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MIDIbox SEQ V4 Release + Feedback


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i just updated to seq_v4_091_pre7 coming form seq_v4_091_pre4

On pre7 the TRACK 1 led is no longer working, it is just bareley noticeable blinking.

Downgrading to pre4 makes everything OK again.

Running pre7 with pre4 config also shows the failure.

Here my assignment for Track 1 LED

#           SR  Pin
LED_TRACK1   1   0

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No issues at my side, regardless if I try it with the Wilba or Legacy Frontpanel.

Could you please attach your MBSEQ_HW.V4 file?
(or are you using a file which is released with the installation package?)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Thanks, this helped!

TRACK1 LED is working again when you add following definitions to your MBSEQ_HW.V4 file:

LED_JAM_LIVE    0   0
LED_JAM_STEP    0   0

With the next version it will also work w/o these extra definitions (LED_JAM_LIVE/STEP will default to 0)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I tested pre7, AStart with Fwd 'off' works now.

However, I also tested Edit Recording mode a bit more, and found (and this is identical to pre5) that while Edit Recording mode does work in Mono/Poly with both SELECT and GP buttons (like I reported back earlier), this happens only when Fwd is 'on'. If Fwd is 'off' and you try to use Edit Recording mode with Poly, only one note gets recorded.

Here's also some older stuff that I came up with while writing some parts of the manual that I think were not dealt with yet (if you have them on a list somewhere, my apologies to repeating them needlessy):

  • If divider is doubled (speed halved) for the Guide Track, it will proceed only half-way before forcing pattern change. (See this comment and the next one.)
  • Muting a track cuts off all playing notes on that track, but muting an individual note layer doesn't do the same for the note that's currently playing in that layer -> hanging notes.


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I have thought about the teo things I am asking for a little more and hope the following usage case explains It a little better.


Request 1 - F button functions for live record.

I wonder if you have played a Korg electribe unit? If so , this idea is closely based on electribe style functionality…. Basically when RECORD is armed notes are played into the sequencer and with RECORD unarmed you can play notes over the top of the sequencer without  them being sent to the sequencer.


An  F button for LIVE recording

(when ARMED anything I play gets recorded into the sequencer)

(when UNARMED I can play over the top of my current sequence without notes being sent to the sequence)


If I wished to enter notes into the sequence  I would switch to the EDIT page , this would then let me enter notes by either selecting a step and inputting the note on the keyboard or rotating the step dials.


I used to have this functionality in a previous OS version when Live mode didn't have sub options as simply bookmarking the live record let me dip into recording live and edit put me back out to step mode  but now it doesn’t seem to work ( I think this is due to the other options that have been added)... this update would, in my eyes, be more powerful anyway as it would let you "play over" your sequence without the glitches I used to have ( if I played in a chord one note at a time, each note would also re-trigger the previous inputted notes as well as it was basically summing them to one polyphonic step)/


2. Request 2 – Transpose tracks being more musically related to the current scale.


I think my first attempt at requesting an update to this would have been a clumsy implementation as I didn’t describe my thoughts well… sorry about that.


The issue I was trying to solve was (in example ) when you are playing in a forced scale and then trying to use a track as a transpose track, the notes needed to be input to create in scale transposed movement don’t musically relate to the forced scale (unless you are using forced scale C Major)


Let me try to explain by an example if I am playing with a forced scale of D Major

(consisting of the pitches D, E, F?, G, A, B, and C?. )


If I make one of my tracks a transpose track and try to create a transpose pattern that plays two bars at my original pitch then raises my  note patterns pitch by a 5th in the current implementation I need to remember  that my 2 bars of untransposed sequence will be called "C " in the transpose track and my "transposed us a 5th" bars will be made by inputting" G"


However, what I am proposing is to make the transposition tracks relate to the force to scale setting that is in use…so in this example you would input "D" for the first two bars and "A" for the next two bars transposed up a 5th… much more musically related


Does that make sense?

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On 21. März 2016 at 3:42 PM, jjonas said:

However, I also tested Edit Recording mode a bit more, and found (and this is identical to pre5) that while Edit Recording mode does work in Mono/Poly with both SELECT and GP buttons (like I reported back earlier), this happens only when Fwd is 'on'. If Fwd is 'off' and you try to use Edit Recording mode with Poly, only one note gets recorded.

should work now (link to pre8 below(

On 21. März 2016 at 3:42 PM, jjonas said:

If divider is doubled (speed halved) for the Guide Track, it will proceed only half-way before forcing pattern change. (See this comment and the next one.)

issue is understood, but change isn't so easy, and will lead to incompatibilities.

The background: the guide track defines the measure length in 16th notes unrelated to the track divider settings
Maybe a proper documentation of this imperfection would help instead of an implementation change?

  • Muting a track cuts off all playing notes on that track, but muting an individual note layer doesn't do the same for the note that's currently playing in that layer -> hanging notes.

Noticed in the wish list, but a change won't be so easy...

2 hours ago, phillwilson said:

Request 1 - F button functions for live record.

did you already try the new BUTTON_RECORD behaviour which has been introduced in pre7?

