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Seq V4 pcb + case + partskit


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Hello people

i am building a seq V4

ive been on the bulklist waiting on the pcb & partskit .....but this seems to take a very long time

what i want to do is design a pcb and a frontpanel + case

if people are interested in a pcb/frontpanel/partskit...just let me know

my design is as a standard seqv4 with added group buttons en leds

let me know if you are interested in this

i do not sell complete units (so you have to get your own lpc core and expresso board)

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Hello people

i am building a seq V4

ive been on the bulklist waiting on the pcb & partskit .....but this seems to take a very long time

I do not see your name on the list.... maybe you changed identities?

what i want to do is design a pcb and a frontpanel + case

if people are interested in a pcb/frontpanel/partskit...just let me know

my design is as a standard seqv4 with added group buttons en leds

let me know if you are interested in this

i do not sell complete units (so you have to get your own lpc core and expresso board)

It may not seem like anything is happening with these, but that is far from reality - they are actively shipping to the guys on the list. I just shipped 5x seq kits, about to pack 6 more, and I am $3000+ already into the parts for the next 50 kit run.

I'll leave it to you to read my past writing here on the forum about why it is taking a while to make it through the rather ancient list, and to do the math to figure out how many thousands in cash I tie up in these kit runs for YOU while paying myself less than minimum wage for the effort.

Don't let me discourage you from building your own, but also don't expect anything friendly when you show up with only 13 posts talking about poaching the effort I continue to sink into this while listening to constant bitching about how long it takes to do it right.

Believe me it's very frustrating on my end to send out these "your kit is ready" notices, give them 7 days to reply only to get a 1 in 10 response. I had hoped that ratio would change as I got further down the list.

So what is fair? Should I scrap the list and go free for all, knowing the turnaround time on my end will push into weeks due to demand spike or possibly months on things like waiting for more keycaps to be manufactured?

Is that fair to the guys who have been patiently waiting?

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Today i had a look around..and i have found

a small electronics company.

i had a talk with the owner

i showed him what its all about

he is willing to design a pcb/frontpanel (maybe complete case)

we also talked about a parts-kit this wil also be provided.

i have to pay for the designing and production of the pcb's....

So i need enough people who will join this

also input about how we want the design is very welcome

i would like to use Mec 3ftl switches...they are availible with and without led....and i really like those

caps for the switches can be different coulors...or you can get that frosty look when a led is behind it !!

(can we set up a new bulkorderlist...don t know how to do this)

some help is welcome


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Please don´t underestimate the time and efforts necessary to develop your own SEQ PCB/Frontpanel and parts kit - it is a very time and cost-intensive effort!

Tim/SmashTV has already invested lots of time and $$$ and provides exceptional quality, so I´d 100% recommend to go that route... just my 5cents :).



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Hi Tim,

I think everybody appreciates your effort. I personally can imagine what kind of hassle it can be to organize such a bulk order ! Even worse if your figure (1 out of 10) is right, that is not fair. People on the list should stick to their commitment ! I also think the reason for the frustration of some individuals here in the forum is based on the fact that they don't know where you are on the bulk order list. It would probably help to write from time to time where you are on the order list, so that people see some progress. I mean a short statement would help, no extensive explanation is required. Otherwise it will be difficult to estimate by when somebody will most probably receive a kit. An it is also sometimes difficult to wait, especially if all the other components are already complete :-)

I am on the list with two sets and I will stick to them, that's for sure. Are you writing a pmail via the forum or do you require to have the email addresses (as they are not on the bulk order list) ?

BTW: Thanks for shipping my other items that I have recently ordered :-) !



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I am on the list my name is electrodancer...i see now that its different from my nick...sorry for this.

I do not know about what is going on behind the screens...nor the bitching that is comming your way.

what is fair i dunno....lots in life isnt....i also get less then minimum wage, and a lot of bitching.

if you want to scrap the list thats up to you.

also there is the possibility to give people a choice in 2 different designs.

also receiving kits in Europe...costs a lot.

its not necesarry saying not to expect friendlyness...(i did not count on that in the first place).

and ive read some posts here before

i also want to serve this comunity....and this should NOT be a problem.

also the number of posts ive put up is not really important.

if this is fair for the people who been waiting patiently ????...... I AM ONE OF THESE PEOPLE !!!

and i DO think this is fair.

