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ALBS Waldorf Knobs Bulk Order #1 2011


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Gah... no way! I've wanted some of these knobs for months, haven't checked the forum in ages, and just logged in today, to find I missed a group buy by about a day :lol:

hahaha, gutted.

Guess it's too late to tack another 15 black/red onto the order. Don't suppose anyone's got any spare at all? ;)

If not, I presume another bulk buy will be run at some point - I'm definitely in for the next one!

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Sorry about that but you know ...you snooze, you loose... ;)

I will run another bulk though in a while when more people need them again.

@Wilba: dunno, I think its a combination of very trustworthy midiboxers on the one hand and a crystal clear statement that I wont waste my and other peoples time

with unreliable people. No second pms, no second emails...who really wants the stuff takes care...anyway the nr of people involved differs slightly :P

Edited by phunk
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Well, you gotta laugh sometimes ;)

Hell, I'm just glad to know I'll be able to get them at some point. Thought they'd been discontinued! The black/transparent with SMD LEDs behind look proper sexy as well.

Anyways... are these two posts enough to get me a notification when the next one runs? I'll add my name to the group buy wiki while it's going, but a nudge when it's going would be handy!

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Basically I saw this quote in the first post and wondered if that signing up process would roll over to this thread... I'm sorry if that wound you up for whatever reason, but hey... no reason to be snappy :)

"If you already signed up in the fleamarket thread you will most likely find your name on the wiki list, nevertheless please check it again."

Obviously I'm going to check the forum when I can... I love the site but I have to limit my internet activity in the name of productivity. Places like this always suck me in with all the amazing projects - easily lost a couple of hours last night when I discovered people had been building Logic Control clones. I have far too many unfinished projects lying around, and I'm on a massive drive to finish them all, spending hours online getting inspired to take on even more new ones is doubly counterproductive. :)

Thread's on watch but anyways... I'm in a good mood and going to get back to clearing the project backlog instead.

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Update (24.02):


Albs sent the order confirmation and the invoice today. I´ll transfer the money to their account now and hopefully get the knobs as fast as possible.

Afaik from talking with the order management black/trans is on stock while black/red and black/white have to be backordered.

So everything´s runnin... ;)

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