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Everything posted by Hawkeye

  1. @rvooh no problem! Just out of interest: what would be keeping you from having the LoopA (or the SEQ v4/v4+) generate a clock all the time and just enable the tracks when you want them to play? Best regards, Peter
  2. Thanks for your interest in the LoopA, @rvooh! Comparable to the SEQ v4/v4+, also for the LoopA the sequencer engine needs to be running to create a proper MIDI clock. But it is very simple to have the sequencer running and not playing back any recorded clips. You could either mute all tracks in the mute screen (6 button presses), or have an empty scene that just contains no clip data - to then perform a "synced" switch to the first scene containing note data you'd just turn the upper-left encoder once to jump to the first scene. You can also assign a footswitch pedal for this task, so you would not need to physically sit in front of the LoopA :). This can also be stored as a startup-default (as the LoopA automatically recalls the last stored session), so after powering up the LoopA, you'd just need to press Run/Stop once and would have an active MIDI clock and no playback. Best regards, Peter
  3. Hi Karg, no problem, as you said, there is both a router and a separate live forwarding function built into the LoopA: * the MIDI Router should transparently route program changes. These are the 0xC0-0xCF MIDI packets followed by a program number byte, they should be visible in LoopAs MIDI Monitor screen. * "live forwarding", as configured on the track page will only forward Note On/Note Off and CC messages, this is basically to avoid confusion, i.e. if you have a main synth as a master keyboard, changing a patch there should not be forwarded to another synth via this "live" facility. Best regards, Peter
  4. @Antichambre no worries, no harm done! A specialized crimp tool is also very good idea - everything that makes cables better! If you don't have a crimp tool with replaceable insets, at least the wirescanner can test the built cables reliably... In the early days of building MB6582 display cables, i tested every pin 1:1 with a digital multimeter and with that time-consuming method probably still missed out shorts to neighboring wires! :) Best regards and have a good weekend! Peter
  5. Hola, as cables are quite often problematic, Andy has developed a really cool tool, that allows to visualize the integrity of your cables - not only IDC cables, but also micromatch cables, as used in the upcoming MatriX :). Here's a short introduction video: Shop link: https://www.midiphy.com/en/shop-details/0/84/midiphy-wirescanner-pcb Hope you enjoy! :) Many greets and have a nice weekend, Peter
  6. Very nice, thanks a lot for the upgrade! Many greets, Peter
  7. Thanks, TK., you know the graphical bling always has high priority! :) Best regards and have a great weekend! Peter
  8. Very cool! I've not tested it yet, but i think despite batch processing it can also help to visualize what is going on in a sequence. To be able to show everything in a track at once on a big screen is awesome! :) Best regards and keep up the good work! Peter
  9. Just also as a reconfirmation: i've got eight 8580s in the MB6582 - and since 10 years all is good, all the filters are fine and i will never let go of this synth :). For those arguing SIDs have a relatively high noise level (in contrast to the clones): that is true, but a perfect extension to your MB6582 is an (inexpensive) external multichannel noisegate. Then you will get the best of all worlds - noise-free recordings when the SIDs are not playing, and the original sound + filter behaviour when turned up. I can recommend e.g. a BSS Audio DPR-504 (around 150€). The SIDs in my MB6582 are passively cooled with heatsinks and i would not see a reason why any of them should break soon - I think many of the damaged originals that are now on the second-hand market could have been damaged from not-perfect PSUs. But if you've got a nice (i.e. non original C64) PSU for your MB6582, i think they should be good for another 35 years :). So, as a conclusion: I think it still makes sense to track down the originals, but buy them only from good sellers and ask the sellers if they did test the filters and can document that test. The advantage of that approach: the price of your MB6582 will always go up from that point on. If you install clones, you could expect that better clones will arrive in a few years, whereas the original will always be the original and will be sought-after :). Best regards! Peter
  10. Hi, do you have a classic C64 available for testing? With it you could relatively easily see if the filters are working. But you're right, there's a certain chance the filters are broken - these are by now quite old soundchips, the prices are inflated on ebay and people are probably also selling broken stuff (sometimes not even knowing it's broken, because they could not test it). Best regards, Peter
  11. Hawkeye