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i think orange is really right in this..

it all came out of frustration on waiting and not knowing when it comes....(and today i found out my nick is wrong)

i am also on the list (and i want to stick to my order)

im also sorry for all the people who seem to drop out....i did not know this

i know how much time is spent on designing pcb and panels also that it costs a lot of $$

kind regards,


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yo electro. I totally understand the frustration you feel, and everyone can slip a few words in frustration, including smashtv, and also myself :P. I am sure you understand that your first post could seem a bit frustrating to Tim, who does everything he can to supply as fast as possible, at the same time trying to be fair to everyone, putting thousands of dollars into this etc.

Here's my few words about my experience with Tim.

1. Always reliable

2. Service is far beyond excelent

3. Quality control way beyond what I have seen anywhere else

4. High standards

5. Fair

If you deal with Tim I'm sure you will not be disappointed (though this has taken a bit longer than anyone want). By the way, it looks like the PCBs are now available in his shop. The last thing we need is a fight. And everyone is welcome to contribute of course, but I really think it's fair to give the guy who invested a lot of money in this a chance to get the boards shipped. I know you will not be disappointed when dealing with Tim ;).

Have a nice summer evening ;).

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My idea was that the wiki gets updated from time to time, probably with a strike through the whole row of the person that just received their kit. If Tim didn't want to do this, perhaps the members can take it upon themselves.

With regard to auxiliary bulk orders, I don't think that's a good idea, even if it sounds tempting. As well as Tim's investment into PCBs, parts and time, he has the advantage of large quantity discounts and a knowledge of what's in stock. What if another bulk list was started only to learn that that switch or cap was backordered for six months? Then you'd be in the same position.

In saying that I have similar sympathies; I added my name in Feb '10, I have a Beast panel ready to go, LCDs etc. It still seems right to continue on with the original list.

Cheers Smash for your efforts! :thumbsup:

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first of all

ive NEVER have had ANY complaints about ordering at the midibox online store

service is superb....no doubt bout that

but is it that wrong that someone else...also wants to put his efford (and money) in ??? (for me it will also be an investment of a lot of money and time !!!!)

sorry smash ....but you talking about me, only been poaching about putting the efford in with 13 posts

......dude you don't even know me, thats just talking shit (about someone you do not know).

In my opinion to scare them off...

i did some investigation at this company...

Their products and designs (are) and will be used at the Euro-Championship 2012 and also Olympic Games in London 2012

So the quality is 100% ok

also RoHS compliant and tested

kind regards


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sorry smash ....but you talking about me, only been poaching about putting the efford in with 13 posts

......dude you don't even know me, thats just talking shit (about someone you do not know).

As far as I can see you are overreacting here - I would advise you to calm your temper a little.

You should not be personally offended by the statement that you are not known on this list. It is simply a fact. People here have lost serious money in bulk orders on this list before, so a word of warning is definitely adequate.

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yes i over-reacted a little (sorry for this)....but its not only me that is doing it, nor did i start it

I got the feeling that when you try to contribute something to the midibox project,

with the best intensions...

then you just get pushed out, and thats not right.

in my opinion....you can NEVER own to much sequencers :thumbsup:

from the replies ive read, i do not think other (or more) people will drop out,

because i start another design.

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I might have interpreted original post the wrong way, therefore this post doesn't make sense anymore.

All I'm saying - It's important that when u design and run bulk order, it is important to do it in an ethical way. I still stand by words, that your whole thing here can be interpreted the way I did, but if you say so I will take your word for it, so my appologies for being that hard. I still think you repsonded a very bad way to the critisism that u met.

I'm saying one more thing - people who are on Tim's list, should really stand up to their commitment. When Tim get response from 1 out of 10, that is horrific statistics. Tim's services aint to be taken for granted!

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Just my ten bobs worth,

I have been on the list quite a while (taximan),while I have been on the list I have made other projects and have been looking at making or buying my own seqv4.

Or to put it this way,even if I was to make or buy a seqv4 from elsewhere I would still honour my position on the list..........I see it as a verbal commitment to buy.

The important thing as I see it is that no one is poached from tims waiting list as that is unethical.

Any how too much shit going on in the world without people in here getting into fights...............kiss and make up for fux sake :)



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Hi everyone

I've writed "I'm interested" that is still true.

My name is on Tim's list and I still want this first kit from smashTV.

Having severals sequencer is a good thing !

Many many thanks Tim for what you're doing.

Peace to you reading this post :-)


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he is willing to design a pcb/frontpanel (maybe complete case)

we also talked about a parts-kit this wil also be provided.

What was Thorsten's response to your plan? Please work that out before shopping for a third party to produce his work.

