's a pretty good American Accent you have too, BTW. A little stiff if I might say though. I'd have figgered with all that dancin' you'd sound a little looser :wink: Anyway, Sounds Great and Thank You. :flowers:
  22. Yeah. That would really hamstring our elite status :geek: If you could buy a SID in every corner drugstore and ordinary, everyday people actually had any idea what the Hell I've been babbling about for the past year :wacko: :wink:
  23. Yeah. I just started etching my own boards cause I made a VCO, a VCF and and ADSR on Veroboard and none of them worked!!! They started out nice and neat but after I started running all the wires... It got crazy. I'm not even wasting my time trouble-shooting them. It's easy. I just drew thew circuit on the board with a sharpie and stuck it in some Ferric Chloride. I tried the sponge method... You scrub the soaking board with a sponge (with gloves on, of course ) and it really sped up the process. The sections where the toner didn't stick and I redrew it with sharpie rubbed off though. I just got a printer for $20 off of ebay so now I'm off to the races :sorcerer:
  24. I don't understand the hows and whys but I heard a distorty tone coming out of them, and that's how I knew my YMF was still good :thumbsup: I may have the wrong pins. But those were the ones I wrote in my "Please Help Me cause I can't get my MBFM to work!! :frantics: " thread. I'll doublecheck tomorrow. Sleepy time now.
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