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TK and Hawkeye - Air Time


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A jam session that I had together with Hawkeye (sitting in the background) in his studio:

At 1:16, Peter added an impressive FPV recording made with his model airplane flying at the south border of "Starnberger See", a lake between Munich/Germany and the Alps.

We started a bit uncoordinated, but found our style after 1..2 minutes.

We hope that you enjoy the video anyhow! :ahappy:

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Thanks, TK. did all the hard work :)

We unfortunately only had time for very few recording takes, so there are some major timing issues with me playing the keyboard :)

The BLM is always fascinating again, as is the simplicity with which you can chain midiboxes together :)



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  • 2 weeks later...

Cool! Loved the video!

Can you do a video sometime where you walk through your studio and show each piece of equipment and how it's connected? I can't see them very well in the videos. :) Obviously you don't have to spend much time discussing the functionality of a mixer, unless you built it. ;) But you have some cool gear and I'd like to know how you have it all hooked up!

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TK. brought the interesting stuff (like the BLM), so there is not much going on here normally ;-).

It is just your average bunch of synths all wired up to a MBSEQ V4 and the audio all going into the mixer, live recorded by a simple 2-track wave grabber... no computer/DAW used :)



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It's not "an average bunch of synths" if you built them all. :) I'm interested in that little custom display to the right of the MBSEQ. Also, you just say you have it "all wired up" to the MBSEQ, but since you have more than four MIDI-enabled devices, it must be more complicated than that.

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Hehe, ok, thanks for your interest!

a bit more detail, then...

* not much of the audio stuff is self-built, but I am really becoming a fan of audio DIY, particularly thanks to MIDIbox (some FX like a Polivoks filter or an analog audio delay are on the build list)

* the mixer is an old dusty mixer from ebay, with currently only 14 of 16 channels operational (probably some fried op-amps, but cannot open it right now, as the rest of the cabinet is attached to it)

* my most loved synth is the MB-6582, which is awesome and features a VFD, a custom frontpanel with manga line art and backlit transparent knobs.

* followed by conventional all-second-hand synths off ebay: the Yamaha FS1R which is a nice FM synth, a Waldorf Micro Q (with voice extension board), a Virus C, an old V-Synth and a Moog LP. FX are a digital Jomox T-Resonator (which in my opinion is a bit harsh digital, thus the analog delay build) and an Ebbe and Flut, which is a nice analog filterbox.

* they are connected currently to only two MIDI OUT channels on the MBSEQ V4 (and chained with MIDI thru), but I find the latency to be acceptable, more MIDI OUT ports are also on the build list.

* here you find the photo build log of the MBSEQ, which is a custom build and attached below the master keyboard - in the other thread, you find infos regarding the TPD track position display feature of the MBSEQ V4

* the "current-step" display has become essential for timing live track mutes/unmutes. Consider it a "master timer" that counts from 0 to 64 or 128, and just before it reaches that number you do some track mutes/unmutes.

Gotta say, that only two years ago I exclusively worked with software DAWs and was cursing every other day, because of OS updates, slow boot times, crappy/laggy audio or other hardware drivers, full or slow harddisks... MIDIbox has enabled me to get rid of these time and nerve killer burdens and concentrate on the fun parts, and I am more than grateful for this present, thanks TK.!



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