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MB-SEQ V3/V4 Control Surface PCB and matching case


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No, silly... the MIDI sockets!

Oh... ;)

I don't think this MB-SEQ PCB/case should affect any other bulk orders that are happening now.

I don't want people spending money on parts until I do a proper "fit test" of the PCB and all parts with the prototype case, just in case something changes.

It's unlikely, but not impossible, that we don't get up to 50 orders for the case, for example... or I make some big mistake with clearance and have to redesign something.

More on the bulk order proposals:

It would be very handy if I was living in the U.S., cos I'd just get cases and all the parts shipped to me and pack them all up into kits. I wouldn't expect anyone else to volunteer for complete kits, but the next best thing is spreading the work across a few people each willing to run bulk orders. I at least can do the PCBs and SoundWell switched encoders... and then someone (in the U.S.A!) can just do the cases.

After thinking about it for most of today... it makes sense for me to post as much of the parts with the PCBs, since even when factoring shipping of large quantities of parts (like switches or sockets) to me, that cost is spread over so many parts and they effectively travel "for free" along with PCBs and the encoders. This might work out cheaper in the long run to having a bulk order for every single component. eg. Consider the datawheel knob from ALBS.de, it makes no sense for someone to run a bulk order just for these knobs and ship just one knob to most people... much better if I just get 50 sent to me, spread the 20 EUR or whatever shipping across the total cost and pack them with PCBs and encoders.

I guess I'm blogging now (aka. thinking out aloud)... but that's the point of this thread anyway... feedback is good, and it's already caught one design error (thanks bugfight).

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Great work for the pcb. I am interested 3 or 4 pcb's. I would like to put it behind a 17" by 7" panel.

Would be possible to get front panel file so I adjust to my panel? I will be using schaeffer,many thanks.

I will release the FPD file once the PCB design is finished, but I think people should wait until they have PCBs in hand before ordering panels.

People making their own panels are not restricted to rectangular button caps, they could if they wanted to use illuminated MEC switches but they'll need to adjust the positions of labels, and the arrangement might not look that nice.

I chose the e-switch 12x12mm tact and C&K button cap because they're cheap, readily available, look great, and leave room for discrete 3mm LEDs above them, allowing easy use of dual colour LEDs for steps and user choice of LEDs elsewhere... a bulk order price of about 58 x $0.51 for switches/caps = $30 total per MB-SEQ, plus $10 max for LEDs, now that's a lot more affordable (and reasonable) than spending $120 or more on $2 illuminated switches... you might as well save that cash for the Duo-LED button matrix, in which you really do need 64 illuminated switches.

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you might as well save that cash for the Duo-LED button matrix, in which you really do need 64 illuminated switches.

I think I am interested in knowing more about this project, as I have an RGB LED array 8x8 = 64 waiting for something to interface with. What else can you tell me about this project, or where is the thread?

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I think I am interested in knowing more about this project, as I have an RGB LED array 8x8 = 64 waiting for something to interface with. What else can you tell me about this project, or where is the thread?

You can find infos for the duo-LED button matrix at this thread: http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php/topic,10476.msg79411.html

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I don't know why a couple of people have trouble with "the JB-Weld trick"...

I've used it on seven MB-6582 front panels (five from Front Panel Express, two from Altitude's bulk order) with 100% success.

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if "100% success" means "i can snap them off with my fingers, but it takes a bit of effort"

to test roadworthiness, hand them to the gorillas at your nearest zoo.

they'll treat it better than your average roadie...

(not that i have roadies, well not paid ones)

or try the mackie test, run over it with a truck!

ok, ok, i'll stop.  but anyway, once i drilled the corners on the 6582 i was satisfied with it's toughness.

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You can still use the MEC switches with the PCB:

People making their own panels are not restricted to rectangular button caps, they could if they wanted to use illuminated MEC switches but they'll need to adjust the positions of labels, and the arrangement might not look that nice.

It's a personal preference I guess. I think the MB-SEQ suits switches with separate LEDs, or switches with an integrated LED that's a discrete illuminated point above the place you press... like those old-school switches on the TR-808 (and MB-808!). I also like those switches with an entirely illuminated cap, if they're big enough to see it lit while you're pressing it.

There were many iterations of my layout, and in a few of them I used the MECs with the big round white cap (like what stryd_one is going to bulk order), but I just wasn't 100% happy with the arrangement... again I'm trying to squeeze as much as possible into a standard sized panel, and keep the costs down using relatively cheap parts.

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The current plan is to not proceed with an all-in-one case made by Protocase.

The overall design remains unchanged, the main change is, the frontpanel is a single flat piece that's screwed into a folded sheet steel case that's a sloping desktop case shape (same shape/dimensions/cutouts as previously discussed). I'm going to work with Doug Wellington to produce this case design. The advantages are:

1. People can make their own MB-SEQ frontpanel using different artwork, different cutouts for switches, different PCB even! and screw it into a generic MB-SEQ desktop/rack mountable case. You won't be stuck with my particular preference for frontpanel colour and artwork, since you can always order your own frontpanel from FPE/Schaeffer.

2. A bulk order for frontpanels to match this PCB/layout might be run by Doug, meaning he's a little more flexible than a bulk order done elsewhere. Doug might do a custom job for you, if he can use the same silkscreen as the rest of the bulk order, or pay extra for a custom silkscreen, I don't really know... it's just a theory, Doug might disagree ;)

3. One of the concerns I had with the Protocase option was it's OK me to pay a huge price for a one-off prototype, but it leaves everyone else stuck until 50 people can get together with their cash and order 50, and then it's a shipping nightmare for somebody. This way, people can get a frontpanel (from FPE/Schaeffer) as soon as they have the PCB, knowing that they can get a case to fit sometime later.

4. The case design could be reused for other projects. The design is a copy of the MB-808 case design anyway... but I'm sure other MIDIbox projects could squeeze into the same sized case, and it might be possible to order this case without cutouts so you could drill your own to suit another MIDIbox project, I don't really know... it's just a theory, Doug might disagree ;)

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1. People can make their own MB-SEQ frontpanel using different artwork, different cutouts for switches, different PCB even! and screw it into a generic MB-SEQ desktop/rack mountable case. You won't be stuck with my particular preference for frontpanel colour and artwork, since you can always order your own frontpanel from FPE/Schaeffer.

I'll put a template FPD file on the web so that you can all start working on panel designs that will fit on this case.

2. A bulk order for frontpanels to match this PCB/layout might be run by Doug, meaning he's a little more flexible than a bulk order done elsewhere. Doug might do a custom job for you, if he can use the same silkscreen as the rest of the bulk order, or pay extra for a custom silkscreen, I don't really know...

Sure.  Absolutely.  No problem.  ...  Wait, what am I agreeing to?    ;D

If you guys are patient while I finish the MB-808 and MB-6582 panels first, I'll be happy to do custom multicolor panels...  :)

4. The case design could be reused for other projects. The design is a copy of the MB-808 case design anyway... but I'm sure other MIDIbox projects could squeeze into the same sized case, and it might be possible to order this case without cutouts so you could drill your own to suit another MIDIbox project, I don't really know...

Yes, I have the same basic design in different depths (or rack mount height if you prefer), at the moment, 3U, 4U and 7U.  I can leave off the holes if you want to use different connectors.  I'll post more info soon...

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