For me it sounds that it's doing what you've requested

2 hours ago, phillwilson said:

2. Request 2 – Transpose tracks being more musically related to the current scale.

Could you please try following pre-release?

-> http://www.ucapps.de/mios32/midibox_seq_v4_091_pre8.zip

The transpose page got a new function >SCALE< which is active when you enter the page.
Octave is controlled with GP2..8, and the semitone (based on the scale) is selected with GP9..16

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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6 minutes ago, TK. said:

Could you please try following pre-release?

-> http://www.ucapps.de/mios32/midibox_seq_v4_091_pre8.zip

The transpose page got a new function >SCALE< which is active when you enter the page.
Octave is controlled with GP2..8, and the semitone (based on the scale) is selected with GP9..16

Cool update! But it seems that GP 13 or 14 can erroneously change the octave in some scales and keys (e.g. Root: C; 1: Harmonic minor, 11: Octatonic...?


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Yes, they have to change the octave, since the semitone transpose range only goes from -8..+7

Therefore I added a tricky part which automatically changes the octave and uses a negative semitone value.
The result should be the same, please check this!

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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On 3/23/2016 at 6:34 PM, TK. said:

should work now (link to pre8 below(

Tested and working!

On 3/23/2016 at 6:34 PM, TK. said:

issue is understood, but change isn't so easy, and will lead to incompatibilities.

The background: the guide track defines the measure length in 16th notes unrelated to the track divider settings
Maybe a proper documentation of this imperfection would help instead of an implementation change?

Ok. I added this in the wiki: "For easily predictable results, the track set as Guide Track should have its divider value set to “16 (normal)” (the default setting) on the track's DIVIDER page. Smaller divider values (i.e. faster tracks) will result in repeating the guiding track wholly or in part, and bigger divider values (i.e. slower tracks) will result in a truncated guiding track."

On 3/23/2016 at 6:34 PM, TK. said:

Noticed in the wish list, but a change won't be so easy...


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One little thing I found: On the STEP VIEW page the running cursor position LED changes to a slower mode to accommodate the much denser step display (compared to the EDIT screen). If STEP VIEW button is set to toggle and you exit the STEP VIEW page with the STEP VIEW button, the change from normal and slow running cursor mode works ok. But if you exit the STEP VIEW page with any other button than STEP VIEW, the running cursor mode stays in the slow mode, and won't change until you press STEP VIEW. However, in all cases the STEP VIEW indicator LED does go out when exiting the STEP VIEW page, even if the cursor mode doesn't change.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Request for a Roland TR-909 feature:

On many drum machines, you can enter 16 Closed HiHat (CH) notes, then switch to Open HiHat (OH) and add a few notes.

When the pattern plays, every step that has both a CH *and* an OH note will only play the OH.  And if you remove a OH note, the CH note is still there; the CH notes aren't removed, just temporarily "over-ride muted".  This makes pattern-building / experimenting / jamming much easier.

Hope that makes sense...



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3 hours ago, oozitron said:

Request for a Roland TR-909 feature:

On many drum machines, you can enter 16 Closed HiHat (CH) notes, then switch to Open HiHat (OH) and add a few notes.

When the pattern plays, every step that has both a CH *and* an OH note will only play the OH.  And if you remove a OH note, the CH note is still there; the CH notes aren't removed, just temporarily "over-ride muted".  This makes pattern-building / experimenting / jamming much easier.

Hope that makes sense...



This would be awesome. 

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19 hours ago, oozitron said:

Request for a Roland TR-909 feature:

On many drum machines, you can enter 16 Closed HiHat (CH) notes, then switch to Open HiHat (OH) and add a few notes.

When the pattern plays, every step that has both a CH *and* an OH note will only play the OH.  And if you remove a OH note, the CH note is still there; the CH notes aren't removed, just temporarily "over-ride muted".  This makes pattern-building / experimenting / jamming much easier.

Hope that makes sense...




This would be a nice little enhancement. It reminds me of mute groups on my old Akai S series sampler.

Thinking about this further the idea could also be applied to whole tracks....

Lets call the feature "Choke" (after choking a cymbal) while I muse about the possibilities. 


Firstly you you would have 16 Choke groups and each group having for example 16 slots (these numbers are hypothetical).

Only one slot (note/channel/track) in a choke group can play at a time, the priority is determined by how high up the list Slot is. I've used the term Slot here as it needs to be very loose, you might want to assign a track to a slot, maybe an output, maybe a channel, maybe a layer, maybe a CC?

This could be extended where by the 16 choke groups could also have their own master choke group so only one group could play depending on its priority setting.

Other really cool things you could do is to rearrange the slot priority order in real time a-la the track direction play back feature or with a CC or something else..... This would be very cool.

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It would be inexpensive if we could define a rule which simplifies the algorithm.

E.g. let's say:

  • each instrument can be assigned to a group number x (x=0 for no assignment, 1..16)
  • on each step, the sequencer will only play the last instrument which has been assigned to the group, all other instruments assigned to the same group won't be played

Due to the additional RAM consumption within the pattern storage space, such a feature could only be provided by the MBSEQ V4 Plus firmware, which requires a MBHP_CORE_STM32F4

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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