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MIDIbox SEQ V4Lite


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Edit: another file attached. The first one has raster graphic typography which makes it 20 euro more expensive. This one is the 32 euro file.


This doesn't seem to be EPS v8 file format, I cannot open it in AI CS2!? Is it the exact same file uploaded and accepted by Formulor?

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Pro tip: the outline needs to be cut only once, as the parts interlock. So, if you move those parts that share the same outline and remove one of the cut traces (this is explained in the Formulor turorial) then you will save a few more Euros on manufacturing costs.


For your file this would be top, front and bottom. Also, it makes sense then to move the back part down below the top/front/bottom "block", and move the sides to the right so that they interlock with the top and bottom parts.


Also, you could add some mounting holes for the LPC17 core board to the bottom. And you probably want to move it a bit more into the center, not sure if it will otherwise collide with the standoffs for the UI board.


Best, ilmenator

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I may be joining this party shortly since this (laser cut case) is on my todo shortlist.  As far as the power supply goes, unless you are adding a CV add on, the easy way to it is just to use an old USB cell phone charger with the right USB end on it, works like a charm.  Also, you can hang the core off the midi connectors if you use the ones with the 3 holes around the connector.  This makes mounting the core simple since you only have to worry about lining it up on one facet of the case.  I have the FPE file with the right spacing that I used for my SEQV4 if you want it

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I may be joining this party shortly since this (laser cut case) is on my todo shortlist.  As far as the power supply goes, unless you are adding a CV add on, the easy way to it is just to use an old USB cell phone charger with the right USB end on it, works like a charm.  Also, you can hang the core off the midi connectors if you use the ones with the 3 holes around the connector.  This makes mounting the core simple since you only have to worry about lining it up on one facet of the case.  I have the FPE file with the right spacing that I used for my SEQV4 if you want it
hi, it will be nice if you can share your file.thanks cit
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Edit: another file attached. The first one has raster graphic typography which makes it 20 euro more expensive. This one is the 32 euro file.

Hi Martijn,


nice work. thanks for it. Can i ask you something. Can you provide this file with holes for each LED Please. Ok it is a lot of work i know. Im to stupid to do that. it will we nice if you can do that.


Have you tested this file , does it fit ?


Thanks a lot,




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Not yet tested, change of plan: I will make a SEQV4L in a c64 case with a transparent plexi front plate from formulor. Transparent and translucent cases will look cool with LEDs underneath. I ordered the plates today, curious how they come out. eps file attached, pics later.

I dont think holes for leds make sense: the transistors are too high! If you use 13mm shaft push buttons, the LEDs need not stand out. I made this mistake with another seqv4l cs: too low buttons. Can't case it anymore, or replace all 48 push buttons with longer ones.

Someone knows about midi out 2?

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One question though: ucapps.de says midi out 2 is clock signal only. Can it be configured to also send notes cc etc? Like midi out 1?


Yes, you could change this in the MBSEQ_GC.V4 (use the Filebrowser in MIOS Studio to edit this file)



MultiPortEnableFlags 0x011011




MultiPortEnableFlags 0x011031



Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Thank you!


I suppose it relates to these lines in seq_midi_port.c in Init()?

// multi port (0xc0): default enables:
//                                    USB1,      OUT1,       OSC1,      AOUT
seq_midi_port_multi_enable_flags = (1 << 0) | (1 << 4) | (1 << 12) | (1 << 16);

and  the  actual sending  is in SEQ_MIDI_PORT_NotifyMIDITx()? Which is in the Tx hook in app.c, right? And seq_file_gc reads/writes between the file you mentioned and the variable here?


Just being curious, I like to understand whats going on in the software..


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I tried with the V4L.069, but I did not find that particular file in the browser. There is MBSEQ_C.V4. This looked most promising, but it does not contain this magic line.   There is  this and MIDI_OUT_MClock_Ports

MIDI_IN_MClock_Ports 0x010f0f01


Should the small SEQV4Light also have a _GC  file?

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You can create the MBSEQ_GC.V4 file in the root directory with the Filebrowser.

It's ok when it only contains the "MultiPortEnableFlags 0x011031" line


Alternatively enter "store" in the MIOS Terminal - this should generate the GC file as well!


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Confirmed!  You're quite an amazing guy..


You mentioned about arpeggiator features (in the post with the ) hidden in the seqv4l under the transpose button? I found out echo settings #9-16 shift do pitch shift like echoes.  Any more hidden arp features to be discovered?


And as the SEQV4L most probably inherited the MIDI remote functions from her big sister, could we customize it for SEQV4L?  That would be cool for him too.   I followed your tracks into seqv4l/seq_ui.c with all the SEQ_UI_Button_SomeFunctions(s32 depressed). I suppose I'll have to experiment whether I can modify SEQ_UI_REMOTE_MIDI_Keyboard() unpunished?  And devise a comparable SEQ_UI_MIDI_REMOTE_KeyBoard_CC() if we wanted?


I guess I already know your answer on my second question :shifty: but if you could please enlighten me on the arps? :drool:


Thank you!

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The actual arp features of MBSEQ V4 are not accessible from the MBSEQ V4L UI, and I'm not planning to add support.


However, a new version is available:

MIDIboxSEQ V4L.072

   o support for the "single_usb" option, which can be enabled with the
     bootloader update application V1.012 ("set usb_single 1")

     Use this option if you are working with a Windows PC which can't handle
     the 4 USB ports correctly (e.g. stucking MIDI, Filebrowser operations are failing, etc.)



Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hello midibox friends,


Update on the SEQV4L case: Formulor delivered the front plates today and they came out beautifully!  Some pics:


The apparent scratch on the lower center is a bubble in the protective foil. I ordered three to fill up the formulor template, but I've got use for only one.   PM me if you want one for production costs plus postage. See

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me to , mine has arrived jesterday. i took the cheaper material, but its not so strong, so for my second i take the harder material. some holes must be on the file. for mounting the smal pcb and in the middel of the rrontplate there must be 2 more holes. any how, nice case. picture is here: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=168628226624561&set=a.147360718751312.35191.100004321531447&type=1&relevant_count=1&ref=nf

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Soooooo  Coooooool!   You made the full case in the end!!!!


I left out the core PCB mounting holes coz I was not sure they would line out with the back panel holes.  And we used all premade holes in the CS PCB from SmashTV, didn't we?  If you have an update on the eps file, please post it.


My project developed into re-using a C64 case, see pics. To do: mount the core, wire the box and add several touches of paint to cover up the traces of my limited DIY skills..


Gut shots:


Back plate made of L profiled MDF from the DIY store.

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