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MIDIbox SID-NUXX-based synth on eBay?!?


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In those days the rules were clear.  Today I see a member being called out for openly sharing his PCB layout and I don't see anywhere that the rules changed.

I admit - I was active in the MIDIbox community then, and even completed an old PIC16F project, then disappeared for a while when I needed to deal with some other priorities.  Recently I returned, and I even started searching (specifically using the word "license" or "licence") and I haven't found anything new.

I'm again considering expanding a little on MIDIbox SID for my own purposes, and planning to share my stuff with the community - but frankly I'm no longer sure where I stand. 

Is there a license?  Are there guidelines?  Am I overlooking something?

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I didn't intend for the site to read like a fork, but a one-off "here's what I did, none of the rights to software and designs which mine is based on are mine". -Steve

Well it's a sad day indeed as I would have liked to build your particular kit, but with everything being pulled, and me not having the knowledge, I've been forced to abandon building a sid based synth altogether. I have no interest in building something unless all the modules are laid out on the same board - call me vain, but thats the truth. It sucks everyone here pointed fingers at you, putting all blame on your shoulders, because one individual has no morals and chose to ignore rules or "law".

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but with everything being pulled, and me not having the knowledge, I've been forced to abandon building a sid based synth altogether. I have no interest in building something unless all the modules are laid out on the same board

fair enough if you only want to build a SID on 1 board, but that's not the point of uCapps - it's about DIY, and it's about learning about electronics.

uCapps has been described to me as a crash course in electronics with a "hot-rod" midibox as an end result.

of course you would still have had to make a box and front panel for the Nuxx - have you got the knowledge and experience to do that?

I really would encourage you to build a midibox SID, but if you want there are  synths like the SidStation out there to buy ready made.

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Hello All! Apologies in advance for the lengthy post. Been a lurker on these boards for some months now . . . just trying to wrap my brain around all of the phenomenal work by TK and the wonderfully supportive community that participates here. Planning to build stereo V2 6581-based MIDIBox SID for starters (kits on order from SmashTV), then jump to the MB-6582 (panels on order from Alititude and in the queue for the next run of PCBs from Wilba).

Been following this eBay saga with some interest. It is criminal that someone can be so callous as to blatantly rip off not only TK's MIOS software, but a community member's PCB design for profit.

Recently, there was an obscure eBay listing for a lot of 9 SID 6581/8580 chips. The seller had a BIN of $225.00 USD and was selling "as is". There was also a "Best Offer" option too.  Well, I seriously considered sending in some lowball offer, but didn't because 1.) I don't really need that many SID chips, 2.) They were all untested and, 3.) If the seller was so optimistic that he was going to sell them for $225.00, then the offer wouldn't be accepted anyway.  Within a few days however, the lot had been bought for a paltry $160.00.  I'm kicking myself now . . .

Imagine my shock and surprise however, when I started putting 2 + 2 together, and realized that the winning bidder for all this chips is none other than our friend responsible for these terms-of-use-violating MIDIBox SID NUXX sales.  I'm now bashing my head into walls that I didn't grab these when I had the chance.  Here's a link to the listing:


So it would appear that our friend is in for the long haul, looking to make a tidy profit on continued sales of these monstrosities. By the way, he just posted ANOTHER ONE - interestingly, this auction is up for only 24 hours - perhaps trying to fly under the eBay radar and will sell before anyone has a chance to do anything.


I haven't received my boards from SmashTV yet, but from the illustration on his site, it's clear that the PIC chip (when loaded with MIOS) has the copyright notice clearly indicated on it as belonging to TK. TK, I would urge you to pursue this with eBay, as you're the copyright holder and sale of these instruments is in clear violation of your intellectual property rights. I had a similar experience where a seller was offering a bootleg copy of some of my work, and - in difference to c0nsumer's experience - eBay took the auction down the same day once I faxed the Notice of Claimed Infringement over to them. Please let me know if there's anything I can do here from State side.


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I had a similar experience where a seller was offering a bootleg copy of some of my work, and - in difference to c0nsumer's experience - eBay took the auction down the same day once I faxed the Notice of Claimed Infringement over to them. Please let me know if there's anything I can do here from State side.

