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SEQ v4 CS PCB clone


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12 hours ago, TK. said:

I feel personally attacked when you write that the way how I release my work is "a shame".
You misinterpreted the "licensed for personal non-commercial use only, all other rights reserved" term. There are even ways to use my code for commercial products with my permission, see also http://midibox.org/forums/topic/5359-rules/

Same question: does this cause a personal problem at your side?

Yeah, sorry about that. I think my scottish usage of "shame" is different from other cultures. In no way did I mean anything is "shameful". In scottish terms it means more like "wasted opportunity". There's no personal attack intended here. I think the work and support you've given over the year incredible. I'll explain for comment below.

My comment is based purely on my laymans intepretation of the licensing and my view of this project and the current development world in which we now live. The MIOS licensing at first look is a simple one of non-commercial use. It's not one of the established licenses (MIT, GPL etc) that are pretty well understood from a layman developers pov. I read that license, I want to develop mods to SEQ and I'm put off because any code I write I can only distribute as a patch which makes my code pretty much useless for everyone else. I can't put up my own blob of my own variant for other "users" to use on their SEQ.

If I've interpreted it this way, then others surely have come along and left as well. The result is noone but TK hacking on MIOS Apps and the project won't grow. I also don't see how TAPR applies to MIOS. It doesn't matter if I've interpreted it wrongly as the end result is the same. The project doesn't grow.

I fully realise this is TK's project and he's fully entitled to do as he wishes and he has probably already considered what I've said many times in the past. Any contribution of code/effort/time to society is gracious and I'm very thankful for that. I just like seeing projects I like flourish.

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I'm glad I found this topic. Perhaps it helps a little to share with you the experience from a midibox newbie. I think most of you guys are well known with the situations and matter surrounding this project, and thus perhaps unaware of how this looks for the outside world. mM midibox was second hand, so I had a head start and did not have to resource the basic parts in an early stage. Would I've had to, Im not sure I would have a functioníng midibox now.

For an outsider it can be pretty unclear what the mission of the project is. Is it to attract as much people as possible to contribute? Or is it to keep as intimate as possible? The fact that some of the information is extremely easy to find, while other stuff is nowhere to be seen plays a big role in this. With the lack of availability of hardware on number one. I only now understand (I think!) that the SmashTV plays a big role in this. This info would have helped a lot.

There are several people around me, after seeing my midibox, that would like to start tomorrow with their own version. But the mixed information (as we experience it) takes them off. How can they obtain the necessary parts? Or even schematics? Is it something that will grow, with an open community, or is it more of a solo experience you do just for yourself?

I appreciate the midibox-project very much. It's the best piece of equipment I have, for so many reasons. I have no idea what is right or wrong in this situation, just sharing my experience :)



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17 hours ago, ilmenator said:

I see. Where can we obtain them from? The Wiki?


I think that, over the years, you have spoken with me about nothing more than this... : (

Your ongoing focus would certainly imply to me that you think that i am under obligation?
(i know that this is the same question as i asked you in my last post, but you chose not to answer me then, so i must ask again)

This is one of the times - 
In that instant, i was not only able to answer you, but also to link you to where i had supplied that information to others before you even asked.  Then, as now, i think that most would assume that you did not want that information - that you were just checking to see if i would release it.

Let me be 100% clear to you - 
There is no one here who has asked me for any work that is a derivative of these designs, and has not been supplied what they have asked for - including yourself!

If you do choose to reply, i really would appreciate an answer to my own question.


Edited by julianf
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Yes, this isn't the first time the licenses are discussed...


I've to step out now for the next days, because my vacation is over and I've to set priority for more important stuff.


Unfortunately instead of spending my limited time to help people, to implement nice new features and/or bugfixes, my attention was too much on this thread.


I'm not really happy about this - please understand, that I don't have enough time anymore for this forum to discuss with everybody sufficiently enough.


And please don't see this as arrogant behaviour - it's just too difficult to manage under the given conditions.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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5 hours ago, julianf said:

I think that, over the years, you have spoken with me about nothing more than this... : (

Your ongoing focus would certainly imply to me that you think that i am under obligation?
(i know that this is the same question as i asked you in my last post, but you chose not to answer me then, so i must ask again)

This is one of the times - 
In that instant, i was not only able to answer you, but also to link you to where i had supplied that information to others before you even asked.  Then, as now, i think that most would assume that you did not want that information - that you were just checking to see if i would release it.

Let me be 100% clear to you - 
There is no one here who has asked me for any work that is a derivative of these designs, and has not been supplied what they have asked for - including yourself!

If you do choose to reply, i really would appreciate an answer to my own question.


I cannot really see an answer except that you link to a data sheet and say one should never trust the data sheet. What kind of answer is that? Also, this is just a drawing, I am talking about the file that you feed to the CNC router.

Whether I think you are under obligation or not is irrelevant here. I am testing to see whether you would supply the files you have created based on the frontpanel drawings, because you have been asking for other peoples' files to be released... So far I don't see you setting a good example.

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10 hours ago, ilmenator said:

I cannot really see an answer except that you link to a data sheet and say one should never trust the data sheet. What kind of answer is that? Also, this is just a drawing, I am talking about the file that you feed to the CNC router.

Whether I think you are under obligation or not is irrelevant here. I am testing to see whether you would supply the files you have created based on the frontpanel drawings, because you have been asking for other peoples' files to be released... So far I don't see you setting a good example.

Given this whole damn thread came about precisely because the files you feed a board house aren't available, this seems pretty damn petty!

We're on the cusp of getting these boards built so they can be tested, and the files released as open source. Do you really want to sabotage that by pissing people off to the point where they can no longer be bothered? Because that's all you're going to achieve by reairing old vendettas!

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12 hours ago, ilmenator said:

So far I don't see you setting a good example.

Did you release your TPD board files? No and this is not a problem. BUT IF you can not provide your boards any more  I hope you will provide drawing.
Can you see the shade?

Best regards

Edited by Antichambre
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Imho, that is a good suggestion!

There will be some discussions with TK. in the next weeks and hopefully this will make things more transparent, also please (and i should remind myself about that, sorry again to jaytee) remember, that this is about a hobby that should be fun and not stressful, if possible please don't give your fellow MIDIbox peers hell for anything, they are the good ones and are not using Arduinos! :-)

Thread closed for now.

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