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Control surface PCB for 16 encoders/LEDrings Bulk Order


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Also, looking at 2x5mm LEDs at Mouser, there seem to be a lot of choice around 5 and 8mcd. There's also an 80mcd red model I guess you could use if you employ serious resistors (1k or more). Hmm...

The other parameter to look at besides mcd is view angle. The LEDs with unreasonably high luminous intensity tend to have narrow view angles, which are not so good for control surfaces. The ones TK identified had 2.5mcd at a very wide 140deg. The one's Ive ordered from Futurlec are 6mcd but only 90deg (should be wide enough). Its always a good idea to test new kinds of LEDs in-circuit when choosing a limiting resistor before committing to a lot of soldering.


picked up 100 from digikey, thanks for the tip!

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The ones TK identified had 2.5mcd at a very wide 140deg.


please note that 2.5mcd is probably a typo at the Reichelt webpage, see also:


I guess that the mcd value is much higher, therefore I recommend at least 10 mcd (and I'm very interested on the outcome with different LEDs)


We should start a Black- and Whitelist! ;)


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I guess that the mcd value is much higher, therefore I recommend at least 10 mcd (and I'm very interested on the outcome with different LEDs)


I just ordered 1050 ($50) of 90deg 6mcd LEDs from Futurlec. I'll be loading the ULN2803 drivers and I'll make sure to test with a lower series resistor before soldering my PCB's.

Yes, a Black/White list is a great idea.

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please note that 2.5mcd is probably a typo at the Reichelt webpage


I've send an email to Reichel to try getting the right value.


Yes, a Black/White list is a great idea.


You can update the wikipage with your LED feedback in the blacklist (under "Components" section).




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This is the proof:


that Jerome created an excellent PCB design!  :smile:


(at least) 4 modules can be chained without termination, additional buffers or any other measures.

And they are scanned without any robustness issues!


Power consumption: ca. 130 mA per module (for both LED types I'm using)

Together with the MBHP_CORE_LPC17 module + backlit LCD (200 mA) this results into ca. 720 mA -> the construction can still be powered from a USB hub with 1A PSU


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I can confirm that these LEDs and encoders from Segor Electronics (Berlin) work fine:
- LED 3mm rot diffus 630nm 50mcd/20mA
  --> 6 Cent each for 100+)
- PE16C-4015F-N0024 (Drehencoder 24/360' +Gew. D-Achse,h=21mm,nichtrast.)
  --> 2,32 Eur each for 10+)


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I can confirm that these LEDs and encoders from Segor Electronics (Berlin) work fine:
- LED 3mm rot diffus 630nm 50mcd/20mA
  --> 6 Cent each for 100+)
- PE16C-4015F-N0024 (Drehencoder 24/360' +Gew. D-Achse,h=21mm,nichtrast.)
  --> 2,32 Eur each for 10+)


The blacklist is updated with your data.

Thank you.




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The Kingbright WP113SRDT come with a 110deg viewing angle. OK so they're not super wide, but not extremely narrow either. Going to look further, I could always go for 3mm round LEDs since there's a larger choice but it takes some pondering this.


Hi jojjelito.

I arrived to the same conclusion it seems to be a very good candidate so if you plan to go to look further, please, stay us informed.


Best regards,


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I made a little change in the Wikipage splitting in 2 pages the technical and the bulk order information of the MB-LRE8x2CS PCB.


In the eventual project of a next revision I added a whishlist of improvements of the PCB you can upgrade or debate in this thread.

This is some comments about them:

  • Changing IN/OUT sockets by polarized sockets and improving the silkscreen (to avoid confusing SI/SO pin).
  • Moving cap C5 (too close to the IN socket).
  • Trying to move some critical vias.
  • What about the use of ULN2803s? Waiting member's feedback comparing the use with/without them.
  • Trying to add DINX2 onboard to handle the 16 encoder switches (start/end of the chain?). Mainly possible without the use of the 2 ULNs.
  • What about the size of the PCB?


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hey fairlightiii...


i will start too bring some other improvements to the wishlist for a newer revision of the PCB.

Some days ago i discussed with T.K. about the new firmware option to hook up up to 64 16x2 LCDs because some weeks ago i found on ebay a seller who sold nice 6x1 LCDs for around 2,50€ each. The seller don't have any offers on ebay at the moment as i postet in the "MB NG" section under "display options" a link to the polish homepage of the distributor.




So wouldn't it be nice to have an CLCD above each encoder (+ LED-rings) that shows the encoder lable (auto label or userlable) and the exact value if the encoder is turned. I don't realy know if this is possible by the software but as i understand T.K. right it is imaginable. It would be nice i T.K. can loose some words on that topic and the feasibility of that "daydream".

I calculated a little around and came to the conclusion that the 6x1 displays i found are a little to big for the actual PCB layout. the encoders are to close together. So the PCB must be bigger and if it is possible the LCDs could get an connector directly on the PCBs???


The second wish could be a little bit easier (i hope so)...is it possible to do a makeover of the actual PCB design so that the encoders and LEDs are aranged in a 4x4 matrix instead of 2x8?


can you tell us which layout-software you are using?




Edited by MaG2k
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Lame, my post office received my package without the pcb's inside and not insured. :no:  Looks like the envelope was torn in transport.   :unsure:  Shipping during Christmas, who knows.


Good grief, Jerome, I know your boards are hot hot hot, but really, someone stole my mail to get them? :angry:  


Let this be a lesson to any one ever contemplating not insuring your stuff....


There's 35 bucks down the drain.   :sad:

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Hi orbital.

Did the envelope opened or torn when you receive it?


As I have still some PCBs, I'm ready exceptionaly to send again your PCBs if you are ready to pay again the shipping cost (...I'm not a company, it will come from my own money).

Best regards,


Edited by Fairlightiii
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Yeah, that's more than fair.  :thumbsup:  


How much is insured shipping?  :unsure:


It wouldn't have to be a rush to arrive so long as I knew they were insured.   (BTW, Do you mean replace the entire order?)   :yes:  








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Some days ago i discussed with T.K. about the new firmware option to hook up up to 64 16x2 LCDs because some weeks ago i found on ebay a seller who sold nice 6x1 LCDs for around 2,50€ each. The seller don't have any offers on ebay at the moment as i postet in the "MB NG" section under "display options" a link to the polish homepage of the distributor.



In my opinion 6 characters is not enough to be worth the effort. It may show the level/value but not a very good parameter label.

The PCB as it is, can fit a 16x2LCD (~80mm) adjacent to each pair of encoders (spaced 42.7mm apart). At least this is what I'm doing, so we'll all see how well it turns out!

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Hi Duggle,


the 6x1 LCDs in my opinion can be enough for short label and (switching to level value if the encoder is turned) and level. do you always need a long label like cutoff, sustain, release...for me it would be enough to see labels in short like cut, rel, sus...

But as i told there is a problem getting the 6x1 LCDs at the moment...the seller has no offers at ebay at the moment.


But you are right...you shurely kann use a 16x2 LCD covering two encoders as shown above in T.K.s post.

i also think about that solution but i think it would be nicer if the displays will find its place on top of every two encoders. in the momentary solution you only can place 4 16x2 LCDs above the top 8 encoders and 4 other 16x2 LCDs under the buttom 8 encoders.




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As interesting as this discussion is, I think if you want displays that sit on top of each row of encoders (however many characters they display) you will need to design a new PCB. Fairlightiii's PCB was done with a different usecase in mind - no displays at all - which it is perfect for. I would therefore suggest to continue discussion of this in a separate thread.

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