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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. Cool :) how'd you get that one to bounce/vibrate like that?
  2. Sounds like it's working perfectly. Can you give us more information? Which of the midi troubleshooting tests failed? (at least one of them did, or it'd be working!) What midi messages do you receive when you power on the core? Please copy and paste the logs or screenshots (preferably the logs) of all your tests.
  3. IIRC the idea with the midi ports was that the builder could run wiring to panel mount jacks, or if they wanted PCB mount jacks, they could make a separate board that held the jacks and rn the same wires to that ... It would be cool if there was a DIL header for the MIDI outs so that a connection to such a board would be simple, and more importantly clean (no spaghetti) ... But looking at the gif I'm unsure how easy that would be to do.
  4. Well it is mostly subjective but I do really like his criteria for a "good" font. His rankings were fairly much as I would have put them, with a few exceptions... He hasn't ranked GwdTE_437 or DPCustomMono2 which are both quite good. What are you trying to say man? ;D
  5. Crazy cool. Thank goodness for American warmongers and taxpayers :D
  6. cosmo... try using the code tag like bugfight said, it will stop your code from getting mangled up and turned into smilies and such, and allow others who would like to help you (like for example me), to read it clearly. nils: yes you can also use 'Edit.. Go' and enter the line you want. edit: oh and cosmo link us to that thread mate.
  7. Just one will do the trick... It would be a stand-alone device, not related te the seq. (Very) Basically, you want it do do something like If incoming note = C#, then output C# and +100 pitchbend. If incoming note = D, then output D and -20 pitchbend. etc etc you can store the offsets (pitchbend) which should be applied to each note, in a table - so you can store lots of different tunings by having lots of tables. When/if you know some C, you'll see that the above is extremely oversimplified and that the code would be quite different.
  8. Yes! Thankyou! :D Buggy and I were having a laugh at ourselves in the chat, cause we talked about this for about an hour, going into heaps of detail, knowing full well that it may never happen at all ;D Props to bugfight for the spot.
  9. This topic has been feature-creeped to Design Concepts. ;D [iurl]http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=11057.0[/iurl]
  10. Hah, sucking up won't help you jump the queue ;D Seriously though, yeh he totally is.
  11. This place is rddled with aussies... Mostly Melburnians for some reason, but we won't hate on you for being a northerner.... I lived in randwick and coogee bay for almost 7 years, so I can't. But maybe Bunsen will. ;D
  12. Wicked :) PS I know what you mean about the near-crosspost thing... they kinda gravitated towards each other huh :)
  13. I would upload MIOS again, and then your app.... perhaps you've overwritten part of the OS. Edit: You're heading into crosspost territory man : Re: FM Control Surface Issue
  14. Totally. The full explorer plugin (not the 'light' one that comes with) is a must-have too. In fact with it's external program (compiler) execution and debugger integration plugins, I've been thinking about it's use as a MIOS IDE, especially as it does ASM highlighting too, as it could be used as a single tool for both ASM and C apps (and those that use both)... Hmm </hijack> :-X
  15. Thanks for sharing that one man!
  16. Oh I must have missed the memo that said playing a musical instrument should be easy ;D I could list "limitations" like this all day (I bet that you've often wished you had one more envelope or one more osc)... but we can find new ways to use the tools we have to achieve different results.... it's just part of the artform that is synthesis.
  17. Hehehehe that is so cool :) (And also a good demonstration of why looping and random generators don't impress me musically - cool for robots, lazy for humans) ;D The turning head thing is so freaky though... It just made me draw a timeline: Yellow Drum Robot... Johnny 5... T1...
  18. It definitely is ID 1, not 0 as you had expected - this can be seen be the upload request. As you say though, we can use the change_id app and fix that right up :)
  19. Sorry Arnak can you be more descriptive? 3.41V would be too low at most points (the correct voltages are listed on ucapps.de) but could be normal at some of them.
  20. Lookin good! You'll probably hate me for mentioning this but.... You only need one J4 header, as IIC is a serial buss, so it just needs one header after the rest of the chain (banksticks and iic_midi) BIG thanks for all your hard work on this! I know you've gone to great lengths to allow for everyone else's desires (even if you didn't need them) and it's very kind of you!
  21. Looks fine. That might be a good idea in futureman ;D
  22. This sounds like it might even be a problem with your midi connections. Could be lots of things. How do you go with ain64_din128_dout128_v2_0.zip? Edit:I would upgrade to the latest MIOS Studio also, you mentioned it's 7b2... What MIOS version is on the PIC?
  23. Aaaaand how long does it take to make yourself a quadzif? Just don't tell Hermes.
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