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Dual SSM2044 PCB Bulk Order


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I've sent out the last few shipments just this week - it all took a bit longer than necessary because I was quite busy with my job, partly been out of town etc, so sorry for the long wait. I haven't made detailed notes of the shipping dates of non-registered shipments so for these I can't answer any "When did you ship mine" questions.

Anybody still waiting for their PCBs please be patient for another week from now. Anyone still missing their PCBs end of next week, please PM/email me and we'll try to sort it out :)


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He doesn't respond to private e-mails. Probably too busy. ;)

hehe, if by "busy" you mean "having his innards sucked out through a straw" then yeh you might be right ;) He's doing bone marrow donation at the moment so there may be slight delays. Doug is trustworthy, so you needn't worry, he'll be with you ASAP.

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a question: what's so critical about styroflex caps found in seppo's BOM, and which substitute could be found for that?

neither mouser nor digikey stock 'em.  ;) searching string 'styroflex' end in 0 results.

"Styroflex" is a brand name of polystyrene capacitor. Polystyrenes are very accurate and have a certain amount of musical mojo in them (YMMV). The space is a bit tight on the board, you might look for a radial type (rare -ish).

If enough people want them I could do a bulk buy, because the 50 off rate is vastly better than the 1 off rate.

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