    Display V4+

    Hi, on ebay you can find a few, but you are right, these are not located in Germany - the search terms are hd44780 and 40x2 on the other hand, if you use your SEQ a lot, i'd really recommend an upgrade to OLEDs - their update speed, contrast and clarity is unmatched - they are definitely more expensive, but i think they are worth every cent. These are working in the v4+s: https://www.midiphy.com/en/shop-details/0/11/al4002a-oled-40x2-characters-white Best regards, Peter
  12. Yes, all PCBs are final, filming of the tutorial video is starting and we are waiting for a final case from Adrian for validation! :) If there are no delays, we hope to be able to have it in shop for the christmas season :) Many greets, Peter
  13. @Synthfox currently ARM is automatically enabled after booting the LoopA - but this can be added as a configuration option for the next release, should be no problem, i've added it to the ToDo-List. Best regards, Peter
  14. It has been nearly two years already since the SEQ v4+ became available: to celebrate (and to integrate the newest L4 keycaps, the newly developed light|shields and the rack mount kit), here's the new 2020 facelift version: :-) Enjoy and have a nice weekend! Peter
  15. @Smithy Kapton tape should also work great! The encoders are slightly "greasy/oily" - that's how ALPS delivers them - if you have problems that tape does not stick properly to the flat part of the encoder shaft, you could try to clean the flat part of the d-shaft with a wipe first, then attach a tiny bit of tape there - it should usually stick long enough just to push the knob on - and then it's secure! :) Many greets, Peter
  16. Hi, hm, i've not worked with Wilbas CS PCB for a while :), but could you check if you would not need to connect it to J8/J9 instead of J10a? Many greets, Peter
  17. LoopA v2.07 has been released with these new features: * CC Recording, transformation and generation * Selective track progression (vs full scene progresion) * Support for 30 different time signatures * Polymetric and polyrhythmic sequence support * Classic step recording mode * Note velocity dampening effect (also as a footswitch action) Download here: https://www.midiphy.com/en/loopa-v2/ Massive thanks to all beta testers, who helped with this one! :) We've also created a demo video of the essential features of the LoopA - and how these could be used in your creative workflow - this has been requested a few times, so here you go: @silverlight2004: that's fantastic to hear, hope you'll enjoy it! :) Best regards, Peter
  18. @d0pefish, that's a great job! Looks really perfectly built and i love the golden color scheme and the custom backlight PCB solution! Very well done! Many greets, Peter
  19. Hi Roel, they should be available in the shop soon :). Printing these requires a very precise dual extruder 3d printer - note, that these shields go fully around all protrusions of the Matias switches, while being slim enough at the top to allow the key to travel "below them". Due to the amount of effort involved developing them and capital bound on the printer, we were not planning on releasing the files, capitalism at its worst! :-). Still, the individual sales price really won't be high, it will be around 50 cents a piece or 7,50€ for a LoopA conversion. The light|shields will also be available in a different variant, with a highly flexible material offering the same level of light isolation, that allows converting desoldered Matias keys without removing the L4 keycaps (which might break them, if one is not careful). Many greets! Peter
  20. @MicLue Great work, looks very good! Cheers to official SEQ v4+ number #35! Enjoy! Best regards! Peter
  21. @unnu_ if we can't convince you to get a new SEQ v4+ :), maybe you'd be interested in my second SEQ v4? It may need a bit of TLC, as far as i know, i.e. two buttons are not working properly, as i glued the switchcaps on for stability and might have gotten a bit of glue into two switches, disabling them, but i should have switch spares, which i would add. It comes in a very flat form factor with two yellow OLEDs and in a self-designed case, with a 16x8 duo color TPD section, but now without batteries. I think it can be properly USB powered. If you are looking for an assembled Wilba control surface PCB and a core and maybe a few spares like a TPD module, it might be an option? I'd sell it for purchase parts costs (300€? Original costs were, i think 120€ acrylic (from Formulor) + case , 60€ OLEDs, 40€ Core, 70€ Control Surface PCB + Parts, 20€ TPD PCB + parts) + worldwide shipping (for rates, see midiphy.com). I should have another MIDI I/O extender PCB from SmashTV, i'd throw that in too, then you could have 4 MIDI INs and 4 MIDI OUTs, but would slightly need to mod the case (i.e. add them on the left side) for it. If you don't want it, no problem! I would offer it in the marketplace at some point in time :). It's sad, if it just sits around and does not get used :). Many greets, Peter
  22. @silverlight2004 Thanks for your kind words! I've added your feature requests to the code roadmap - we hope to bring out v2.07 soon! With the new CC functions being relatively complex, there has been a constant feedback flow from the early beta testers (thank you, you know who you are!), resulting in a few more release candidates than planned for, but all is good - that version should really be final soon with just some minor things to add before publishing. Afterwards, we'll focus on the MatriX/BLM launch, but after that, there should be time for a next round of LoopA development. As we had one more request for at least Aftertouch/Pitchbend and Program Change requests (at sequencer start), there should be a high likelihood at least these features will be implemented medium term. And i like the "one-shot-clip-launch" idea, too - it would basically result in an auto-muted track after that clip has been played back once. The major problem is not the code, but how to find space in logical locations in the UI for those functions, as most pages are already full :). Would you think it would be ok to fire "one-shots" with a key combination like pressed SELECT encoder while unmuting a clip? Or maybe with a pressed "one-shot" footswitch command, while clips are unmuted? Because i currently don't know, if we have the configuration space in the clip screen to set this variable permanently for it. Will think about it! Best regards to Bali! :) @Smithy: cheers, well done! Also very cool, that you'll upgrade to the metal case version LoopA! :) Many greets! Peter
  23. Looks very cool as timelapse/stop motion video - well done! Many greets! Peter
  24. @Phatline good job! It's always nice to see how a LoopA is created! :) Many greets, Peter
  25. @Phatline very good! I am not an electrical engineer, but am now almost convinced something was floating - once you connected the MIDI OUTs to other synths, GND might have crawled onto the case ground, then into the modded switch (screwed to the metal case), from there back into JPA0 and left the MCU in bootloader hold mode, when a cable was plugged into an OUT during bootup. Cheers and have fun! (If it works now, no need to destroy a perfectly good cable, the poor thing! :)) Many greets, Peter
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