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MB-6582 board set availability (possible bulk order?)


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Hi there,

It seems that the MB-6582 boards have been out of stock for several months. I've been very actively checking the midibox shop with no luck in the last two months. The forum seems to be very slow too, so I'm starting to feel a bit worried.

Are there any plans to get another run soon? Perhaps we could run a small bulk order with the users interested in getting some. I'm interested in getting two sets of boards. Anyone else interested, please jump in!


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I tried contacting Tim (SmashTV) some weeks ago regarding this and no response yet. I'm afraid he's not very active in the forum lately. Hope he's well and it's just he's on holidays. Not sure if some of the other Midibox gurus like Wilba or TK could also help us. Let's see if they show around, otherwise will try contacting them too in a few weeks. Fingers crossed, as the MB 6582 is an amazing DIY project!


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IIc, DIO_matrix, DIN, and 6582 boards restocked.

Fabrication run in progress for the CORE_STM32F4 and DOUT boards due in around the 25th.

Sometimes life gets very busy.  As always (~14 years!?!) I would give everyone fair warning if I decide to quit producing boards.

Smithy and I are working to set up a Euro shop that will speed things up and lower costs.  We do not know when it will be ready and will not guess, so please understand that we will be working toward that goal instead of answering endless emails asking when it will be ready.

Sorry I have not had time to answer every email or any of the wild speculation about my demise  :)


Best regards!


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11 hours ago, Molom said:

Damn, looks like I just missed out. I am very keen to buy these boards sets too. Do you have any idea when you will have them again Tim?

It should be roughly 1 month.  The fabrication run has been ordered and paid for but it's on a long-turn schedule to keep the price & quality level the same.

<not directed at anyone specifically> Please understand that I may not respond to many of the questions coming in via facebook/email/contact form that do not ask a specific question.  I am getting hammered from all directions with "I want to build MIDIbox do you have boards" or "Will the xxxx boards be in stock the last week of December when I get my Christmas money".

Which MIDIbox?  Is the last week of December when your school project is due? (inside joke for the other ancients :happy:)

These types of questions require a lot of back and forth dialog/time that could be better spent packing and shipping orders. </not directed at anyone specifically>

Best regards


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