My issue was because there was nothing in the auction which actually claimed it to be the MIDIbox SID-NUXX, it just said that "This is basically this version sidbox -SID NUXX". It never claimed that it was, and the only proof I have that the item in the auction is infringing on my IP is my recognition of the blurry photos of the PCBs. After the notice was sent to eBay I received a reply a few days later stating that the claim was "uncertain". I then communicated high res pictures of the PCB to eBay, who took until after the auction closed to continue declaring that the state of the claim was 'uncertain'.

For the newly listed auctions, there is nothing in the pictures text which points to the MIDIbox SID-NUXX, making any claim I would have against those auctions invalid. It's frustrating, but there's no way to prove that those involve my design.

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fair enough if you only want to build a SID on 1 board, but that's not the point of uCapps - it's about DIY, and it's about learning about electronics.

uCapps has been described to me as a crash course in electronics with a "hot-rod" midibox as an end result.

Exactly, and I want to build a sid-nuxx. Ever psyc yourself up for something? I have no interest in buying a Sid Station, but I do have in interst in learning as I go. Who knows, after I build one I may be hooked and want to learn more which may lead me to design my own PCB for my needs, but as it stands, the sid-nuxx looks like the perfect kit for me.

of course you would still have had to make a box and front panel for the Nuxx - have you got the knowledge and experience to do that?

Yes I do have access to these services. Plus, Steve has made it easy by designing it so that it slides right into a Hammond box. Pretty cool, eh?

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Who knows, after I build one I may be hooked and want to learn more which may lead me to design my own PCB for my needs, but as it stands, the sid-nuxx looks like the perfect kit for me.

Just to note, while end-to-end complete, the info I'd provided on the MIDIbox SID-NUXX was not a kit. One still had to source all their own parts from PCBs to switches to wall wart, and find replacements if the listed parts weren't available. (I presume some aren't, as the BOM is a year old or so.)

Yes I do have access to these services. Plus, Steve has made it easy by designing it so that it slides right into a Hammond box. Pretty cool, eh?

Just to chime in, the front and rear panels were done by Front Panel Express. Anyone can have them made. (FPE is expensive, but it's one of the simplest ways to get accurate low-quantity front panel milling + coloring done.)

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Just to chime in, the front and rear panels were done by Front Panel Express. Anyone can have them made. (FPE is expensive, but it's one of the simplest ways to get accurate low-quantity front panel milling + coloring done.)

Low?  I thought the quality was at least decently good.

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For the newly listed auctions, there is nothing in the pictures text which points to the MIDIbox SID-NUXX, making any claim I would have against those auctions invalid. It's frustrating, but there's no way to prove that those involve my design.

Well, the "brain" of the boxes he's selling are obviously TK's IP - from the MIOS to the "Step B" DIN-connected control surface. Guess it's up to TK to decide if he wants to enforce his copyright. For the sake of the MIDIBox community, I hope he does - and I don't think it would take too much (other than the expense of the international FAX) to prove to eBay that these devices are in violation of his published EULA.


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its the same pcb again. you can see it in the 3rd picture  >:( >:( >:(

Well, there is no stopping him now unless you take legal action. He has Steve's gerber and laws mean nothing to him. He's going to continue to hunt down chips and sell these 2x4 synths to anyone that doesn't want to build one.

With that said - the only way to stop him is to have either Steve or TK buy one from him, pay using Paypal (receipt purposes. I guess you could do the same with a M.O.) and then follow thru with legal action. Seriously - this is the only way he is going to be stopped.

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Damn f*ch*n b*tch. such a little mofu dumbass. grrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Its a shame !! I dont think Tk has fun in paying a lot of money for getting his f*ck*d up synth. I would rather say, lets send him some russian friends to get his puss polished. We could start a paypal account for collecting donations ;)

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The same guy has also being selling Soundlab analog synths base on a design by Ray Wilson


I couldn't find any type of license agreement or detailed copyright notice on Ray's site, but it may be worth contacting him and working together to get these items banned from ebay if he feels that he is also being ripped off.


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-- because eBay has no proof that the seller had the boards manufactured himself. This would also be something very difficult to prove, because the only proof I have of it is a single piece of email from the seller saying that he had the boards made via PCBEXPRESS.)


Why don't you give PCBEXPRESS a call? I'm sure they file their finished order.



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Why don't you give PCBEXPRESS a call? I'm sure they file their finished order.



I'm not sure they could help due to the data protection act. I think the case would have to go through court before they could release this information.


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