We went a few rounds with Touched By Sound over commercial clones shown at musikmesse due to similar misrepresentation of IP ownership.... not looking for a repeat.

there is NO underlaying tone or accusations made against the original bulkorder organizer, just read it again.

also this adding from technoB ....does not make sense to me...this is simpy NOT true.

Technobreath saw what seemed to be a plan to circumvent my effort as the underlying tone.

Sharing the demand for these kits would break the economy of scale driving cost up.

The people defending me here know I have large time and money invested in SEQ, and are understandably tweeked about you jumping in on the last mile to capitalize on the demand.

Continuing down this path now that you know the story is what we are reacting to.

I got the feeling that when you try to contribute something to the midibox project,

with the best intensions...

then you just get pushed out, and thats not right.

They are likely reacting to what looks like you pushing me.

'best intentions' would be asking where we need help. The word community in the title is no accident.

Would your reaction be similar if someone stepped up telling (not asking) what they are going to do with your work/time/money?

What if they continued to debate even after you gave them a solution to their stated problem?

How long would it take to decide who's best interest they were pushing you for?

sorry smash ....but you talking about me, only been poaching about putting the efford in with 13 posts

......dude you don't even know me, thats just talking shit (about someone you do not know).

You are absolutely right, I don't know you. Take this chance to define yourself as either asset or issue here.

I like a peaceful forum and I did not enjoy writing that line about your history. Sometimes I use pointed words to shortcut to truth..... Correcting the stated issue (immediate availability of the boards, two days earlier than I had planned) revealed a different motive.

If you truly want to contribute just ask, there is plenty to do.

Two paths ahead:

1) If you drop the production plans everyone takes a step back, cranks down the tone and plays friendly. I would love to just call it a bad day all around and move on.

2) Move the whole thread to the 'Sale Requests' forum.

Choice is yours

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What the problem here, I think he just want to let make a few PCBs and sell'em at factory-costs to offer the community a possibility to save a few bucks - the main-concerm of a bulk-order! :-)

If I missed something, don't hesitate to tell me, thanks!

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lets just call it a bad day Tim.........lets shake hands and make up..... :console:

i did not do this with the intention to be a pain in the ass.

i did this because i like this project, and i want to contribute, if i did this the wrong way

im sorry but im kinda new to this.

this guy....has got +10 years experience with designing electronics and Pcb's, panels and cases.

he has a nice (ESD safe) prodution area with SMD pick&place machine, smd screen printer, solder-machine vapour fase reflow solder machine....Cnc machine etc. etc.

everything he produces is tested and meets up to high quality standards

at this point i did not ask Thorsten...... i will do this....

but...ive never had any repies on my emails to Thorsten about builing/selling projects in the past.

so far there is NO design....(so i do not use anybody elses work)...

the work for the designing still has to be done for this unit

so i do not see why i have to ask permission (for a design that is not there yet)

But i will ask for permission (hope he repies back)

Tim you saying me just jumping in on the last mile.......NOBODY KNOWS YOU ARE ON THE LAST MILE !!!

if i knew this...i would not have started the topic in the first place.

but knowing now i can see it looks that way to you....but really its far from true.

(dont know how this quoting thing works)

quote from Tim:

If you truly want to contribute just ask, there is plenty to do.

Two paths ahead:

1) If you drop the production plans everyone takes a step back, cranks down the tone and plays friendly. I would love to just call it a bad day all around and move on.

2) Move the whole thread to the 'Sale Requests' forum. There is some stuff worth reading there already.

Me again:

Tim if you also count in your first line (about truly contributing)

there will be 3 paths ahead.....if you agree with this i would like to go for the third path.


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Dear Electro,


my recommendation on what to do: stop aggression (quote: "nobody knows you are on the last mile") towards our beloved primary parts dealer, finish your design and production process, then present it to the public - it happens quite often, that new projects are boldly announced, but words are all that come out of it.

My right small toe also tells me, that the MIDIbox shop haz lots of SEQ V4 parts + PCBs inbound, for all people, that are not willing to wait that long.


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about the last mile remark by me......

this really must not be seen as 'an agressive reaction' this is not true hawkeye....NOT AT ALL

...because i explained it this way:

if i knew this...i would not have started the topic in the first place.

but knowing now i can see it looks that way to you....but really its far from true.

for the rest i think you are right....there is a lot of people who want to start something

but eventually nothing comes out....this is true...

i keep on doing reacherch, make a funtioning unit (for myself), do testing, finding out

production costs, parts etc....and see where we will go from there.

i still do not see why people are reacting so strong.....

about something (in this case a ff''ing PCB panel) that does not even exist yet !!!

there are some worse things going on in the world, than this.....have a look around people

Be nice !

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