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Everything posted by FantomXR

  1. FantomXR


    I don't know if you still need help on this and if it even helps what I've found. In app.c of the NG you will find // create the default files if they don't exist on SD Card MBNG_FILE_CreateDefaultFiles(); } So at least it seems that you can disable the creation of the default file... I haven't tested it yet... And to load your dedicated ngc.-file you can use an NGR-script and the "load" command. Should look something like this: if ^section == 0 load xxx endif
  2. I made a bit of process here. I discovered in the changelog of NG, that NG supports to control terminal commands from a DAW via SysEx. So if I create a syx-file and send this to the STM, it works f.e. this stream F0 00 00 7E 32 00 0D 00 73 65 74 20 64 65 62 75 67 20 6f 6e 0A F7 sets the debug mode on. Now I try to set up a button in the NGC file that sends this command to the terminal. So I added 0x to every byte and I end up like this: EVENT_BUTTON id=23 type=SysEx stream="0xF0 0x00 0x00 0x7E 0x32 0x00 0x0D 0x00 0x73 0x65 0x74 0x20 0x64 0x65 0x62 0x75 0x67 0x20 0x6f 0x6e 0x0A 0xF7" button_mode=toggle What happens now is, that the terminal prints the command "set debug on" but that's it... its just printing this text without activating this function. So I guess that the NG-firmware somehow filters out the sysex message. I think I need to send this command to "USB0" or "UART0" but those ports aren't available afaik. Does anybody have a hint on that? I looked into the code but for now I couldn't find the function that I need to disable or to change. Thanks!
  3. Okay! I confirm, that this works... you have to connect RC1 and RC2 of the DIO together if you have PCBs after that that splits RC1 and RC2... Thanks for your help and explanation!
  4. Thanks for your reply! I'll try tomorrow what you suggested and will report back. Do I get you right that you suggest to split RC as well as SC for 165 and 595? I don't want to change all PCBs I've made so far... so I hope it's not a problem to bridge RC1 and RC2...
  5. Hey people, what is the meaning of the RC1 and RC2 lines on digital modules? I wonder that the official schematic of the DOUT-module uses only one select line: http://ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_doutx4_r5.pdf the DIN-module uses both http://ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_dinx4_r5.pdf and the DIO-module also only uses one: http://ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_dio_matrix.pdf I ask because I made a PCB that works perfectly when connected to the core directly but stops working as soon as a DIO-module is between the PCB and the core. If I put the DIO behind the PCB it works also... but not the other way around... on the PCB I have addressed RC1 to HC165 and RC2 to HC595. As the DIO doesn't seem to forward the RC2 this seems to make sense... Can anybody confirm that? Thanks, Chris //edit: I checked the LRE-PCB and he also addressed RC1 and RC2 like me. http://jeromebo.free.fr/Wiki/MB-LRE8x2CS_Rev4.6/Schematic_MB-LRE8x2CS_Rev4.6.pdf But I wonder how the DIO can work with both HC165 and HC595 connected to the same RC-line...
  6. yes, I'd need continuous control ;) KB does not work with a sd-card... all settings are saved in the EEPROM... no external files like NGC or NGR are used in KB.
  7. Hi Zam, I'm not talking about MB_NG only. For me it's more interesting, to have access to the parameters of MB_KB without the editor / computer. So I can not use any EVENTs and BANKs... I'm not a coder... but for me it doesn't sound that complicated to get control over some (not all) configuration parameters.... :)
  8. Hey guys, at the moment I try to dive deeper into the code of MIDIbox. One thing that I'd like to know if it's possible to implement a "simple" function, that allows to use a MIDI-Controller to control internal configuration-data f.e. delays of a keybed, break-is-make-function, etc. This would help to take control over the keybed "on the fly" without using the MIOS. Does anyone has an idea? Thanks, Chris
  9. Hm, okay! I received this message only if two MIDIbox try to communicate with different baudrates... but I'll need to investigate more into that.
  10. @Zam: I followed up on this today and I can confirm, that 20x speed (625k) seem to work okay. I didn't test any other baudrates yet...
  11. Hey people, I have a question regarding the pins of a DIO. I mostly use the DIO for scanning keybeds. Sometimes a keybed needs another configuration and I'll need to build an adapter for that. Is there an option to change the assignments of the pins on the firmware side? For example "inverting" break and make contacts (break = make, make = break)? Or changing the layout / counting of the rows? thanks! chris
  12. How many of each do you need? And where are you located? I have a bunch of them.
  13. Banks are working. But when changing a bank while pressing keys (playing a sound), the sound stucks because the note-offs now will be send on the new channel. Also I don't want to work with banks because I made some scripts that allows to set splitzones which is not compatible with banks as far as I can see. My idea is, to select the different channels of the various splitzones. But I have no plan, how to get that running...
  14. latigid on is right: you need to update the STM-firmware to the latest version. Thorsten mention it here: http://ucapps.de/mbhp_core_stm32f4.html "Required Firmware Update"
  15. Hey people, I may overlook something. How can I change the MIDI channel of a keyboard via a button? I thought I can use a set ^chn command. But that's not working. Does anyone has an idea? And is there a function, that allows to shift the whole keybed by an octave or so? Thanks, Chris
  16. Derzeit nicht und es sieht auch nicht so aus, dass da was veröffentlicht wird. Das Design ist aber nicht wirklich kompliziert. Das kann man mit ein bisschen Zeit recht einfach nachbauen.
  17. FantomXR

    MIDIbox KB

    No, I can't because it's not needed.
  18. In the past I used only the 7pin OLEDs and they just worked fine! I had no problems withthem. The 16pin OLEDs are more rare than the 7pin.
  19. Couldn't you export to DXF from the front panel designer?!
  20. Okay, but why do you use a map with just 24 values? You loose a lot of the dynamic range of a keybed. Also I think it's better if you use the integrated interpolation-technique to adjust the velocity. It's way more easy and way less work ;-)
  21. Same: [2945165.021] [MBNG_FILE_C:7] ERROR: invalid map value '^val' in MAP1/BYTEI, expecting 0..255 (0x00..ff)
  22. I tried this: MAP1/BYTEI 0:0 ^val:1:64 127:127 without success. I also tried downslash ^val_1 and ^val1. The terminal says: [2944380.039] [MBNG_FILE_C:7] ERROR: invalid map value '^val_1' in MAP1/BYTEI, expecting 0..255 (0x00..ff) Same with HWORD btw.
  23. Sure... possible... but not as flexible as the other solution ;-) I'll try the ^val-idea. Thanks!
  24. yes. STM32F4 is able to do everything the LPC17 can do and due to more RAM even more. Anyway: If you decide to go with LPC, I have some spare PCBs here which I don't need anymore. NG is able to do everything and KB is optimized for keyboard-usage only (like I mentioned before: higher scanning speed => better velocity resolution). You can compare both apps by reading through this: http://ucapps.de/midibox_ng.html http://ucapps.de/midibox_ng_manual_ngc.html And this: http://ucapps.de/midibox_kb.html
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